Show all hands are busy unpacking the abisa 1 I abb TT f S 1 ct 1 1 faa BM 1 1 jj CS A J lal As soon as they are uncased we are going to start off the fall business with watch this space and look out for our hand bills lJ 0 i 8 ial w balls tal bivs i I 1 SO 7 b say y 14 CENTRE STREET PROVO mm amm ATTORN bibat LAW bank building PROVO UTAH H if I 1 S KNIGHT LAWYERS rooms 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING AT LAW rooms 6 and 7 bank building UTAH J W H rooms 11 and 12 corn and bank building PROVO CITY UTAH THOMAS JOHN AT LAW excelsior bock up stairs at airs UTAH S K KING attorney at law loom 1 2 3 and 4 sc martina Mar tinB banac ald PROVO city UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building UTAH D D HOUTZ AT LAW rooms 4 and 5 bead smoot block paavo UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT LAW 1 I and 6 reed smoot block PROVO UTAH J E at law 28 N J street provo city AT law collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH SAM landscape painter coraor r and ath fire and life insurance J MARWICK Ant of new york norwich union ot Loudon northern of lindoo Lini oo Ameri cAti of toronto NA lite of vermont life of dea moines kt t martina Mar tint bank cita CHAS DEMOISY boom 16 bank building centre st a PROVO UTAH J M STULL ATTORNEY AT LAW 2 doors south of rockhill hotel spanish FORK UTAH E A WILSON attorney at law boons 6 aud 7 bank building urah attorney nt law bank Eni idio PROVO CITY UTAH S H ALLEN coloty physician surgeon B U W office at residence smoot brick house 1 block east afi tabernacle PROVO CITY UTAH DR G H KEYSOR DENTIST grown and bridge work a specialty all work fully guaranteed rooms 2 and 4 bank building UTAH W B CIVIL ENGINEER Ini gation and water power plans special city surveyor of provi deputy U y office at court house UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath at PROVO J F floyes M D physician mi sargeon excelsior block over pyne drug store PROVO CITY UTAH office hoar 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A mccurtain D AND office palace blace residence 2 bank corner rel ephone no 45 office so 28 UTAH K B E L JONES knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH as ana K buei avd mark r and all older pate it baui in tiie bal onibe annl bedora iha boula promptly 1 jhoo receipt of OP belch ot in make examination and ish ift walli A art tt Wc caud beaz in attendance app ir hay i for anakin le archea tor tue mora golub gO tUB ana ot applications for for itten Jinn lo 10 au ef to my jire lu the pasi bl time veta and twin sti adelo sn JR LITTELL y lloyl and attorney in aaa bw U B patent offida thid water is a aare cure for aam miners indigestion catarrh palpitation of the heart and all kidney and n noaa and wachel uy laundry mr J K secretary aol aal trea eure of the corinne mill daml and took coriane utne in of chamberlains cough remedy earb 1 I co neider it the beat in the market I 1 hava used lauy kinds but find cham most prompt and effectual in eivins beliel and now freeo no other in mv loua when trouble with a arh or cold remedy a trail and wp assure you that MI will be more hen the result for sale bv smoot D neco PIon cylo loan on farni and property low in apply to B ir irvion block prove to toun on imor oveil arm and city tr term five years with of part payment nf any b thi money is loaned on mortgage mort sage thereby to borrower the lawt fal in caso of foreclosure low raia ol 01 interest call on or write i george A duzenberry at county rei cordera cord erg office provo city USE ruke ol 01 taking the city water will do well to cil on th In for the coat of connection to tho main eltea or mj to coat ad nia a bif city kindly line bared by era hoesa bya ls A ladya gold watch on sunday forenoon beir N L belsons nelsons Nel sons residence fourth ward finder will bp rewarded by leavine same at tho enquirer office for sale A 15 horse horizontal engick and UD feht boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo city arnica TUB in the world for cuts bruises sores TT cera ball fedei sores tetter chapped hands chilblains Chil lains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cares piles or no pay required it 19 to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per bor for sale by excelsior drug paint co wanted by the trustees of the