Show TUB mayors course is commended by this journal in the matter of his appointments and the people of provo regardless of politic are emphatic in their approval of the appointments point ments submitted by him to alic council the partisan six who pro pose to rule or ruin arc not helping their case in alie least the mayor waa elected by a large majority of the voters of this cit yand lie possesses alie sole right to make certain appointments this fact the voters perfectly understood when they elected him ae long as mayor holbrook sends in the names of worthy and efficient man the council has no right to reject his appointments it is duty under their oaths and to the public to confirm every one of the appointments the council has no business to consider the question aa to what political party alio appointees train with the question with them should be are they qualified and reputable men the mayors course has been fair throughout and he has unquestionably the support of alie taxpaying tax paying classes of the community alie taxpayers will hold the party in alie majority in this city responsible for alic kropar or conduct of alie municipal administration and the partisan six should bear this fact in THERE is too much delay in settling the utah county contest cases it seems to us there is a bamby pamby notion on the part of republicans that democrats ought to be given all advantage of doubts and parliamentary practices because democrats arc in the minority that benefit v as given them before the utah commission and now we do not eee why it should also he accorded bliem by alie house settle the contest fairly and expeditiously is what the public demands WE regard gen harrisons letter declining to permit his name to ie used again for as placing him outside of alie list of probable candidates alic american people usually regard such statements and do not press their suit gen harrison has alie reputation of having y better views toward silver since liia trips across alie continent and his may not be the best for this section of the country ought to be kept out of saloons and the city council in isac on this rule being observed if violated the saloon BO guilty ought Q have its license revolted the same plan might well be pursued with re gard to violations of the ordinance against gambling THE council and mayor seem to be laying the ground work for expensive litigation over the filling of city offices the taxpayers tax payers will not find it in their hearts to excuse such suits should aliey come THE land commission is a needed state board and ought to be provided outside of estate officers there arc important duties for such a board to perform tun finances of the state will not admit of experiments in new boards for scientific or any other researches the board of health can well await future legislation |