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Show FOR RENT .or Rent Housekeeping JJootns N-rHrTrTThe clean, c'oiv front housekeeping: rooms; close in- rVnsonahlo: 1,0 :liililroii. I'-'st SouthTeinplo. ii-l:iu MROOMS modern, slt-epInK porch. No children. Call after 1 p. m. sr. 9 Ureen street, 9lh s-. De- 6,h a,ld Tlh K-s, 5" FU RN1SH front housekeeping rooms; heat liKht and phone furnished; t-as range;' no children. 421 So. L'nd West. - jjNFURNlSHUU rooms. screned-ln porches, ground floor, Inquire ;;s W. 6th South. rH?ll THOU S K E K VI N O rooms, close in. 3 15 " Canyon road. Also 1 sleeping room, ?6 per month. : NICELY furnished front room for h. k., ground floor, gas for cooking, $5.00 per week. SOS i.th Kast. m537S ONE, two and three clean, well-furnished h k. rooms; one room with kitchenette' kitchen-ette' reasonable. m So. 4th East. mJMSO rl'MHERl-ANn apis; newly timed; refurnished re-furnished complete; strictly modern; !' 50 per week to 307 E. 2nd South. " m:;sru LARGE, cool room, pantry, ground floor; $2 per week; use of phone, bath, light. i;76th East. nS61 LA ROE, well-furnished room for FT kT; close in; 1. S-; reasonable. 27 North State. ni' BEAUTIFUL, large front room, in strictly modern home; kitchen privileges. 2S F Street. mo74S 3 MODERN housekeeping rooms; free light and phone; nice lawn; on car line. Was. 5376-J. 620 Sth ave m6199 COOL, nicelv furnished front rooms; reasonable. rea-sonable. 127 Pacific ave. Was. 7502. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES as' 117 Boston Bldg. Hotel Rroker. m.;r.,00";a, XV"" f'-r-'ished housekeeping a ailments; clearing $05 per month above ail exiienses. $S.io. easv terms. modern hotel, centrally lo- ?,'n,.' r. Uur wi" aoU ,'hel'" " easv .;, V or tr'ltl fo1' llol"C frm or i, 1 "s.,he "Ulst "lire n account of fused reasonable offer will be re- i.?,If ''i00'1'.' n" on onp floor: Rori transit tran-sit it location; rent, including steam heat and hot and cold water only $05 per month. Small payment down, balance In ta.sN monthly payments from profits. I nave listed almost every hotel In town that is tor sale and worth buying, from beforeu"": " PaJ' 5'U ' sce m ... D. BARNES. "as- 4ljI- 117 Boston Bldg. n4;iS Sl'ECIAU SPECIAL. Best hotel buy in Salt Lake 26 rooms, nicely furnished, one floor. 2 entrances hot and cold water in each room;- low rent. Make me an offer. It's going omc-k and cheap. Ross C. Davis, 113 So Main, upstairs. n6179 HOTEL FOR PALE. 40 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water wa-ter in all rooms; has both commercial and regular trade. House full every day Just the house for two ladies to run Best town near Salt Lake. Don't miss this opportunity. Terms. Address W-lfi, Tribune. m4654 7-UOOM house, furnished complete, all rooms occupied and paying. No. 222 Twenty-third street, Ogden. Phone 302-lt. Am selling because of change of residence to Salt Lake City. Price $600 cash, or might arrange trms at Increased price. Call Was. 44515 after 6 p. m., Salt Lake. r69 FOR SALE For Sale Automobiles WHEN YOU SHE A FORD. Think of THE UNIVERSAL CAR CO., FORD Sales and Service. Quick delivery on new Fords. Factory equipment and methods. DRIVE IN AT ONE-TWO-THREE STATE STREET. (You can't forget the number.) h4305 USED PARTS FOR USED CARS. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN UTAH. MAIL ORDERS-PROMITLY ORDERS-PROMITLY ATTENDED TO. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. UTAH ACTO WRECKAGE & SUPPLY, 425 AND 427 MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PHONES WAS. 22S7. . h643 1918 FORD touring car $260.00 1917 Chevrolet louring car, model PHI 550.00 1914 Velle roadslar 350 .00 1916 Ford coupe 450.00 1915 Chevrolet touring car, model 190 675.00 CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., 141-143 East 1st South. Phone Was. S4S1. i nS B-PASS. Saxon. 5- pass. Overland. 6- pass. Chalmers, 1917, light 6. 3-pass. Buick. 7- pass. Chandler, 1917. 6-pass. Oldsmoblle. TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO., 1:7 South Stat-.. Was. 4057. in 52 4 3 FOR SALE, AT A BARGAIN, 191S FIVE-PASSENGER FIVE-PASSENGER BUICK CAR, SIX-CYLINDER, PURCHASED ONLY A MONTH AGO AND HAS BEEN RUN LESS THAN 900 MILES. OWNER LEAVING CITY AND M I 'ST SELL. ADDRESS FOR SALE For Sale Furniture FORCED FURNITURE SALE. 40-lh. mattresses, contain no fiber, excelsior ex-celsior or shavings, $5.75; six-foot fumed oak dining table, 6 leather chairs to match, $35; linoleum, $l.i5 per yard; rugs, $13 and up. Used furniture- taken In exchange for new and sold regardless of price. Take Sugarhouso car, get off at 2122 So. 11th East. SUGAR FURNITURE CO., Hy. 1731. m5464 MY husband Is in Idaho. Saya sell beautiful beau-tiful furniture of S-room house, close In, east side, low rent, long lease; Income 5 rooms $36.50 more than rent, leaving 3 rooms free. No reasonable offer refused. re-fused. Cash or terms to suit. Come, see tor yourself. 326 E. 2nd Koulh. n510 V1CTROLA, nail tree, rugs, rockers, sewing sew-ing machines; other household articles; leaving cilv; must sell this week. 209 A fit. Was. 2032-J n227 FURNITURE of 4-room apartment; party leaving city. Address Z-7, Tribune. m6701 WE buy, sell and exchange furniture. Oberg Furniture Co., 167 South West Temple. Was. 1172. n!13 S-ROOM houset urnlshed ; house for rent and furniture for sale at a great sacrl- flce. Call 107 North Main. n!97 FUMED oak dining room set complete, with bullet and china closet. Apply 905 E. 5th South. k235 8. & E. Furn. store, 319 State St., buys, sells and exchanges all kinds of furniture. furni-ture. 319 South State. Was. 3023. v714 FOUR rooms of high-grade furniture for sale and house for rent. 786 Logan avenue. . n2S0 ELECTRIC washer, wringer and motor, $20; coal range, $20: kitchen cabinet, $1S. 250 East 5th South. n5S9 n'uucr ..,.. fMFIturo .