Show DRY THIN Is due in the majority of cases to imperfect action of the sebaceous or oil glands deprived of its proper nourishment the hair becomes harsh and brittle the scalp dry and scaly and the roots choked in a hard dry skin the purest sweetest and most effective treatment is warm shampoos with followed by liht applications of Cuti cura ointment the great akin cure they clear the scalp and hair of crusts scales and dandruff allay itching soothe irritation heal eruptions destroy microscopic insects which feed on the hair stimulate the hair follicles and supply the roots with nourishment sold the world price U 8 A coap foe prop bomon CHEM acy 11 abbat the imd akin are WORN achec and weaknesses but still alir to labor on to all anti pain WITH such PAINS is a priceless price lets blessing A flure cure for piles itching piles are known by intense when warm this form na well as blind bleeding or protruding yield at anc to dr pile remedy which acts directly on parts affected absorbs tumors allara aal a 60 acts ox aadil free dr bosanko pa sold by excelsior arne paint co dr prices cream baking powder worlds fair highest award trial of balfour LONDON aug 31 special A conference surrounded by considerable secrecy and participated in by the attorney general the solicitor general the lord chief justice and mr justice bruce as held yesterday afternoon nt the government in whitehall to consider the arrangement for the forthcoming trial of highest of all in leavening power latest V S COYS report debez balfour the ex member of parliament and hia five associates who have been indicted in connection with toe gigantic liberator building society frauds was finally decided that alie trial should commence in october next and that mr justice brice should preside it was also decided that owing to the possibility an attempt might be made to mob balfour by some of the pauperize ed victims of ins frauds a strong force of mounted police should escort the accused between alie jail and that the military at westminister West minister less than a mile distant should be held in maadi ness to respond to any sudden call know thyself from the era bradford pa too few people are acquainted with the rapid advance of medical science and too many doctors are detill plodding in the old paths once it comes to pass that people know themselves that all physicians are abreast of the worlds knowledge much of our suffering will come to an end medical scientists are not delving into the depths of knowledge for the mere benefit of brother physicians but for the benefit of the world they place in the hands of the well man a means of keeping well in the hands of the sick a means of recovery to the parent they give the power of saving the child science is working for you will you accept the proffered help mrs george rowend an estimable lady who resides at no east main street has cause to feel grateful toward the science of medicine one day recently a reporter learning that mrs rowend had been greatly bene fitted by the use of a new medicine interviewed her she stated that she had been suffering with a female trouble for many years she had been doctored for the ailment for a long time in fact nearly all her life and had never received anything more than temporary relief during the last three years her condition grew worse and was aggravated by an affection of the heart her health was so poor that she found it almost impossible to perform her household duties 1 I never believed in proprietary medicines said mrs but ona day last fall I 1 read an article in a newspaper which told of the cures effected by dr William sPink pills and I 1 decided to try the medicine before I 1 had taken the contents of one bos I 1 began to feel better the depressing weakness which had bothered me for so many years began to disappear and the action of the heart at once became stronger and more regular 1 I took nine boxes of the pills and I 1 am now feeling better than I 1 have for several years and I 1 have unbounded faith in the medicine is steadily gaining in health and and gives all tho credit for her restoration health to dr williams pink pills for pale people dr williams pink pills contain all the elements necessary fo give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered gervea they are for sale by all druggists or may be had by mail from dr williams medicine company schenectady N Y for 50 cents per bos or six boxes for abdi kacas can be attres mv or PLASTER i autice Ju tice ol 01 ilie peace will find it to their to sand to ra for all kinds of leeal blanks we havo ahe mot approve fl anda and at prices helenw of any other dealer ENQUIRER tf ceab children cry for pitchers cassorla Ca storla Ds priced cream baking