Show DAILY 17 1895 JOHN Q manager TUB number IB 27 local mention in ania colona 30 cent par line each insertion and chanaca enst b eanotto office not later than 10 a m to secure inser day awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST PERFECT MAD A pure crape cream of tartar funder pre frona ammonia alum or any other 40 YEARS the modern beamy thrives on food and with plenty of exercise io th open air her torm glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty if her system need the cleansing action of a laxative remedy ehe uses the gentle and pleas ant liquid laxative syrup of figs the worlds fair showed no baking powder so pure or so rea la leav baias power ss tho royas eisteddfod and conference kales via kio grandc for the grand welsh eisteddfod at salt lake city october ard 3rd and jtb and the annual conference L L S and homana conference L D S at salt lake city october ith ath aej aih the loilo wini rates ar authorized to halt lako return from kate lehi american Aae rican fork 1 35 gneva provo iau 2 H spanish fork benjamin 2 20 pa ason 23 goeben eureka hilyer cita alear creek 3 PV junction scofield gate price green river thompsons Thomp sons 10 CO aico F A aa generel Pape enger and ticket agent dr priced creane worlds fair highest award for sale A 16 hudaa horizontal enrina and ap riha boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo calv the goose that laid golden ases ought not to hare been klalo her fate was wholly unmerited ane was a useful fowl there are lotu of bipeds of our race who dont know half aa much as she did conspicuous for their folly among this class are the people who persistently dose themselves with vio which either hae a tendency to the complaints they are claimed to curp or else to cause a most pernicious of the aasi tern among intelligent physicians the use of drastic or violent medicines has passed sway with other fallacies alilce blistering and blendine ble edine TD doctor Sane rados are an extinct race happily for mankind Hostet stomach bitters is abe best possible substitute for drugs in malarial dyspeptic or bilionis cases abo when the kidneys or braddi r are inactive or where there is A tendency to rheumatism it is also an tonic and medicinal it may do as lucli good for you mr fred miller of irvin writes that be had a bevere kidney trouble for many years with alvere in bis back and also that big bladder was effected ht tried many so called kidney carsa but without any good result about a year ago bo began the use of electric bittera and found relief at once electric bitters is especially adapted to anra all kidney and liver pa and often gives al moet instant relief one trial will prove our statement price only at excelsior drug and paint oo 00 to albuquerque V as return for national irrigation and and new mexico fir bupt 16 to 21 for the above occasions the union pacific wiil sell round trip tickets to N M at rate ot 32 05 on sept 13 and 14 tickets until october for particulars call on or write to nearest pacific agent or D E gen abt dept salt lake city the U S goat reports show royal baking powder sup eror to all others the university of utah the next academic year sept 18 toe following courses are provided 1 cobrae in general Scie pre 2 coarse in arts 3 course in amine engineering 4 advanced normal couram each of the above leads to the bachelors desroc thy normal diploma by provision of law exempts the holder from all examinations in the school Bye tein 6 normal course leading to a certificate of graduation which exempts the bolder from examination for a period of five years 6 preparatory course leading to the collegiate studies tuition is virt naly frea in ail departments a small registration eo onla beina required A certain number of normal scholarships is allotted to each counte applicants for appointment to each must apply to the territorial ot schools through superintendents tho faculty of the university asa been recently greatly enlarged and the equipment of the institution extended for circulars and other information address J E talmage president university of utah salt laae city for sale one lot north 0 the provo oceia opeia house with a seven roomed adobe and brick building apply to wm buckley biad hows this we afler one hundred dallara reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cared by halls catarrh care F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 we the haye known F J for the last 15 hearp and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions nad financially able to carry out any mada by their flroa annai wholesale esala druggists teledo 0 KINOS fe wholesale Whole lale Tf lledo 0 hairs catarrh caral is inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the eystein free price bottle sold by all druggists Druggis tn tiffalo help wanted n f to PER DAY at home bellenz lightning clr ana jewelry watched wat chea table ware etc every house has roods need ins platina pla tinz no experience no capital no some agents are making 25 a day permanent petition addron B S dalno oate children owr and ofir little factory is running full blast ON SATURDAY SEPT 7 WE SHALL MAKE A SPECIAL SALE ON NECKWEAR 1000 at 25 cents each pairs no 1 pants all shades aad colors at each A SINGLETON suot H SINGLETON CO S apt rpt ha g w now wade right in and read it a few of our ains come in our store and see the rest 50 pcs wool delaine worth 20 now lc 20 pcs cashmere double width worth 30 now scotch plaids in cotton and wool at to all wool brocaded brocades bro cades 38 in wide nice fall shades only all wool two yards wide worth 1 25 now two toned brocaded brocades bro cades all wool per yard only canton flannels worth now lie quinea hen flannel worth now chevious cheviots Chevi and Shir tings 8 1012 15 and ladies momie cloth wrappers worth j now arti aloo fr ladies wrappers in cattoen sat toen outing flannel and lwills twills worth going now for HOO ladies heavy fleece lined union suits worth jl as offered you as a bargain just to get you to come and see our immense line of underwear for childrens underwear from up bolts of all silk n worth yard now ac lace curtains woith 1 yd now only 25 37 and A SACRIFICE ON BEAUTYS ALTAR when we gaze in delighted wonder on the exquisite creations in dress good that so enhances the loveliness of woman we little think of those who toil so deftly to produce these elegant fabrics but you can bome and enjoy yourselves by examining our stock for it is a treat come while the stock is complete and make your selection for conr new fall suit mesdames dames COLEMAN and of our DRESS MAKING and MILLINERY parlors are always anxious to meet the ladies and talk styles and prices with yon call and take a rest when you are down town whether you want to buy or not e ANNIE manager clothing stores have come and and still gone we continue to arow in sales in popularity in everyday Every way season after season a larger and larger portion of male population turns its eyes Schwa bward for what is best best in possible every way in ready to clothes wear and season after season we continue to furnish it at prices i cs that mui are simply competition proof THE FALL AND OF will find us another notch higher on the ladder of fame our assortment will be the our SK the scrutiny of an of what splendid tha e in store for you we AT oot mens strictly all wool black chevious cheviots chevi flenois flen and or less than 1200 grey casseres cas meres never belore equalled equal led for AT boog mens dickey casimere suits in s m lale less than 15 00 nety of colors not sold anywhere for AT moos the famous beaver dam tricot lawn sm gnp stock with through |