-hear. R4S FOR SALE ForSale Miscellaneous JUST the thing for cafe or sort drink parlor: 1 counter, 2 back bar with mirror, 1 wall case or cupboard, 3 beautiful chandeliers, chande-liers, 2 partitions, 1 buttermilk um, 2 gas heaters. 1 hot drink outfit. 2 slot machines. ma-chines. Apply 754 B. 6th South. Phone Hyland 1351-M. h6632 FOR sale 5x7 view camera, with Gortz- Dagar lens, 6 plate holders, tripod, carrying car-rying case; $55. 1x5 camera, leather carrying case, three plate holders, tripod; $15. One medical battery, double coil; $5. 537 So. 2nd West. C. Koblnson. n583 $3000 WORTH of an American Fork mining min-ing stock; a good property at a sacrifice, sacri-fice, for an auto. Address Y-20, Tribune. m6520 500 SHARES I3uise Mining Co. slock at 6 cents share. 1000 shares Dugway Mines, Inc., at 3Vi cents share. Will trade. Was. 6437. 162 So. 2nd West. m6883 NEW Burrowes portable pool and billiard bil-liard table, 3-9x6-9; complete equipment; equip-ment; perfect condition; $50. Owner gone to war. Was. 628S. n252 GARAGE, motorcycle, saddle, wood saw, heaters. Was. 8936-J. 726 Glendale ave. n247 ONE Clark Jewel gas range and water heater with pipes; $30. 376 E. Eighth South. -Call Hy. 871-M. n249 VICTROLA. sewing machine, typewriter, books, gas, water heater, gas plate, wheelbarrow, etc. Leaving city; must sell this week. 209 A st. Was. 2032-J. n226 HOTEL range and refrigerator, piano, showcase, steel safe, cash register, complete com-plete lunch counter outfit. Western Exchange Ex-change department, 313 State. Wasatch 1.9.11 e2228 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Imravedn( FOR sale The bent buy on the southeast bench. Modern 5-room bungalow, with garage, hardwood tloors and built-in features, fea-tures, newly decorated; lawn, fruit and shade trees. Home perfect In every detail. de-tail. As I have to leave town, you can save $500 if von bijy. this week. Phone owner, J-v. 2978-M, or call 1115-M, Emerson Emer-son ave. F. W. Williamson, 1150 Erner- son. n.'il.. WE are now in a position to help our customers purchase their homes In the country. We write fire Insurance. We purchase contracts for homes. Call and see us. MUIR & SEARS. 325 Mclntyre Bldg., Care of Western Realty & Investment Co. Phone Was. 4990. m4522 P"OR SALE By owner, beautiful 6-rm. bungalow; 3 front rooms finished In selected gum, with quarter-sawed oaJ floors; bedrooms, kitchen, bath enameled; large cement basement, with 10-year guaranteed hot-air furnace; was built on old prices. Price $4350. Easy terms. Inquire 1422 So. 10th East. Hy. 477-W. m3357 ' D. BARNES. Was. 4751, 417 Boston Bldg. 3 acres improved farm; good 4-room house; 8 miles south from City and County Coun-ty bldg. Price, $2300. Easy terms. D. BARNES. n439 CROMER & CO., . 159 Main. Almost new bungalow. southeast, $1600; 2 lots, $S00; 617 East 1st South. Very cheap. n344 104'l CHICAGO street 3 rooms, pantry, closet; lot 50x150 feet; shade trees, good fence and outbuilding; city water; nrlce SfitKl: $20 down. $8 Der month. Own- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE J Farms and Acreage j A.K).; the ood things offered the puu- i - in these times of doing VCiCK ! HIT in nrod ucinK foodstuffs is now bc-hitf bc-hitf offered In the Metropolis valley In Nevada. The vahey ia very productive, and maintains a surplus supply of water: natural drainage: three permanent streams running- in the valley all the year; culinary culi-nary water obtained at less than .'!0 feet. i and the very best; unlimited free grazing j range tor your livestock. Town i'lth all erluca tional advantages and social or-ganizattons. or-ganizattons. Railroad connecting the best markets. 70 families now with us and lie I ping M r. Hoover conserve by raising morn food. 20 new families this year, with a number arranging now to see the valley. Our selling plan helps the buyer,, the company interested, and the government. govern-ment. If you wisii to till the soil and be in a valley with advantages around you, we ask that you see the Metropolis valley. val-ley. You lose one day's time from Salt 1 Lake City, and the fare each way is & $7.o6. We . have no disappointments for you, and references, along with complete detailed information, are yours for the asking. ask-ing. M. U Hill, 1072 W. -Jth So., fait Lake City. Wasatch 7259-.J. njJ02 CHOICK IDAHO IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. Five sections of irrigated land in the k famous Upper tvnake River vailey ; will i grow wheat, oats, barley, peas, alfalfa, potatoes and sugar beets equal to any land In the intermountaln country. This land will be sold at a bargain for J cash only. Owner intends to go to war. Will sell all or any part. Office Phone, Wasatch 4509. Residence Phone, Wasatch 5041. m6377 Hli-ST improved farm in Camas Prairie, price JJ5.000, cash, balance on terms; 20u acres in crops go wit h place. Also several other farms for sale at Gooding, Idaho. For information write A. Wilson. Rov- ,1fi. Goodin. Idaho. n274 mo;i XFor Rent Furnished Rooms vTnDSOH HOTEL, 22b Main St. Summer Sum-mer rates; nice, clean, light rooms, S4, Ji50, $5, ?6, $7 per wk. 75c, SI per day, Nice lobby, hot and cold water, telephones. tele-phones. Newly cleaned and renovated. Best service; new management. m4240 NiiHAUTlFL'LLY furnished strictly modern mod-ern rooms, largo lawn, trees, $25.70 to people without children, ?30.0o with children. chil-dren. Call mornings, after 10. 