Show IS ALL A m f the defeat of statehood sought LEADS THE WAY etc committee culls the con president smith tn I 1 ks the washington D C october 1895 tribune special eastern pa pera tor several days pact have been filled with dispatches from salt lake giving details of an alleged conspiracy on the part of the mormon church to control tho coming elections ij utah to the advantage of the cau ticket these dispatches are directly in line with the articles written during the past summer from salt lake and printed in the new york times and other democratic papers their object has been manifestly to prevent the issuance of a proclamation by president cleveland admitting utah to the bister hood of states on the ground that the indications ware overwhelmingly that the republican party in utah would be permanently republican the fear of a republican in utah manifested itself during the last congress after the enabling act had the house and had been sent over to the senate although the senate was under complete democratic control the committee on territories of which senator faulkner was chairman pigeonholed pigeon holed the utah admission lill tor months and it waa chiefly due to the action of the republicans aided by senator shoup of idaho that the dust was blown off the measure and it was reported to the house delegate cawlina was greatly agitated during this period over tha danger that the bill would tail and at times expressed himself freely upon the subject more freely than he would desire to see in print the democrats in the senate had received tips from democratic officeholders in utah that the outlook for the democratic state was not as good as they had previously led democrats in washington to believe for weeks the fate of admi esson hung in the balance in the senate and the delay in the reporting and passage of the bill was solely due to a concerted attempt on the part of the prominent democratic senators to indefinitely postpone ita consideration and during the past summer continued attempts have been made through the eastern democratic press to revive the old antagonisms between the gentilee and Ator mone and to prejudice the people of the east against the admission of statehood of the territory the dispatches of the last three days to have had the same origin as those of months ago the washington news tonight prints a column and a half under the headline people in utah will defeat statehood and asserts that the mormon church las comb out openly in the endeavor to control its voters influenced by george Q cannon and other leaders the democratic ditale committee met in salt lake esterday io re apenae to the call leaned by chairman howera the laened from 2 until 11 leat night with a short early in the evening and the of the conference waa the issuance of special call reconvening the state convention that met at ogden on the ath day of september 1895 tit salt lake city on tuesday the day of october 1895 at the a m 8 the deseret news monday evening was to publish the following from joseph F in place you may bay for nie thui 1 and sincerely endorse written by woo draff chich yoa tho ame M before published in the E er he expresses my sentiments and I 1 beaire to renew the alaur uce 0 my in any cil eatery man bae the to a free ballot without coercion or dictation fairly construed my at the are not of the mining in both political cartiea have placa upon them 1 WM upon church discipline not upon politics at all and I 1 neither fald nor intended to say anything that abrald be interpreted aa a alre to compaan the defeat of any candidate tiie obligations under which a min holding the priesthood is to bo are his in authority re one thing his political faith and conduct are another thine I 1 referred to the former and bad no thought whatever of being aa meaning the latter 1 I moat certainly object to beine and am equally averse to being I 1 accordingly desire to reiterate that I 1 wished intended to influence any inane vote i and if any persons then prent have bought to use my name or any marks to win others from their allegiance they have done me an ic and haye a liberty ahk disapprove of and hereby claim I 1 want ali people to be honert trob and reli itile in all their doings commercially and L ast of all do I 1 desire to brine to any or party or to any other candidate or arty by the of either dictation or that amov derive weight only of my position in the church |