Show KNIGHTS drill at the west square the erand lodge knights of Pythia a ended its labors yesterday with the installation of officers in the afier noon the uniformed ranks marched to the west equale for drill the had expected a competitive drill be tween salt lake ogden and park city divisions there were not complete racks and park cita BC the bait lake division no 1 had every thins its own way this division was in the latest regulation uniform with hair yak plaines on the helmets instead cf the feathers and presented a moat pleasing appearance its personnel was aa follows capt W W hall bichard baker M M donovan 0 T husband N P gray wm J C davis A A wild F 0 lynberg G L mead robert shelton A M richardson W H bonns WH burkhardt N W john and J M osborne it went through the drill for points inasmuch as there was no opposing division col H C V B K of P lieutenant colonel john H denhalter N G U and capt FW hayt U K K of P acted aa the com liftee they their notes separately figured on the abid aheu they came together they practically agreed in the result ont of a possible 80 they awarded the division 53 8 10 p cinta the division then went through the dribb parade and display drill being applauded by the crowd and wound up by letting photographer anderson take a shot at them the uniformed band from aspen was also on the grounds and went through some pleasing evolutions and division for parade did some marching the salt lake division no 1 after the parade was marched to salt lake near the cosmopolitan and disbanded here the men showed their appreciation of their officers by three hearty cheera then they cheered heartily for provo and the fair didieg of mr hudnal a generous hearted stockman of provo next invited the captain and his men to take refreshments with him at the palace dang store the invitation was accepted it was here steps were taken for a grand competitive drill next beai between utah and colorado domains last evening the uniformed ranka spent a pleasant few hours at castilla springs returning return inz acain to this city at midnight this morning thay left foi salt lake they were a jolly lot 0 knights and ware out for fan |