555 Tenth East. nlll ONE or two line, wen-1 urn., mod., airy rooms, suitable for either 2 gentlemen or two ladies. 224 E. So. Temple. ' m5439 NEW Salt Lake hotel, 372 Main 75c and Jl day; $3. S3. 50, $4 tc $6 week; clean, nice lobby; good service, phones; hot and cold water; free bath, ml633 FOR rent Nice room in private iamily; all conveniences; close in ; lady preferred, pre-ferred, Mrs. Joseph, No. 50 Woodruff apts. ki435 ROOM for gentleman in exclusive corner apartment, two blocks from Hotel Utah; first-class; references. Wasatch 437 i- W. m44S9 ROOM with sleeping porch, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 924 East 2nd South. h5225 1M1 SOUTH STATE ST., STK1CTLV MODERN, CLEAN, COOL SLEEPING ROOMS. ?3.50 UP PER WEEK. m61 1: FURNISHED rooms, modern, pantry, gas and electric light. SiO So. 4th Eat. Hy. 3116-M. m3146 FRONT room, hot and cold water, nicely furnished. No. 5 Louise apts. Phone Was. 7S83-J. m2296 FOR rent Double house, 3 or 6 rooms. 452 Sego ave. (formerly Pearl). Bert Christy, 3U0 Boyd Park Bldg. Phone Wa- satch 1067. m5645 TWO desirable front rooms, with sleeping porches, In modern home; gentlemen pf.'Jred ; garage; references. 218 E st-ltcUM st-ltcUM mo359 FOUR 2-room apts.; income $65; rent $:10. 26S So. 2nd East. m4255 Miscellaneous WH AT-WILL YOU TRADE FOR THIS LOT OF SECURITIES? ?200 in Libertv bends, TWENTY SHARES of Tampa-Cuba Cigar Co., 200 shares Elevator Saftj First Appliance Co. (Salt Lake), 2000 Liberty Oil Co. Must be taken together as one lot. What do you offer? Address Trib-une. Trib-une. n34S FOR SALE Good paying bank in northern north-ern Nevada, located in sheep and cattle section. Opportunity for party with ability. Carries position of president and cashier. Good, clean business and in good shape. Reason for selling, ill health. Address F. R. Sprague, McDermitt, Nev. m400S THE best equipped blacksmith and shoeing shoe-ing shop in Park City, doing good business busi-ness the year-round; have band and rip saws, jointer, drill press, etc.; well stocked with material; all machinery Is run by five-h. p. electric motor. Will give terms to responsible party. Address Ad-dress B. E. Hartwell, Park City, Utah. m6725 FOR SAfcK General hardware, paint and oil store in one of best towns in California; Cali-fornia; population 3000; surrounded with dense population and great wealth; stock and fixtures about 515,000; annual business busi-ness about $35,000; no trades considered. William - Payne, 312 Cory bldg., Fresno, Cal. m6S34 FX)R sale or trade Confectionery, cigar, tobacco and magazine stand, soda fountain; doing a good business. Will stand investigation. Address box 62S. Jerome, Idaho. n75 A 10-ROOM modern house, well furnished, fur-nished, fi rooms permanently rented, rent $40, on east side; will sell furniture reasonably. Terms if desired. Phone Wasatch ?"$2-M. m6939 FOR SALE Complete small steam laundry; laun-dry; tost $2500; sell for $1000 cash. This is a bargain. The Shenon hotel, Salmon, Idaho. n407 COOMRS-HAGEN SHOPS. M. E. Callahan, Mgr., 133 E. 4th So. Auto repairing, wheels made, spokes replaced, re-placed, rims manufactured, springs made for every make of car. We lake the squeak out of your wheels. m4254 1 IIUDfcMJN a-pass. touring car. 2 Moore "30" cars. 1 White '2 -ton truck. 1 Maxwell touring car. Yellowstone Park Garage, 5th So. and 2nd East. hi 92 1917 FORD roadeter, wheels all one size, electric tail light, one extra new casing and tire rack; mileage less than a thousand; thou-sand; in perfect condition. Call Wai 1463. n241 USED 2-ton Reo truck,' one year old, stake body, 3 brand new tires; save $1000 on this practically new truck. Our price $1100. White Motor Co., 36 South West Temple. Was. 846. m6163 FORD delivery car, good mechanical condition. con-dition. Just overhauled. 435 Milton ave., or Regal Cleaning & Dyeing Co. m52S7 CENTRAL Garage Co., Inc., expert automobile auto-mobile repairing, washing, polishing, oiling and greasing. Bargains in used cars. 405-7 So. West Temple st. g5513 FOR SALE First-class condition, Fierce-Arrow Fierce-Arrow 7 -passenger, newly overhauled and painted. For particulars call J. H. Cook, state capitol. m3103 BY OWNER One 1917 seven-passenger Studebaker and one Appenson ton truck. Can be seen at Yellowstone Park garage, 5th So. and 2nd East. mu713 BY owner One Buick light six, 5-pass. automobile, for sale cheap. Inquire Yellowstone Park garage, cor, 5th South and 2nd East. n 125 5-PASSENGER Saxon Six, in fine uondi-dition, uondi-dition, overhauled this spring; $450 cash takes it. Phone Murray 525-R-3. n417 OVERLAND roadster; just overhauled; no reasonable offer refused. H viand 26:,'9. . nl27 BRING us your old tires. We pay up to 10c per pound. The Tire Service Co., 4?f) South Main. Was. 26S7. mfi902 So. 4th East n5S6 For Sale Pianos, Phonographs $350 Pleinze, Kimball make $175-00 $300 Rembrandt, slightly used 165.00 $450 Conover, light oak 175.00 $350 Harvard piano 125.00 $55 Columbia Grafonola 37.50 $115 Yictrola, same as new 90.00 $30 Yictrola 20.00 $18 Columbia, same as new 12.00 Fisher's, 141 E. Broadway. Was. 5871. m6879 GOOD piano for sale cheap for casn. Was. 4156-W. Til'ii FISHER"S Music Store buys used pianos, talking machines, records. Was. 6871. k5752 Music Rolls and Records USED talking machines, records and piano rolls bought and sold. Fisher Mutric Store, 141 E. Broadway. k!745 For Sale Books DYKE'S Automobile and Gasoline Engine En-gine Encyclopedia, 1918 edition, right up to the minute, $3.50. Theatre Book Shop, 76 E. 1st South st.. opp. S. L, theatre. ni?968 For Sale Sewinglaxjunes MACHINES sold, rented, 50c week. Walker Wal-ker Electric Co., 159 South State. Was. 4703. m330ti A $65.00 drop-head Singer, fine condition, only $16. No. 50 E. 6th So. Was. 6 1 5 2 - M . m6911 For Sale Washing Machines NEW electric washing machine, $50, easy terms. 