Show 22 ads L L sheeting for at the 8 jones company t acs ics cream season opens no at Fl einera cafe tomorrow bunday lt EIGHTEEN pounds of sugar lor one dollar at and reliable drugs at smoot drug co t courant M N G U will march to tomorrow CLOTHING still goes at cost at bar you got your new spring hat for easier yet get one while the aale ia on at the 8 S jones company go to the provo city lumber co for your combination fence we manufacture four different kinds at bard lime prices goto the now york cash store everything 60 cents on the dollar market drice paid for ega buttar and all kinds of garden pro duce at J W mcadam co DONT fail to see jack a the opera house on monday night SHOES dry goods notions etc etc at 50 cents oa the dollar new york cash store t THE provo silver band gave a successful ball last evening at the southworth hall the band ia to be congratulated on its excellent orchestra go to bafo for ice cream badt of pure cream try it aad be con lincea in need of green and fancy groceries call oa J W mcadam go who will give the best ot goods for the lowest prices i do you know what is the latest in parasols come to S 8 jonea company and we will show you county has secured he loan of the provo commercial and savings bank at 8 per benl per annum and the loan is for nine months prescriptions and recai pta carefully compounded at smoot drug co POULTRY fence netting 4 B and 6 feet wide just arrived at L D waters hardware store TAKE the children to wednesday afternoons performance of bearta of oak at the opera house seb little conrade in nor wonderful character of little atle you ABB bure to be very well pleased with your new creag if you buy it at the S S jones company BOSHARD A carry all he leading brauda of flour at lowest THE U 0 T A held a session today at the parker school house professor Po fessor whiting lectured asme of the teace era will atop over and hear the educational lectures tomorrow evening and lots of them at the gates furniture etore come and nee them they will auit you ag to style and prica foa A few head of new cows and bie fers are three fourth and pure bred jerseys anyone in need of a first altess cow will do well to call on mra P C BUNNELL two miles want of im JACK 0 diamond Is oa of the most plays and had netted for grismer davies the enay profit of this great attraction will be on the boards of the opera donaa on monday night next THE engagement of the lyceum stock co for three nights commencing monday april 15 is tha theatrical event of the season the class of olae produced by them is the same that made such biz runs in new york city aad all the larse cities of the east ans esaff has one red letter on its calendar each year it is when genial herb pyne of the excelsior drag store invites tho forc efrom the devil down to test bis eoda fountain and open it lor the seasons run day this year ie april 13 and ahe drug store has our usual well wishes and IN jagetic booths court to day batell thurman bhore to two compla iota j against mill jacques one charging him with tumultuous offensive and disorderly conduct and the other with prints off a revolver within the cly almita all happened on ano alth bert it ia claimed hired livery outfit and returned without leaving the pay mill wont after it IT aad bean told around town that K A barnev merchant had leased the rio grande western and when that mammoth lot of goods arrived th other dav certain credulous aeo oeo ole thought it was eo DR tames E talmage president of tha of utah and T B lewis lecture at the tabernacle on sunday they will on educational thelmaa toie announcement should have the fleet of packing the the patrona and friends of education the lecture is bader the ac apices of the city district schools will be special easter tB as the conal church tomorrow sit bibb the moraine and services ser cices at 11 a m easter music and sermon theme the hope of immortality at p m there will be an easter concert by the sunday school special easter music recitations and flowers all are welcome S rose pastor WE take pleasure in chamberlains nouh remedy because it Is praised by all who try it says J W cox tion marshfield oregon no one afflicted with a throat or lung trouble can use this remedy without praising it it always aives prompt relief it ia especially valuable for colds as it relieves the lungs makes breathing easier and aida expectoration A cold will antver result in pneumonia when athla remedy in taken and reasonable care exercised for sale by smoot drug co ston B received a letter from carl christensen Chii stensen ogden asking for aoma pieces ol 01 of clothing worn oy the dead man last week from a perusal of the letter it probable that the deceased may bo identified and that there ia a strong of bica being uncle springville Spring ville inde pendant |