Show reader did you ever take SIMMONS LIVER LIV ER REGULATOR the KING OF LIVER MEDICINES everybody needa take a liver remedy it is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation when the waste that should bo carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system that anu heavy feeling ial due to a torpid liver biliousness headache malaria and indigestion are au liver diseases keep tiie liver active by an occasional dose of simmons liver reg and get rid of these troubles and give tono to the whole system for a laxative himmons liver regulator ia BETTER THAN PILLS it does not gripe nor weaken but greatly refreshes and strengthens every package has the bcd 25 giamp on the wrapper J H co philadelphia ars wife of the editor of the graphic the leading local paper of miami county writes i was troubled with heart disease tor alz years severe palpitations shortness of breath together with such extreme nervousness that at times I 1 would walk the floor nearly all night we consulted the best medical talent they said there was no help for me that I 1 bad organic disease of too heart for which there was no remedy I 1 had read your advertisement in the graphic and year ago as a last resort tried one bottle of jr sices bew cure for taw heart which convinced me that thero was true merit in it I 1 took three bottles each of the heart cure and and it completely cured me JT sleep well at night my heart beats regularly and I 1 have no more smothering spells I 1 wish to say to all who are buffering as I 1 did theres relief untold tor them it they will only give your remedies just ono trial dr miles heart cure Is sold on a positive thai the first bottlo will benefit 6 bottles tor 5 or it will be sent prepaid pre paid on receipt of price by tha dr miles medical co lid dr Miles Heart cure restores health lost A ladys gold watch on sunday fora noon N L belsons nelsons Nel sons residence fourth ward finder will be rewarded oy leavene same at the enquirer office DR GUNNS FOR COUGHS aad CROUP best remedy or children pleasant to uke tad no dancer in in overdose hold avei entiero w bottlo mado by DR MED co philadelphia P sold by excelsior drair paint go boisr both the method and results when syrup of figs ia taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs 13 the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its selects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its abany excellent qualities commard it to all and have mada it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs ia for gale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who nay not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAH 0 KY HEW YORK HV west end engine boiler and bicycle repairs I 1 boiler flues welded or replaced with I 1 new onea iron and brass castings H stagg manager provo city ww ivan I 1 ANDREW EGGERTSEN ivler to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and G flooring lenber sawed and dressed to order scroll sawing and done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and lard opposite JR B depot C P 0 box telephone no 20 1 allu v u ll 11 1 x 0 in order to introduce our large stock of fail and winter goods we are to eive a D not of old stock but of new and desirable goods just the kind you want to get keady for cold weather sale commences september sll and continues for 15 das we want your trade and it prices will get it we are going to have ita LOOK AT PRICES LOOK AT PRICES 10 pieced plain dress goods at 80 worth 1 lot ladicos union suits each 10 pieces plain check D W dress goods at lac worth buc 1 lot misses union suits each 10 pieces cashmere D V all colors t worth 1 lot ladies undershirts and drawers 25 each 10 pieces manchester brocaded brocades Bro cades at ilc worth 1 lot childrens undershirts and drawers each AND 1 lot boya undershirts and drawers each 1000 remnants of dress goods 2 to 8 yards 1 lot mens undershirts and drawers 35 each just the thing for childrens dresses at half value the above underwear are BARGAINS 50 pieces of dark prints fit ac worth tic 1 lot ladies wool and cotton hosiery 20 25 eaon 10 pieces heavy blue domestic at ac worth 1 lot childrens wool and actton hosiery 20 25 each 10 pieces red domestic oil colors at alc worth hot men si wool and cotton hosiery 1015 each 20 pieces challies at worth co many of ohp bovo hose are worth a pair 10 pieces napped chevious cheviots Chevi at lie bortl lac 1 lot turkish towels each 5 pieces white shaker flannel at ac worth ac 1 lot heck towels mceach 5 pieces grey shaker flannel at ac worth luc 20 pairs lace curtains pair 5 pieces silk outing flannel at loo worth 10 pairs lace curtains pair 5 pieces heavy cotlon flannel at ac worth loc 10 pairs lace curtains pair remnants table linen 2 ak 2 and 2 yards each at about half value 50 white and grey blankets pair SHOES 25 grey blankets pair any pair of Ladies Shoes in the house for 25 white blankets pair any pair of mens shoes in the house tori 1 lot bed comforts as we have shoes at and CLOTHING you can see what a great sacrifice we are making all our ladies and our entire stock of clothing must be closed oufa as we are going out of childrens tan shoes and oxfords at cost the clothing business it will pay you to see us before buying as you can get pairs of childrens shoes at cost them at less than cost As shoes have advanced in prices it will pay you to lay in shoes 1 lot bib overalls at pair CLOAKS CLOAKS we have the finest line of ladies plush fur and best overalls on earth buc pair cloth jackets etc and in order to them we will give 15 per cent 1 lot mens hats each discount to every lady purchasing one before september 1 lot cowboys hats each 1 lot boys black hats each 1 locc boys black hats sac each this is no sale of old undesirable stock they are all bright new and seasonable goods just what you want today we are sacrificing taeao goods to ge you to call on ua as we are sure to get your trade if yon compare oar values with others 30 32 CENTRE ST PROVO CITY we are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and hope that when our C llla 81 ca T there will be added one star to the galaxy of states that will outshine reir M IS 10 06 1 them all in purity and grandeur but before that time does come you v will need something in the line of ats pry doofe groceries Tiu ware Cilas croskery Cro ekery Cn Ulery woolen boods IN WILL NEED A HOST OF OTHER THINGS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY IS AT B i sly rac J e BRIG JOHNSON manage T fc ac ty 3 alai i ii fe fr tg tl aa s a when baby was tick wo garo her Ca atorU ahm b wa A child sh aril for when she alsa cb duns to catoria bhea abe dr prices cream baking bowd i orar pair hibbeat medal highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report dr prices cream baking powder baided gold medal midwinter fair san |