159 So. State. Was. 4703. m3305 SNOWBALL electric washer, new. Hy. 2SS5-J. n!4 For Sale Horses and Vehicles FOR SALE A good, gentle horse, weight 1 4nn Ha II Was 1 Western Mac BARGAINS in new and second-hand generators gen-erators and motors; armature winding. Thomas Electric Repair Co., 69 W. Broadway. Was. 1246. oS03 1 WILFLEY table, 17 tons 25-lb. rail, as good as new; new drill steel. 10 3x5 copper plates, 1 30-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse motor, 2 15-KW transformers. Box 1074, Boise, Idaho. m5485 FOR sale Knitting machine, with con- i tract for steady work; earn $3 per day. -t 2335 So. 8th East; Mrs. J. M. Quick. j nl31 WILL sell cheap one Clark Jewel cabinet ! gas range, and will buy a combination ; gas and coal range. Phone Hy. 907-W- n306 30 MILCH cows, and 11 heifers 1 year old each, for sale. No. 1526 So. 6th West st. m5064 GOOD soda fountain and electric carbo-nator. carbo-nator. Inquire Brigham St. pharmacy 467 East So. Temple. k435S PIANO (rosewood), needs tuning, $25 cash. 281 Fairmont ave., 2nd West, bet, old 10th and 11th South. m5014 1200 FEET of 8-lb. T rail, cheap, in Day's F( rk. Big Cottonwood. Inquire 634 So. 4th E. Hyland 985-R. m4469 MAKE an offer Lot 16, block. 2, Muscatine Mus-catine place, 8th West, below 8th South street; paving and sewer taxes paid. Oscar .Groshell, 249 State. k5234 FOR sale Cheap, beautiful upright grand piano, very fine tone; also Vicirola with records. 160 West 15th ave., Garfield, or 424 East 2nd South. n474 SOLID gold hunting case watch (stop watch attachment, to trade for good bicycle or motorcycle. Wasatch 8333. 134 West Broadway n573 SMITH Form-a-truck, one ton; also a pair of harnesses; sell cheap; party has to leave town. 876 So. State. n486 LUNCH room, high-grade fixtures; a real bargain. 261 So. State. Also 6-acre tract. 20 minutes from city. n208 NEW electric washing machine, $50; easy terms. 159 So. State. Was. 4703. m330S er, 218 West 3rd North. n!87 8-ROOM house, partly modern; lot 4x16 rods; fruit and Miade trees; a bargain. See owner direct, 816 Ashton ave. phone Hy. 277-R. h!091 BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern home, 9 IS East South Temple, at a bargain. Own er leaving city. Must be seen to be appreciated ap-preciated nl"l 4TH AVE. and K st. 4 rooms and bath; $18.50; contains gas range, bullt-ln kitchen cabinet and one disappearing bed. Key next door. Phone J. C. Wyatt, Mgr. Semloh hotel. m4309 5-ROOM modern "white brick"; fruit trees, 30 rose bushes, all improved. Ixt 40x175. Chicken coop. Must be sold; cheap. East side. Hy. 2292-J. m5S8S BEAUTIFUL home in ideal residential section of the city; cost $27,000 to build. For sale at bargain. Phone Was. S50. m6169 FOR sale Beautiful home in most exclu-i exclu-i sive residence section of the city. Cost j to build $27,000. Will sell at a bargain. j Phone Wasatch 1850. m6778 I 4-ROOM frame house, rear 453 East 9th South, cheap. Phone Douglas 140-R. i m6475 I FOR SALE Nice home, 4-room brick I houBe, modern; nice flower garden : cheap. Hy. 269o-R. n545 IF your hJme or lot Is a bargain, see Aahton-Jenklns. -47 Main el vl For Sale Canyon Cottages PINE LODGE, Big Cottonwood canyon, nicely furnished, clean cabins, ready to move Jn. Prices reasonable. Apply premises, prem-ises, or see J. E. Glymoure, 114 East Broadway. m3766 FOR SALE Three-room cabin, partly furnished, at Brighton, Big Cottonwood. J. M. Thomas, 308 Utah S. & T. Bldg. ! n-15 SALT LAKE and Ogden residence proper! prop-er! v to exchange for southern California, Califor-nia, "j. L. Welshans, 32 E. 6th So. Tel. $1650 For sale by owner 2 acres land, 3 -room brick house, chicken houses, garage, choice fruit trees and small fruit and all kinds of garden stuff, flowing well, water in the house; beet place In state for chickens; just west of Second West, on 45th South. m4360 28U ACRES, irrigated, improved farm, fully watered, with townsite, for $50 per acre. Worth double now. Want good income city property. Also have first mortgages, $10,510. Call from 3 to 6 p. m. 201 V2 E. 4th South, upstairs. kS131 5V6 ACRES in East Mill Creek, 14th South and 27th East ; excellent soil, good fresh air and water; will raise anything: any-thing: make me an offer. Hy. 2464-J. k3627 FOR SALE! 560 acres level land, rich soil, water filing for tract. Will sell at a bargain , if taken at once. Terms to responsible persons. Address Z-4S, Tribune. n480 VALUABLE irrigated fruit farm, 140 acree, close to railroad, starting to bear; fine improvements; 4000 trees, berry patch. Address P. O. Box 152, Draper. Utah. n541 : FOR public and homestead land informa- I tion in San Juan county, Utah, write H. L. Rath, surveyor, Monticello, Utah. ? m6519 J 80 ACRES dry land in irrigated district, j on mam road. Address Y-52, Tribune. ; m6617 j movingTst p tT?JUAXrE?'M PING. The old RELIABLE REDMAN f COMPANY. If you want service, call ua. I Oldest, biggest, exclusive handlers of f HOUSEHOLD GOODS in the WEST. REDMAN FIR-EPROOF STORAGE CO. 136 So. 4th W. Phones Was. 8002, 8003. ' CALL me. I will tell you what your moving will cost. My specialty Is longdistance long-distance moving. We have the moat powerful pow-erful auto van in intermountain west. We will move you anywhere. L. C. Harris. Har-ris. 222 W. 6th South. Was. 7215. 