Show PROVO carr wheat per bu new 40 to 45 pits caw to 80 hay alfalfa per ton 4 hay wild per ton 5 hay Timmothy per ton potatoes at stores far 20 to 25 apples per bu 20 to 40 peaches per bu 85 to 81 prunty german baans white per bu to cabbage per car 60 to 60 celery perdiz 25 to W alfalfa aeed per ib 5 to W beef steers live per ib 2 to 2 beef cowa live per ib itoe veal prime dressed af veal common 61 pork light blockier block per ib 5 pork heava per ib af bees per doz 16 to 17 batter per lb 20 honey choice comb 9 to 10 honey extracted canned 4 to af chesse prime antton prime per lb 6 i mutton common per ib 4 poultry spring chickens doz poultry chickens old each 20 ducks wild per doz HOO to pine hens per dor deer carcass per ib of bear carcass per ib cistolo |