Show BOOK CHATTER MB F MARION is engaged on a new novel of italian life to be entitled adam johnsons son f DR MAX SIMON author of degeneration is of jewish extrac and was born at buda besth in 1849 THE GOLDEN POMP is mr quiller couche recently published volume of selections from the elizabethan lydic poets PONY TRACKS is to be the title of the volume in which mr frederick remington will record his western ex S perien ces i 1 ilaya is about to issue a new saries of ballads it is about forar years since he first essayed this form of popular verse antnony HOPE has written a series of four story telling dialogues which he calls bad matches and which are said r to be particularly witty MR BLISS PERRYS new novel now on the scribner press is called the plated city and deals with a busy new england town wherein silver plated ware is made |