5a40 In; very reasonable. 157 N. State. m620S ICELY furnished sleeping and house-peeping house-peeping rooms; terms reasonable. 134 E?Vlst South. m6218 FURNISHED rooms, 58 W. North Temple, Tem-ple, No. 6 Miller apts. Was. 4207-J. m61S3 NICE room, with sleeping porch, two beds; breakfast if desired. Was. 45S9-R 135 F st. m62S9 FRONT parlor sleeping room, cool and snady. Was. 2515-R. Also other rooms. mGS05 DESIRABLE, airy rooms; fine location; reasonable. 465 East South Temple, apt. - No. 4. Was. 3718-R. m6624 - X1CELY furnished rooms for rent in pri- vate home; location very desirable. 342 . South 3rd East. m6960 COOL furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen; modern. 17 West Fifth So. Wasatch 7965-W. nl KLKGANT LY fur. sleeping and h. k. rooms; board; garage. Was. 3926-J. 319 ; East South Temple. n64 BEAUTIFULLY furnished, 2 or 3-room suite, modern and cool. 11 Emery apts. : Was. 7SS3-W. nolo OXE or two rooms, newly papered and painted, modern ; reasonable. 616 So. Main. nZ22 2 ROOMS in modem home; one $S and one $10; 2 blocks from postoffice. Wae. 1773-J. , n419 XICELY furnished large room, 175 4th ave. Was. 7312-W. Gentleman preferred. pre-ferred. n525 3 'ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping. 141 X. 5th West. Was. S487-R. n527 ROOM on lower floor, with private family. Telephone Wasatch 7425-W. n73 -VICE, pleasant room for gentleman; - cloae in. Tel. Was. 4292-W. in 5 7 30 PLEASANT front room, large closet, for gentleman only. 165 W. 5th South. n231 : V " THE CRAIG, . 1 Eagle Gate and First avenue. ga9 ' OVBEST location in city, $3 per week and P. Raymond hotel. ml 332 4i Afc Wasatch 1773-J tor the best and rv Tnosr reasonable rooms, close in. m692S NICE, cool, modern room, close in, $2.50 per week. 337 So. 4th PJast. m6930 FURNISHED rooms at the Zion hotel, i6 Main st. Was. 8121. m66S9 A VERY pleasant room. 3i Kensington '.. aptj hl30 $500 A MONTH can be earned if you have $1000 to invest In a local business busi-ness proposition established 12 years. Address Ad-dress X-56, Tribune. n200 WANTED A man with a few thousand dollars to invest in a first-class proposition. propo-sition. Full information, address Y-10, Tribune. m6300 A BUTCHER shop and grocery store combined, doing good business; reasonable reasona-ble price. Was. 3525. 66 W. 4th South. m6016 FOR sale reasonable, or will trade for auto, fully equipped theater in good town; chance of a lifetime. Address A-l. Tribune. n5S7 INSURANCE or realty man with $1200 can buy half interest, with $100 month-Iv month-Iv income. Address Z-23, Tribune. n591 FOR SALE 2 3-room hotel and apts. Phone Was. 4080-R for particulars from owner. m5377 FOR Pale Good paying bakery, doing $25 to $60 per day. Sickness cause of selling. sell-ing. Address X-52, Tribune. n9 FOR SALE At once, tailor shop in Semloh Sem-loh ho i el. with lease; cheap for cash. I am drafted. Wasatch 16-'.. n277 WILL give 12 per cent interest for the use of $600; good security. Address A-3, Tribune. n554 A SNAP Small cash grocery, stock and fixtures. 127 9th East. m46:l CARPET CLEANING - CLEANING, restoring colors, removes grease or stain. Frank Martin, 27 So. W. Temple. Was. 7276. h5835 SUTTON sanitary electric beat and colors restored lixl 2, $1-25; quick service. Hyland 2300. . g4069 ELSMORE, quick shot cleaner, color restorer re-storer proces3. Cleaner for sale. Wa-sateh Wa-sateh 1006-W. . h5223 Vacuum Cleaners DODGE BROS, electric vacuum; rents $1.25, loaned free if you buy rug shampoo. sham-poo. We (.lean rugs, 5c yard. Wasatcn 7036. S3845 FOR SALE, VACUUM CLEANERS. The "Royal" does more work In less time at lower cost. Call Was. 6, Capital EleCo. k5089 THOK fleaner, free trial, rent one. Walker Wal-ker Electric, 159 South State. Was. 4703. m3309 CALL Eardley Bros., Was. 6700. We rent them, $1.25 a day. 37 E. First South. h587 5-PASS. touring car, tires in Al shape; engine perfect ; looks like new; cheap. Phone Was. 5948. k5067 A NO. 1 5-passenger Ford, 1917 model, $350. 124 Apricot ave. Call Wasatch 4812-W. m7023 USED CARS of all kinds-. Sharman Automobile Auto-mobile Co., 51 So. State. Was. 6707. g6324 WK buy and sell used cars only. See Hahn Brokerage Co., 107 No, 1st West. Was. 4264. g6576 HAYNES touring car, 5-passenger; in good condition; will sell cheap. 