vineyard school district ee aled prop for the build in of three outhouses out houses in aard district with claua and specifications which shall be furnished by the trustees all proposals be opened at vineyard house on saturday the day of Oci oher 1895 at 11 a m the board leser vea the right to reject any and all bids and shall require ot such contractor a bond in double the amount of the contract conditioned that he will perform the conditions ot the contract in a faithful manner and in accordance with its provisions all necessary information will be furnished by the clerk of the board all communications should be ad to john billips Gil lips clerk of board lake view P utah dated abia the day 0 vineyard utah county utah CHRISTIAN W D LEWIS 3 JHN trustees our free offer the long winter anina Tn ina can b aery profitably devoted to bat ahert are ome things taftt w mast red tb tar round one of these ia a local paper th beet in th counter ia babora yon another ii a bood home paper of azen bral circulation circa lation each M womankind fox ica tince which cordei once A anth filled frith the but thoua lor the hou seita we are fable by pedal with the to offer frea for a tear to every to oar dapar ind we are glad to do so for VB we convinced that no home paper la Aai oric constana con tana moro of practical valce to woman bright Bt orlea clett the lafewt faeh ioni news of TT omana work articles oa motherhood of flow ere a parliament di chislon of matt of interest aro a fw of the bright fet turea of womankind to the head of tha donaa we offer on ane game terms farm saws an able agricultural paper edited by a practical farmer miller eq lat bbate lecturer of tha ohio Far meia al liance and filled each month from able that it an abol nt to ivery wide awake farmer chii pap forth aaning provided pro Tided yoa lira a subscriber to our remember tery paid in to Is entitled to hie choice of either of thae Tal lynar blabon about thu offer A cample copy of both may b obtained by addressing add co utah and 07 ft year ix t TH and at oae othman oth Mat fra tf cry for pitches Oae torl tick aks alec 1 or RR ties wonted delav ard on the line ol 01 the U P railway at once apply to S bovo povo FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR cigarettes aase FINEST VIRGINIA y TURKISH TOBACCO WE HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN IN MAKING THESE cigarettes the amen can tobacco 0 o successor zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays five per cent interest per annum on any deposits you matke write for ry aso M CANNON prest cashier Delivered to any dart of the city bock springs lump castle gate lump pleasant valley ln mp winter quarters lump bock springs nat castle gate nut anthracite i 1100 YARD TELEPHONE 17 send for prices forast FRUIT TREES TREES AND ornamentals ORNAMENT ALS evergreens EVER GREENS ROSES CLIMBERS LAWN GRASS SEED HARDY GARDEN BOOTS BULBS HOUSE PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING DESIGNS PAMPAS PLUMES I 1 estimates made on parks and landscape gardening part payment in trade to bait the times west 3 st P 0 box 39 provo city only gold medal in utah held for fancy japan foliage plants caveat and trademarks obtained aa buri less conducted for MODERATE faiai i OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE US PATENT ad wo can secure patent in less urne inmate from washington model or photo with we adlite ad vite II 11 or not free of i charee our fee not duo tilt balent i secured i A how ia obtain patent wua cost of sime in the U S and countr toa sent free aass OP olac C ti ati S 1 ml AT mairan MAiR Tn iii keeps always on hand MEAT home cured hams and bacon bologna and pork sausage PURE HOME MADE LAED PAID FOR FAT LIVE STOCK MY MOTTO lowest prices consistent with best quality and honest quantity D proprietor bakera of ENGINES AND BOILERS IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS MADE AND l BICYCLES STOVES AND LAWN MOWERS ALL kinda OF PIPE P 0 box 91 ITY t vu drugs paints oils gaass and wall paper Ij argest block souli ot silt lake city at PINT afi caas al falm full line of liquors and bottled beer family trade solicited H S PYNE mgr AT 9 T hync mairena Ma ibena drug store at redl a ced LOOK OUT FOR big stock of lew goods sace nalea scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge |