Show weary ami worn when the thed factory operative the yeary outdoor laborer ibe ivr aea c boos keeper or clerk seeks a medical eusa lor expenditure of bodily force where shall le find it could the recorded experience 0 thousands of voiced tha vardi t would be that stomach bitters renew ailing et ecith stimulates the mental powers to freen activity and relaxes undue nervi gus tension BB nothing else doe digestion a resola babit of body ap petie and are promoted by it and it is an admirable auxiliary iary iu tho of helth by A bomach bot kofl e bcd by it a d to 0 oth eppes in delicate health ahn oc feel the need nf an anif ohp ranee of he 0 the catalogue rata logue of etan dea aut a more noe an fn or more decisive one it lipo for levar and etue and roa blea |