772 E. 4th South. Hy. 3047-J. m2530 FOR SALE Second-hand Ford coupe top. $30. Inquire Mr. McCurdy, Alkire- Smith Co. k5S26 ONE twin-cylinder Indian, reasonable, or will trade for light horse. Apply 952 So. 4th Kast after 6:30 p. m. m3016 EXCHANGE roadster body for touring, Ford, or will buy touring. Address W-3. Tribune. m4313 FORD touring car, 1918 model, fine condition; con-dition; 4 extra tires. Address W-3 7, Tribune. m48S9 30-H. P. speeder, in Al shape, nearly new tires; would make fine truck; sale or trade, $225. Phone Hy. 2613-W. nL'84 THE LINCOLN GARAGE, Inc., can read-ilv read-ilv sell vour car. Ask for Mr. Baker, Wasatch 903. - n534 FOR SALE, cheap Four-cylinder Studebaker Stude-baker roadster. Call Wasatch 5056-J or 155 North West Temple. n572 SEP' our line of used cara J. P. Fowler Mfg. Co., 41-59 So. W. Temple. el41 STUDEBAKER, in good running order, $250. Hyland 1207-R. n310 FOR sale Dodge car, 5-passenger. Call Was. 57S0-R. n3U 5-PASSENGER touring in good condition, $225 for quick sale. Was. 1351. n342 MUST sell my 1918 Studebaker at once, as I am drafted. Hyland P29-W. n482 For Sale Ball Bearings WE carry a complete stock for all makes of cars and trucks. Write, phone or wire and we will have your correct bearing on the next train. White Motors Company, 36 So. W. Temple. Was. 846. m5723 . Autrnobile Accessories THE Wellington Auto Top Co., 167 Social Hall ave.; Was. 7446; manufacture manufac-ture all styles of de luxe tops, plate glass lights, seat covers, trimmings, and tops aroni Co., 244 So. 4th West. m3112 YOUNG mare, Belgian and Clydesdale and Morgan. 4 years old; lost one eye; $60. S. E. White, Farmington, Utah. m6811 Al OUTFIT for sale; horse, 1450, and mare, 1450; well matchd black team; cheap if taken at once, at 336 E. 6th So., rear. m6721 SOUND, gentle horse, harness, buggy; also some Belgian hares. 738 W. So. Temple.' n209 YOUNG saddle and buggy horse; cheap if taken at once. Phone Hy. 1053-W. m6500 GOOD young, heavy horses, at 440 9th East. Hy. 2163, week days. m5269 1400-POUND team for sale. Call Was." 2971-M. m3373 GOOD cattle range for lease. Gray, 325 Felt bldg. n335 For Sale Poultry and Pet Stock BABY chicks, special, while they last, Brown J eghoi ns and Black Mlnorcas. 1086 So. 4fh East, also at Vogeler Seed Co. m6296 WANTED Home for beautiful white col-iie, col-iie, female, pedigreed, defective hearing. hear-ing. Address A. Fancier, 1503 N. 6th sL, Boise, Idaho. m6501 400 FRIERS, 400 pullets, 300 laying hens, 3 Leghorn roosters, 1 Rhode Island Red rooster. H. G.. Niess, Centerville, Utah, 4 blocks east of the store. n477 THE classiest Boston terrier pup (male) in the state; priced to sell. Call 806 Park st. m6564 50 WHITE Leghorn laving hens, 1 vear old, $1.. Phone Hy. 1692-.T. -n597 Eggs and Poultry SHIP your eggs and poultry to the Utah Wholesale Egg & Pooltrv Co., 458 E. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Hy. 59S. High-est High-est prices paid. k33l6 For Sale Livestock ONE fine boar for sale, 1 year old, $35. Address Z-56. Tribune. n 78 IorSaJe- Ho SIX fine young sows; will farrow in about 3 or 4 weeks. Whs. I :'73. n239 For Sale Macninery 7x10 STEAM mine hoist, $500; 6 ft. concrete con-crete mixer, $225; will rent 20 H. P. marine type boiler; 1000 ft. 3-ln. pipe, 40c ft snn ft fi-in nino TTirr ft Vv1I.,.-t w, MISFIT tailored nulla at less than half their cost. Nobby Sultorlum, 219-21 South State. y468 THE largest line of uncalled-for clothing cloth-ing in city. Nobby Buitorium, 219-21 S ta te. d!39 $70 SHOE patching machine, $25. Walker Electric Co., 159 So. State. Was. 4703. m3304 CHERRIES; very best; come in your auto and get them. Alfred Gardiner, 164S So. 21st East, or Hy. 3217-R. m5691 GRAY & DAVIS starter complete;' good condition. Inquire 622 Judge building. Phone Was. 2375. k31 NEW and second-hand talking machines at reasonable prices, or will exchange on pianos. Fisher's Music Store- Was. 5871. k646 TWO good soda fountains and secondhand second-hand bank fixtures for sale. 32 Rich- ardfl st Was. 3210. h2452 VIOLINS, cellos, guitars, mandolins. Room 313 Constitution bldg. Jorgen- sen Repair Shop m6904 ONE electric washer, one coal range and lots of carpenter tools. 434 S. 5th East. m5457 SEWING machine, 8.50. New washing machine, $10.00. 159 South State. Was. 4703. m3307 TWO nearly new large rugs. Call after 6 or on Sunday, 649 Main sL, Bing- ham. m6S68 CHOICE cherries for sale, reasonable. Hy. 3217-M. 1751 So. 19th East. m6893 FINE dark quarter-sawed oak hall tree, very reasonable. Address Y-32, Tribune. Trib-une. m6S07 ONE Durham heifer, milking nine weeks; one Jersey, five years old, milking seven weeks. Hy. 3048. 2415 First East. n!07 TWO beautiful diamond rings; one solitaire, soli-taire, one with 3 diamonds. Address Z-59. Tribune. n596 LADIES' suits and dresses, nearly new. $2.50 and $10, and other things; must be sold this week. Was. 9039. n6i3 GOOD cow for sale. 40 West 27th South. Hy. 450-W. n437 $100, INDIAN Motocycle, 1914 model. Ap-ply Ap-ply 47 West ath South. m3337 CHERRIES All kinds, Arthur Gardiner, 1429 So. 21st East. Hy. 3202-J. m4701 NEW refrigerator. 40-lb. capacity; sell cheap. 859 Green st. m6274 1 JERSEY fresh cow, 4 gallons milk a day. 835 So. State. mfiSOO 5 POOL tables, complete; cheap for Wasatch 6152-W. noOf WILL trade 40 acres of land for horses, truck or auto. Wasatch 9054. 77 West 1st South. m6646 5 ACRES ground, all garden, with 5-room house, flowing well, 10 shares of water; 3 blocks from car line; prefer Ogden property. prop-erty. 466 Redwood road. m6664 FOR sale, or trade for car, 4-room house, 2 lots. 1459 South Seventh East. E. T. Young, Pocatello, Idaho. m4245 SALT Lake income property, income $155 per month, California preferred. 