Show EE 11 1895 john E booth president john henry smith vica rl 0 graham C P 01 art W D Robin Bon A oscar wilkins AND mn graham lebn 0 graham ASan at the post office at prova ac second casa matter TERMS OF SY MAIL daily edition oney in alvance 83 ferta of ft ve arper montain mont bin advance 8 siai advance TO CITY daily delivered banday CO por month in advance or 25 conta H beok address co provo city utah where delivery is irregular pleasa cake complaint at the office or throna telephone no 27 PAPER TOW friand 65 ax nn IAH where be roada for ll 11 aira has a uron lation hat every week exceeds that of the other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in utah county it hag a circulation that ex eods that of all the other territorial R combined combi nad TOBACCO WET bluffs are always allowed to ferment after grinding and various perfumes and essences esen ces are then added to give alie desired flavor THE Compa uia general of banilla la nilla employs hands and turns out every year cigars cigarettes and 2500 tons of cut tobacco TOBACCO has the power of relaxing the muscular system to a marked decree and advantage has been taken of is property both in medicine and surf vrr iti rk TOBACCO the ail come to maturity in almost any climate docs well even in canada sweden norway and north russia THE valley of alic connecticut river produces a tobacco leaf so fine and silky that it is often exported to cuba and other countries to ufer as a wrapper snow thia liniment is I 1 lion freoa any other liniment on the market it is a discovery which results in its bacina the moot penetrating liniment ever known there are numerous white imitations which may bo recommended because they pay the nailer a greater profit beware of these and demand baliarda Bal larda snow liniment it positively cures rheumatism Neura ligia sprains bruises dounda anta sciatic and inflammatory burns scalds sore feet contracted muscle stiff joints old bores pain in buck barb wire cutel sore cheat or throat and ia especially beneficial in paralysis sold by smoot drue co 2 at call ind eco the fine stock 0 opera gla pepa watches jewelry optical goods etc of which jensen bab the variety and best kind call and examine conr stock get conr pieces which are the lowest ana bargagna bar gaina suitable forthe bard times juliua provo daga the a S goat reports show royal baking superior to all our trec the long winter ev can be very profitably devoted to reading bat there are borne that we mast read the year round one of these is a local paper the best in tho country ia before yon another is a good homo paper of general circulation ench as womankind for instance which canies conies once a month filled with the best ahinga tor the busy we are able by special with the publishers to offer womankind free for a year to every paid in advance to our capar and we are clad to do so for we are convinced that no homo paper in america contains more of practical value to woman bright stones clever the latest fashions news of comans womans work everywhere articles on motherhood cultivation of biow era a homana parliament for the discussion of matters of are a few of the bright features of womankind aft the bead of tha house we offer on the bame terms farm news an able paper edited by a practical farmer miller esq late state lecturer of the ohio farmers alliance and filled each month with from ablo correspondents that make it an absolute necessity to every wide awake farmer this paper is yours for the asking provided you ara a subscriber to our paper remember every paid in advance subscriber to ia entitled to his choice of either of theae papers neighbors about this offer A sample copy of both may be obtained by addressing co provo utah corns in and pay a tear in advance to THE and beet one of these at papers free tf children cry for pitchers Pitcher 8 Castori aa castoria is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other substance it is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers cassorla Ca storla destroys worms and allays feverishness castoria prevents vomiting sour curd cures Diar rhosa and wind colic castoria relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency castoria assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healt liy and natural sleep castoria is the childrens panacea the mothers briend castoria castoria Cc storia is an excellent medicine for chil cantoria Car toria la BO trell adapted to children that dren mothers have repeatedly told mo of its I 1 recommend it as superior to any good effect upon their children known to ma DR G C H A D Ii owell mass lit so oxford st brooklyn N T castoria la the best remedy for children ot our physicians in the childrens department which I 1 am acquainted I 1 hopa the day is not have highly of their experience far distant when mothers will consider the real in their outside practice with castoria interest of their children and usa castoria in and although we only have our facend of the various quack no strums which are medical supplies what Is known as regular destroying their loved ones by opium products yet we ara tree to confess that tha morphine boething BOO thing aarup and other hurtful merits of castoria bag woo ua to look with agents down their throats thereby sending favor upon it them to premature graves UNITES DR J F boston mao conway ark A C SMITE ars tho company 17 murray street sow york city USE PUKE parties desimona sinona de ot taking the city water will do well to call on the supers for the cost of connection to the water main bates or any bolher questions pertaining to cost and use ol 01 abo city water ana erad by EPH bupt supt or miles rain allta ono cent a acae for years WiN for over fifty by of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success it soothes the child softens the allays all pain anres wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately sold by in every part ol 01 the world T venty five cent a bottle bo aure and ask for mrs Win boething Boo thing arup and takeno other timid ill aall dr miles cigars of crown paper paper cigars are one of the most recent forms of adulteration in germany where two manufacturers have been punished for making them in one