Show present alyea at telegraphic spee i aaa fio baat retires too late doea times smokes and alas that re should have to say sliewa too much to bacce the consequences are dyspepsia a general absence of bt lobust and which characterized our ancestors and a manliest proneness pron enesa to early decay regular hours a due allowance of iron for the diamse and altogether of chewing tobacco in with a conree of stomach bittera will in ninn cases cut of ten i ft ice con sequences of the abuses of the laws of health indicated A want of and bilious neBB are kmonk thosa conee ana alv are bodily ills to the removal of wl iab the bitters ia specially adapted no is attic bittera it ss fitted to overcome ni prevent fever and ague kidney and bladder arnu ies and rheumatic ailments it ia alao a tine and promoter of consales con vales cence |