2735 State street. Hy. 1094-J. ml61o 6-ROOM cottage, in rear of 978 E. 6th South. Will accept automobile on purchase pur-chase Drice. Was. 3S24. m5711 10x20 RODS, with 3-room frame house-724 house-724 So. 10th East. n472 Real Estate To Exchange FOR Oakland, San Francisco or vicinity, two modern 7-8-room houses, close in on Third avenue. Address V-47, Tribune. m40O4 MONEY UN FARM AND S. L. PROPERTY. PROP-ERTY. WE ACT QUICKLY. Glen Miller, Pies. George Sutherland, Vice President. K. D- HARDY, Cashier. THE HOME INVESTMENT ic SAVINGS COMPANY, 6, 8, 10 West First South Street, r3644 THE COUNTY RECORDS PROVE we make more loans upon real estate than any five competitors combined. Could this be accomplished unless our Lnfcthods were right? Call and let us explain. TRACY LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 151 South Main St. gl3US MONEY to loan on real estate at low rate of interest. HOFFMAN EROS. LOAN & TRUST CO., 21 E. 1st South. Was. 2232, m2123 LIBERAL loans on watches, diamonds. jewelry; $iu for i)c; $5 for 7oc. Larger loans proportionately less. Contidential. Provident Luan Society, 'uo Kearns bldg. e2U6 WE make liberal loans on real estate. Call on us il you need money. Stelter Invtstrncnt Company, 28 West i:iid SooLh. &644 MONLY to loan on anything of value at legal rates. Reliable Loan Oftice, 66 E. iind South. Business strictly confidential confi-dential h437 J. M. TRUITT'S motor vans for prompt and careful moving; long-distance haul- i Ing a specialty. Phone Was. 4390. y3470 FIREPROOF storage; also expert packing and shipping. Keyser Fireproof Storage -Co. Phones Was. 5722 and 5723. y2-479 . CALL Mitchell, Was. 4061, for moving, packing, shipping, fireproof storage; 1 i large and small auto vans; long-di stance 'J moving. a2S55 . ; Y CALL Hy. 1833 or Was. 2197, horse or auto van; best prices. H. W. Ash-worth. Ash-worth. - k2159 STORAGE, packing, shipping. McPhee Piano Moving Co., Was. 179S. b2728 CHIROPRACTIC PARLORS I bldg. Hours, 9-11, 1-4, 6-7:30. Was. ! 4938. X-ray laboratory. Outside calls. 1U997 DOCTORS MULKEI & MULKET, chlro- practors. Was. 5013. Hours: 11-4, 6:S0-8. 21. 222, 223 Mclntyre bldg. h538f W. H. PYOTT, D. a, Ph. C., 523-4-5 Felt bids. Hours, 9-11. 2-4:30, 6-7. Wasatch 64o3. ml647 H. F. WILSON, D. C, Ph. C, 313 Brooks Arcade, 3rd South and States sts. X-ray laboratory. Was. S295. m2666 CHIROPRACTIC adjustments, female troubles a specialty. Ida L. Haag, S27 East Fourth South. Hy. 3516. m3952 W. II. PYOTT. D. C, Ph. C, 523-4-5 Felt bldgL Hours, 9-11, 2-4:30, 6-7. Wasatuh 64.3. n536. JUNK DEALERS HIGHEST prices paid .for second-hand automobiles, old clothes and junk- sacks luc. Hy. 1719-J. m6032 HIGHEST prices paid for all junk. 144 W. 3rd South. Was. 6630-J. x2l24 JunlJJldlothesks, Bottles O. GOLDBERG, 743 E. 6th SoToSvely pays the highest prices for Junk, bottles, bot-tles, sacks, l-c; second-hand clothes and frrniture. Hy. 3105. cl467 HIGHEST prices paid for Iron, rags, cop- per. brass, bottles, 2nd-hand clothes, shoes, sacks 12c a piece, and second-hand ' automobiles. H. Guss. 844 So. 3rd East. Hyland Soo7. e32t9 LAUNDRIES WORK back same day (ir requested,). o extra charge. PALACE LAUNDRY CO. nrfico it ivvsr 1st Smith ' in. Ill East South Temple. i568 1 LARGE, airy front sleeping room. 22S So. Temple. lv.s.i SLEEPING rooms with sleeping porr-h. ;'. strictly mod. K. So. Temple. nr.n.T, For Rent Unfurnished Rooms TWO unfurnished rooms, screened-in :. porches, ground floor. Inquire :s West ?th South. ni"19 . PRIVATE house, 3 clean, modern rooms. W14 So. W. Temple. Was. 1843-M. m377S THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. 1012 Lake st. Phone Hy. 256S-R. m5744 THREE unfurnished rooms. Call 520 E. ' : 2nd South. m3762 y UNFURNISHED rooms, modern. 402 N. Ut West. m2820 r H5H55iIlTADERMISTS EVERYTHING in the ur and taxider mist line; remodeling, repairing and cleaning; a complete stock of manufactured manufac-tured furs; 2i years in Salt Lake City; mghest prices paid for raw furs. R. jgsl Fur Co., 315 South Main st. k993 ' STORAGE, remodeling and repairing; fur t.ca-t8 made to order by expert furriers. . Hudson Bay Fur Co., 238-240 Main st. , . U4511 GENEVA C. HICKS CO. Fur garments c "Paired, cleaned and sold. 68 S ,sthEaat. h29S9 ,xSSFtE line of high-grade furs; re-' re-' Pur .J"n8- repairing, redyeing. Left's jj, -LJJWp ' g2392 ; -ANCING tt1' to dance in four lessons, dally. Award's, 34 Main st. -1243 i SECOND-HAND CLOTHING I THE .National pays nigh prices lor men's clothing. 271 too. W. 'J eniple. Was. 6854. ; h!993 AUK 'IUKDuN pays more suits, shoes. suitcases, tools, etc. Was. 833S. 164 Regent street. m4369 TOL'K old clothing. Will call, fcjalvation Army. Phone Was. 3187. r2191 NO matter what others pay, 1 pay more for old clothes. Was. 3365. e8 KING pays best prices for second-hand men's and ladies' suits, shoes. W. 1467. nl97 EDDIE GREEN PAYS CASH for old cJothes, sl.oes, etc. Was. 1503. . h24S8 PAINTING, PAPER HANGING 22sTwrlTTloAvesrrTces! wlulpaper cleaning, painting, paperhanging, kalso- mining. Was, 4697-J. w4(U ppLlt cleaning, paperlianging and kal- sominmg; prices reasonable. Was. 42o6 Work guaranteed, , r-167 PAINTING, kalsominmg, 'vaU- paper cleaning; work guaranteed. Wasatch 733K,. Utah Paint Mfg. Co. KB008- 7-TT save vou money painting, paper- tU'n-in" linper cleaning and kalsomln-iJJrhjn7J1WJ kalsomln-iJJrhjn7J1WJ n "lURNmJREJ vptTfurniture repairing, refin-ishhig refin-ishhig and French polishing. Hy.177. vuZlAMS & SONS, 166 N street. Was. 2856. Upholstering, repairing, chairs rccancd. 031 recovereu, um uunc uy epeii wutk- men: material and workmanship the best. Branch shop at Pocatello, Idaho. h585 For Sale Motorcycles 1916 INDIAN power plus, 3-speed; almost like new; run less than 2000 miles; speedometer; tandem; $200. Was. 5143. n223 ONE Indian Motocvcle, fully equipped, J 30. 