Show causes excitement BEAT THE POLICEMAN he alpo laid up a citizen was bore jensen found bead nie bt last fi fork witnessed ono of boas episodes that often bad whisky ays that one tom lloyd undertook to take one clarence cateon of to bai lopping he could bleed bleep afi hia cateon lloyd in aba forehead with ft or corae other ugly weapon a bad gash and knocking him shortly afterward lloyd informed policeman hans olson of what had occurred whereupon oison went in pursuit and captured cateon at hia bittera Bia tera baaso on the east bench of spanish fork it appears that at the time of the ar rest that matson resisted furiously and that in order to subdue tha prisoner mr olson was compelled to tap him more than onca matson wilted and feigned on the way ti the cali booBe matood watched his opportunity and all of a udden batched nat ched oleona club and with one fall swoop brought the unvigilant officer to R iaz cazad mat son escaped the next day friday dieon with jally face and nearly closed eyes sur rounded with black and accompanied by city marshal moore went in quest of the escaped one and found him in ha brought before hr honor john P jonsy to answer considerable delay was hd however before matson formally brought the bar to account for bis shore colinea and daring this time waa allowed to go whither be pleased he was thirsty then and fanaly quenched his wants at one of the two fountains of zhi matson brought to the altar of justic ju itic and there the effer isace ol 01 wit whereupon the justice ordered him to the coaler antil 7 p m wherein ha could meditate upon hia course of proceeding A younger brother end a bottle of old allowed to remain with him aa hia a Iri cers the hour of arrived the prisoner wax placed in the dock bia mind lega and BOt hia brother amold a ci garetta in the court room on account ot the muddled con ilion of the a of wa declared until tuesday next and the offender placed under tb extraordinary heavy bonds of 1 40 in the assault and 2 60 in the lloyd madain lilar casa the farce la not ended it ia reported that the a aitor of the bannish fork herald has been effected with a decaying bolor and that he brot bera of thie place have got forkapa on it tug si og away at it and with edill will he enabled to drag the painful arinder from its place coat what it may spanish fork ia cursed with a alaan of SPANISH april |