Show coast defenses the determination of Government to strengthen our coast defenses by pressing into service without delay some of our powerful monitors now under construction or lying idly in the navy yards shows that everything is noi regarded at alie capital as being so pacific as lord Sauli abury would have the world believe in his recent banquet speech the british told the public that lio accepted the monroa doctrine but lie did so with reservations public men of both this country and england tell the world that war is unlikely ua likely and yet both countries cohn tries are eagerly watching each kotlier if a flying squadron ie put into sailing trim on the other side of alie ocean there is at once a lurking suspicion that it may proceed to this side and wreak destruction to our coast cities this inspires us with the necessity of chaat defenses and about the only means at our disposal arc floating batteries such as tha heavy monitors would be and torpedoes with the long range guns however of tho modern battle ships the latter become in a measure uncertain and impracticable what is needed are a faw more monitors after the fashion of tho they dont need to be fast sailing vessels but they ought to be heavily armored and stationed up and down the coast there is no doubt but if eng lands flying squadron set sail for this country as our coast de fences now are we would have to bear the destruction of some of our large seaport towns we agree with gen miles in his statement of the defense lesa condition of our seacoast it is a fact apparent to all and must be remedied if we are to push the benroe doctrine to recognition among the other powerful nations of our globe |