Show JH sv HEM A NEWS YORE PAPER charges various kinds of fraud mr george Q cannons denial washington D 0 feb 13 special to iho jhb york times thia morning prints a aeden column article with a date line of sail lake charging that the republican iu that y was due to the efforts of george Q cannon who through his ecclesiastical influence abold the mormon vote to the republicans and made a political deal to help his busi neBa enterprises the article elates that J 8 Clark fion and joe manley were involved in the transaction and that wilford woodruff although a lifelong democrat was induced to vote the republican ticket early in the day in order to influence voters of the church the letter enters into many details of mr cannons business and charges by inferences that his ehrck was secured from beck v fraud that his real estate came into his b ands by chicanery and that afta a banker a merchant and an editor ha used his position in the church for hig own personal advantage it charges that he always was a democrat until the sugar bounty bill passed and he became interested in increasing alie profits of the beet sugar factory at lohi the letter asserts that mr cannons family have lived presumably from the profits of the church positions which george Q cannon haa held and that the late elections in otah and he overturn in politics in that territory were to n very great degree the result of what wes inferentially a cor deal between mr cannon and prominent republican leaders those who hava been in washington during the capt tour caara know that there haa been no visit of george Q cannon to this city in which lie did not urge most strongly republican pies and insist that upon the admit eion of utah it would bu a republican state he has been often so quoted in these dispatches with the strong reasons which rhe gave why such a result waa more than a probability the entire article referred to is full of errors of history as well as of misstatements misstate menis of present conditions the new york times closes an edi upon the auhl acaby baying the times has taken the trouble to investigate the matter and report upon it the democratic committee which haa bad little to do of late may find in viah a profitable field of investigation and activity mr cannon in years anne by haa as a I 1 ho is no longer a democrat the people ol 01 utah ought tb ba told why be has changed his cannon when shorro the telegram by a of the tribune at a late hour last night read it over carefully care fulty and then said the statement are false iu every particular I 1 took absolutely no part in frank J cannons election quietly or otherwise and in fact I 1 was very careful to refrain from so doenz because of my position in the church I 1 to be under atoo d and quoted as elating most emphatically that during tue campaign I 1 approached no one indirectly or otherwise with reverence rele rence to frank J cannons interests and did cot contribute a eicele dollar to his campaign fund neither did I 1 haab aay dealings dealin cs with J 8 clarkson ox J B manley ra lating to frank J can and for anat matter it in a well known tact that neither clark eon nor mandev had anything to do wab his election with regard to the statement that n lam lly has lived from the profits of my church position I 1 wish to gay that I 1 do not draw a single dollar from the church for my ger vicea but instead I 1 pay my tithing from an income which I 1 derive from legitimate business enterprises terp rises I 1 also wish to state farther that I 1 have never mado any money out of the chorch in any form As to the statement that my stock in the bullion beck champion mining company was secured by fraud I 1 to say that my holdings in the company have been acquired only by direct purchase and whoever says to the contrary tells an unqualified false hood with reference to hia politics president cannon stated that since bia die franchise meat he had refrained from iving any expression of his views aion political questions and bad not actively interested himself m poli acs ics in any form |