bowd ey highest and PIp lorca in the crater of contains thousands of tons of the purest sulphur ever mined the natives who gather the sulphur secure small packages of it which they fasten to their backs then they slide down the snow en the mountain after the manner of tho woodcutters wood cutters of france for this venturesome tur esome work they get about twenty centea day enjoy both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on tho kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the 1 tern effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual i constipation syrup of figs Is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its affects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commell comme nl it to all and have made it tha most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand vail pro sure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAN FRANCISCO cu kf W YORK falt SAVINGS BANK ago main st salt lake city open from 7 to 8 6 per asat interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four times a year CO capita f ISO full paid J E DOOL T president W S mc vice prisident A L THOMAS secretary and cashier k i feeal S 1 I aa ANDREW EGGERTSEN fsr Is the date for the fall B a a i I 1 v order to introduce our large stock of fail and winter goods we are to eive a j not of old stock but of new and desirable goods just the kind you want to get keady for cold weather sale commences september ill and continues for 15 das we want your trade and it prices will get it we are going to have it LOOK AT PRICES LOOK AT PRICES 10 pieces plain dress boods at ac worth 1 lot ladies union suits each 10 pieces plain check D W dress goods at lc worth buc 1 lot misses union suits each 10 pieces cashmere D W all colors at me worth 1 lot Lidies undershirts and drawers each 10 pieces manchester brocaded brocades Bro cades at hie worth 1 lot childrens undershirts and drawers 2550 each AND 1 lot boys undershirts and drawers each 1000 remnants of dress goods 2 to 8 yards 1 lot mens undershirts and drawers each just the thing for childrens dresses at half value the above underwear are BARGAINS 50 pieces of dark prints at ac worth hc 1 lot ladies wool and cotton hosiery 20 25 each 10 pieces heavy blue domestic at ac worth 1 lot childrens wool and cotton hosiery 20 25 each 10 pieces red domestic oil colors at luc worth hot mens wool and cotton hosiery each 20 pieces challies at ac worth ac many of the above hose are worth a pair 10 pieces napped Chevi ats at lie worth hot turkish towels each 6 pieces white shaker flannel at oc worth ac 1 lot hock towels ac each 5 pieces grey shakar flannel at ac worth luc 20 pairs lace curtains pair 5 pieces silk stripe outing flannel at worth 10 pairs lace curtains pair 5 pieces flannel at ac worth loc 10 pairs lace curtains 1 50 pair remnants table linen 2 2 2 and 2 yards each at about half value 50 white and grey blankets pair SHOES 25 grey blankets pair any pair of ladies shoes in the house for 25 white blankets pair any pair of mens shoes in the house for 1 lot bed comforts sac as we have shoes at and CLOTHING you can see what a great sacrifice we are making all our ladies and our entire stock of clothing must be closed out as we are going out of childrens tin shoes and oxfords at cost the clothing business it will pay you to see us before buying as you can get pairs of childrens shoes at cost them at less than cost As shoes hive h ive advanced in prices it will pay you to lay in shoes 1 lot bib overalls at pair CLOAKS CLOAKS we have the finest hue of Ladies Plush fur and best overalls on earth buc pair cloth jackets etc and in order to introduce them we will give 15 per cent hot mens hats each discount to evary lady purchasing one before september 1 lot cowboys hats each hot boys black hats each 1 lot boys hack hats each this is no salo of old undesirable stock they are all bright new and seasonable goods jost what yon want today we are sacrificing these gooda to gei yon to callan us aa we are sure to get conr trade if yon compare oar values with others 30 arm 32 CENTRE ST PROVO CITY we are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and hope that when our r that there will be added one star to the galaxy of states that will outshine llyl L oi IT L jl A reir IS to be a and grandeur but before that time does come you t si A f sa s1 ts S 1 I 1 1 t 1 l 1 R rr i ai t f t A i will need something in the line ot wm te flats pry goods groceries glassware Glas crockern Crocke rj malery Mt lery woolen boods beets stoves sangaree SaN waree iff YOU WILL NEED A HOST OF OTHER THINGS BEST AND PLAGE TO BUY THEM IS AT Q if r S THEE A BRIG manager T G VI trustee r 1 i t flit fl it it fews s 8 i S te al |