856 So. W. Temple. n581 CARPENTERJVORK K. K. DAEEAS, building contractor. For building homes, carpenter work, remodeling, re-modeling, cement work, etc., call Hyland 3281, or 1824 So. 10th East, for bids. All work guaranteed first class. m5S9f, FOH carpenter and alteration work, garages ga-rages and screen porches call Hyland 659 -M. m4780 FOR carpenter work, remodeling, cement work, etc., call Was. 48l:'-VV. y2600 CALL up Was. 4315 for building repairing repair-ing and cement work. h453 SEWING MACHINES WE rent and repair all makes. Work guaranteed. Used machines rebuilt like new. Very reasonably priced. White Co.. 29 W. 1st So. Was. 5234. n?24 Sewing Machines Rented 50c WEEK, rent allowed on sale. Walker Electric Co.. 159 South State. Was. 4703. , m3310 CETYLNIEWELDINi ALL kinds of repairing, key fitting; cheapest. Nelson, 67 bo. State. Was. 6.2S9. k6:0i in machinery and supplies. American Machinery Co., 810 Walker Bank Bldg Was. 1990, m5599 WOOD W OKKJNG machines for sale. 1 belt eander and 1 sticker. 39 Richards street. hl88 FOR SALE 1 electric passenger elevator, complete with cage, loOO pounds. Wilson Wil-son hotel. m4132 FbjJNDRYTjTOyEPA CALL VV estern Foundry for all kinds water jackets, stove repairs. Wasatch 4474. klO RANGES connected, $J; water jackets cleaned, $2; L jackets, $3 ; stoves repaired. re-paired. All work guaranteed. Hyland 2178. E. E. Morriss. hllQ RANG LOS connected, $2; water jackets cleaned, $2; L jackets, ?3; stoves repaired. re-paired. Alt work guaranteed. Hyland 2178. E. E. Morriss. nl59 ALL KINDS of repairing done. Water jackets cleaned. Hyland 1207-R. gi091 CHIROPODIST ltkiSl2ab15t 725 Mclntyre bldg., 6S So. Main. Waj. 2809. kl874 DK. F. VAN HOUTEN, D. C. O. All ailments of the feet treated. 241 Main St. Was. 7676. C25S9 MARY H. BUTLER, chiropodist; arcn corrections. 233 Judge Bldg. Was. 89S3. gUtn OSTEOPATHY DR. G. A. GAMBLE, 510 Mclntyre bldg. Hip, spine and nerve specialist. z2395 DR. A. I,. VINCENT. 322 Felt buUdlns. Spinal and nervous diseases. c!579 cai.il. let. "... urojoy GOOD second-hand brick, cheap. Was. 1424. m2964 YOUNG, fresh Jersey cow for sale. 2306 So. 3rd V-ast. Murray 330-M. n333 100 WORK coats from Jt to J4. Nobby Sultorlum. 219-21 So. State st. d3072 DROP-HEAD sewing machine, only JS. 1341) So. 4th East. K6279 &J5COND.HAND. suits from 55 up. Nobby Nob-by Sultorlum. 219-21 South State. V467 3A KODAK, leather carrying; case, cheap. 505 Richmond apts. n577 ONE Rood coal bed and wagon; $25. R56 So. W. Temple. n602 Electric Supplies, Wireing, etc. CALL Jaa. tiwyers Elec Co. tor anything electric. 203 E. 2nd South. Was. Tim. S4125 Engineering Instruments SALE or rent, by day or month; reasonable. reason-able. A. Duke, 435 Atlas bids. m5016 TYPEWRITERS NEW typewriters, Corona and Royal; all other makes rebuilt, for sale or rent. Utah Typewriter Exchange Co., Wasatch 4S36. 36 W. 2nd South. r2950 ALL makes for sale or rent Sold on easy payments. Shipped on approval-Write approval-Write for our price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co., 321Va So. Main. Salt Lake MAIL your films to iichramm-Johnson, Drugs, Salt Lake City. We develop any size roll, 10c; any size pack, 20c Other finishing prices corresponding- We pay return postage. m!066 tiALAKllil people accommodated without with-out delay or publicity. D. U. Drake, 303 Scott bldg. f3Jt4 ON Utah and Idaho farms; liberal options. op-tions. Miller i Viele. iu3 Kearny blag. allti SALT Lake loan office. 76 E. 2nd 0. Liberal loans, uii an inmg oi value. Z274J KEED money? We loan it at ngfit terms on real estate. A. Ri enter Co.. SB So. Main. Was. 8S73. e431 SALARIED oeople permanently employed. em-ployed. Call at 401 Walker Bank build-Ins. build-Ins. Business confidential. k41u6 ON improved farms, 7 per cent. See Giesy Co., 714 Kearns bldg. k57 4 7 MORTGAGE loans without delay. Kritscn, 201-202 Felt bldg. cl82J FOR real estate loans see Tuttle Brothers Broth-ers Co., 161 Main st. Was. g341 " mCYCLES lib SKCOND-HAND; NEW TIRES; .EXCELLENT CONDITION. J. W. GUTHRIE BICYCLE CO., 228 EAST 2ND SOUTH. WAS. 859. ; h4072 Bicycles Repaired NEW tires, tires and bicyclo repairing; reasonable prices. Turville Bike Shop, 128 EaMt 2nd South. miaS INJMOWERS SHARPEN ED AND repaired by expert, at your home, work guaranteed. Call J. H. Curtis, Was. 15d5. t'5374 LAWN mowers sharpened, baby bungled retired, key fitting. C. A. P'owler Novelty Nov-elty works, 112 W. nd So. Was. 49S0. k242 Office 70 West 2nd South. Was. 687. Ofiice 70 Kast 2nd South. Was. 1481. Ofliee o'S East 3rd South. Was. 3710. Works 75S East Fourth South. Hylanc 2d62. 662. Laundry brought to offices saves 25 per cent. cl708 CURTAINS and fancy clothes laundered with care. Was. S350-M. Call for and deliver. m43S3 footeciaList HAVE YOU LAME F'EET'? Weak Feel, Fallen Arunes, Flat Foot, Bunions, Callosities will disappear through corrective treatment and aajnstment with the proper arch support tnaoe to your measure. Worn in any shoe; positive posi-tive comfort at once. It costs notliing to call and talk it over. .1-1 A N S E N LA F.O R A TO R Y. Orthopedic Specialties. o2tj Walker Bank Bldg. nl7 DRAFTING MECHANICAL auU patent drawings, ' maps, plats and tracings. Industrial Engineering Co., 435 Atlas bldg. Was-6260. Was-6260. gt96o ture Co.. 32 Richards st. Was. 3210. h5S6 WINDOW CLEANING WLNDOvvo cleaned and general house-cleaning, house-cleaning, doors waxed, oiled and scrubbed. Call up American Window Cleaning Co., Hy. 2o87. b26S4 TOUlsENTKxN PAINTTNG GET the habit; follow the crowd, and let me paint your house. Albert B reel re-el ow, house and sign painting. Wasatch 7404-M. 2i6 E. 2nd South. mS |