case only the outside leaf consisted of tobacco the rest of the cihir being composed of brown paper previously steeped m tobacco juice and then dried in the other case the cigar maker had actually entered in a contract with a paper manufacturer to make for him a special kind of brown paper with tobacco and paper pulp the sheets babu afterward cut into strips and rolled into the form if cigars CROUP grandmothers ADVICE nine children my only wn td for adds and was onion it ie uirt a affective today to day s it wa forar yeara KO mw my take dr bonni onion barup walca 1 prepared and mor to the sold botolf CO cants there esa sold bv pyne Mi ibn easily quickly FIe stored s 1 debility fand au the train 0 evus irom early errora or al later ei ceases the results of sickness worry v etc ruu strength devell and tone given to bevery 9 every and portion i simple nat 1 ISM ural methods immell ml ate improvement been failure impossible 2000 references book aarion and proofs mailed sealed tree ERIE rEO ICAL CO buffalo HY provo opera house wr SJ J U GRAHAM manager ONE ONLY saturday Sat arday february 16 COMPACT in the thrilling modem drama in 4 acts entitled rf wf X OR the stubs victory box office otten for the isle of ait oit and saturday REDUCED S ILE OF PRICES krepf carrle 50 cents first cm ie 35 cents and 2nd circle 5 cents AND ALL KINDS OE AND SEWING CHINES tuning and repairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW SWARD IF you ARE 0 r o CITY ii ST bours or any point kaat and to a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of the dionn taina he sure to ask for a ticket that reads via abe iffa 1 ft no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest broute to the great rivers and atlantic seaboard and thoroughly modern and chair cars in which the peat are free to holders of regular train tickets call on or address S V commercial pass abt boom 21 merlau block bait lake OK general st louis mo us tar unprecedented in the history of journalism t f S f the publishers ot the ENQUIRER hate andea special with the publishers of the new MOVING advertiser and advertiser i 4 i i whereby they can ruu tha semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and oh ol 01 th above papers to a halted n amber ol 01 fot one year lor the most liberal offer ol 01 the age A braht and ten page dully oon dews and ite al natures or interest 11 avery member of the house arla and potts tie hast apoi tine an clean ana iper mi from lo 10 forty of bright and lit elgh alses met paper over the proposition and send to your subscription at once this offer will shortly be 1 1 withdrawn the greenlar subscription price of the for ona tib 1 by this offer yon get it for virtually virto ally i il ai cn copies of the advertiser can be been at the office sugar its c s sugar 20 ibs raisins 20 ibs TOO i sale for seed f the freeman potato sl 25 the rural of new york aioo the halbman keep abir pend in conr MAIL ORDERS yfeme DELIVERY to any part 0 aie city telephone 29 P P HINDMARSH W centre et provo successor to prevo L M B co WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN lumber boons windows brinds and Moul dings rustic siding T ajla bi ingles e iaci ahra lumber sawed and dressed to order scroll and turning done valley iron paint combination wire office and ard R E depot P P 0 box 79 telephone no 20 f A 1 u v u wl 1 1 THE PEOPLES blacksmith general and maeon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSE A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices J street 1 bobba north let national bank city DAVID MELDRUM THE anro eliw Bai hoad scenic line of the s r the only line two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE 29 1894 train no 2 iravea 9 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado a m denver a m cripple creek a m train no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at pueblo p m colorado springs p m denver p m connections made at springs and denver with all lines east elegant Day Coaches chair apra and pullman pera on all trains take the 0 R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent 4 etline to Cr ripple creek colo badoa great gold camp s train no 2 spaying provo at a m arrives at cripple creek next biorn l ing A A b hughea S K HOOPER traffic manager G PA T A denver colo denver colo I 1 general agent salt lake pity tit trav pass abet TAKE R G W ky leaving Provo p m connecting at denver with the train lor city at joseph and chicaro Oh icaRO pullman sleepers free chair cars oara A la carlo lacleta at EG wry office E F W F mcmillan arit fisi at abbt boom 11 over no 10 W second donth sonth BL salt lake city utah MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT t W fi I 1 AND FOB L all kinda of cunnin OTO O TO NS biant Pow derO and rase groceries etc special attention tomail orders P 0 box aalt cia WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON AAP SANA FE t the only line which runs phuman sleeping oars between Salt ISake ogda palace abair oars between ogden r salt luke city denver f aind chicago i THE SHORT LINE SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE sc f v r f if so ba bare and secure tickets reading oscr tho SANTA FE BOUTE on earlb or brovo onlie tran toafa is hoidn amelca lr train leavea rio fv ly V tsa provo af 8 50 p m EC 0 bayr dooly abent BALT LAKE UTAH department tbt tB 6 PLYMOUTH ROCK PRICES PANTS TO TO SUITS TO 1450 TO 00 loveit OATS TO Knoo TO over three hundred aad fifty patterns to emelect from latest spring now in english scotch and french goods full dress suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 41 west hafl so street salt lake city utah ATT r i t i r 5 of and dealers m PT PT A T blabe quality guaranteed v W come and corsa alse J wo HOOVER pioneer newspaper and southern IN TWENTY SECOND S g only daily t caper son th af pf salt lake con taming the Te graphic N aws of the world mis n s r aggressive ii and fearless r fc I 1 our semiweekly semi weekly edition has a barer circulation throughout all the counties comprising the first judicial district than all other newspapers combined is the organ of utah republicanism protection of home industries for terms of subscription see top of first column on second page J i |