Show ficat DISTRICT COURT the tell their side of the fight this mornine the caad of springville Spring ville bathe waa continued bodge king after a littie further tea for ahe proBe cation Chorn bim told of how tha fight occar led will dark turned the water down when the were using it cherubim said that he would turn it back again and dark said aft if it was turned off again he would tear out the whole dam dark returned in a few minutes and found the water acain turned off and cherubim had in mind what he bad said about tearing out the entire dam and went down to that ii wag not done ilia mother and bisters also cama down dark cime and threatened to strike on of the girls adelaide and then cherubim moved to too front so he said if yoo harm any one of the aomen thero will ba a fight his mother nd bisters he admitted had in their hands but he had none did you swear at dark waa asked no fair I 1 swore in my lif clark bo baij took the lords name in rain to euch an extent that witness had to ask him not to swear before the bomon folks alark threatened to brain him and had a rock in his then grabbed him by the hand and said bavo to cross over my body bedora TOO harm mv mether sisters or brother clark then pulled on his coat and after when eaber throw a roc z there is an agreement to tha effect that the could the water only one day a week on wednesday this agreement was and cherubim said be had the rate in because be had increased the flow of ibe water by clabin cla oin out a farther up the canyon the other mem bara of the family cor ro borated this testimony thia afternoon toe jury retired and had not come in when we went to press georee was arraigned on the charge of committing commit tinz adultery with may honey last december aud took until tomorrow to plead MATT Baa tha grand iary thia morning reported eiehl indictments under territorial laws and two under united states 0 andrews co ys garret se sons deposition published VV K vs herman J christen een demurrer withdrawn theodore brown james wallace and jacob lawrence were admitted to citizenship zen ship |