Show aau participation in pare politics is the acma of citizenship A person baa no decided opinion in politics is tin in abe affairs of government all should be politicians in iha sease of interest e i ID public affairs aff aird but all people in utah should refrain aiom extreme p artisan chip politicians be in aba highest sensa patriots extreme p to keep ont of politics in utah there are still many per r aoa arlio bat who still desire good without political parries no goad government can exist the best governments govern menta of the earah are those where political parties are about equal in strength in other worda abe greatest success cornea in life through healthy opposition men talk of abe glory of united and of the good old days in utah when tho people wea nearly all of one hoart and mind our government then was very crude as abe records show and public affairs were run with many loose ends when the liberal party started and public re cord evere closely criticized there was mora care exhibited today democrats and republicans are striving to laaks the best record and one carry is closely watching the other there salt brings good government and carufel eco mony all good citizens should therefore be interested in politics they should beak to keep politics pure aud this year when tha nation is watching first statehood campaign ac example to be set to the world differences in politics ought not to engender personalities only ant people cannot differ in without getting angry and descending to vulgarities utah ranks third in education according to abe last of the united states and where education is so among the masses one may naturally expect to seo an elevated campaign we hope this may be the case in the campaign now upon us we hops not personalities will be employed in all campaign speeches good people participating in politics will parity in the campaign and therefore we urge that all citizens interest themselves in politics this fall let utah stand out boldly for burp polished and enthusiastic politics |