Show TRUSTEES SALE default baying been mada in the payment of binl ie on u note dated january 1891 executed by albert hakau karbig paean bia wife nela koselka gaarn bis wife and 8 ried for fourton hundred dollars datable to tue columbia building and loan aa of den yer Colorado secured OT a deed 0 trust to clyde J eastmam East mao trustee and in case of hia death resign aaion removal or absence irom tha bonn tv of utah territory of utah or refusal or failure or inability to act then to the sheriff of utah conn ty aa in trust dated january 1891 record ert Fehr in book 8 pa kte 31 to 34 of utah county records aua whereas said clyde J eastman hah resigned aa trustee now at tha the leal bolder of paid note unit under and by vitue of the power end authority in me vested of brugt I 1 will on tuesday it ilav ot nov A i 1895 at teu am sell at at tho front tho c un tv in the of utah and Tern tury of atao ail the right title interest and equity of re demotion ofine said karen hagan roselta Kason and in tind to the fol labda and premise Bika atola the or utah territory of utan in inet wt at corner of G block sevan 17 flat A Bant quin survey theace east 40 ctet thence couth sixty two 62 tee theace weal forty 40 ket thence north sixty two 62 iest to place of beginning ghighi st and beat price tha bame will bring in baah for the purposes of paving eaid note and the interest thereon and the i of athla arnt JOHN A sheriff acting sheriff of utah county ceasor in arnat by iia dept sheriff dated oct 10 SALE warfa benjamin kirkham and jamba kirkham both unmarried by their del of tinted may duly acknowledged ad a d recorded in the office of the county recorder of utah county utah territory on the day of may 1892 in book 15 of mortgages on pane 63 conveyed to the un der signed as trustee the following described land and premiere prem ieee situate in provo city utah county utah baund ed and as follows to wit 9 rods west of the northeast cornar ot block plat A provo city survey of building lots ti west 3 roda thence noab 6 rods thence east 3 rods to of beginning of description otherwise as the west of plat A in the county and territory of utah contain irn an area of 15 square roda of ground m trust however to lecure the payment of a certain promissory note therein foni hundred dollars dated may 1892 and delivered by james and banjamin kirahan to provo commercial and cavines savines bank and payable at the provo and savings bank in provo city utah one year after date with interest there on it th raiq of 1 per cent per mouth aiom date until paid and whereas paid treat deed provided that in case default be mado ia the oay ment of any of the indebtedness there by secured either principal or interest then paid deed to remain in force and the said party 0 the part or in the event of thu death disability or absence from provo city or refusing to act or gutber of the party of the second part anen the sheriff of utah county utah or any of hia deputies then acting may as successors of the party of the second part proceed to sell eaid described property or any lart thereof at aubie to the bidder for cab either of the parties to paid deed being at liberty to become ahe pu chasec at puch saie at jhb rankine house rf said provo sud binkin provo city utah first giving twenty daab public notice of abo time terms and place of said pale and the property to be sold by advertisement in bome newspaper printed in tha english and published in aard tirolo city and upon such sale the said party of the second part or ha ahall execute and driver ft deed or deeds anfee of the pi eisold to tha or haars ol 01 the proceeds of sale the expenses af ana and campen batian or caid Bucce Baor for bia services second to pay the third par trita successors or assigns for tabea mech eDica lien covenants in said trust deed coD tamed per month interest thereon data 0 pay 1 bird to pay tha ciote abote and 8 interest up to ane daroff h the event at their beins a surplus bof euch proceeds then to pay each earplug to the of the part their or fifth in caso of tho deficit enca ot buch proceeds eda to detate aa ac count credit aham bant paid on said note and certify euchee fi clency and i whereat ahai saul ancee ia dee and remains wholly except the acm ot 00 together toge thep with the antor eat on abe balanco bf as in said note provided since the day of july all to the aura of and whrena Whre aa the halda r of said aate has requested the trustee to proceed to bell said accordine to the contained in boid deed of arnat w the and bt mid dededi ol 01 trust to efa ference aridag ari dat there holder aall tha above described land and rt r t siblie venda esto the highest bidder in banking house of the provo dav in alah monday the ath day ait o vember at noon of for the of bald 1 a and hia eaid and fally carry inz aalthe contained deed of dated it provo city jhb dar f utti ya eadd smoot aa J W ir attorney for amt |