Show LEGAL NOTICE territory of utah luied court in and tor iced county jn tho matter ot tuo guard or george SW llam elizabeth a and john T williams order to atlow aaa artay order at sale of real estate anoula net be anada josepn 5 baylowa the ut the persona and ot georee B Jot mT ana 1 havlain fiad tle petition for n Orde talu oi pait ol 01 the real of ail minors jor the st forth it is by ilia probate jude 0 malj buur cd in abe calt of ali appear before tle balti probate court oc douday atia 2111 1 dy of mabou ISM ut 10 m lb i qt laid day at court fatoum 0 aula probate court fat the court house la arrovo city courty 01 ol caad eliy an not tie to tae daiil Gaurd tua tj sell ui the real and estate ut the calu elnoa ac hobia tie ne cery and a copy ct order be at buur Wt fefe alively in THE u diluted imald biad colima of U lab JD JUNKS dated of coulty ol 01 utah 1 Y L clerk tit the probate court iu bounty hereby certify iliac ane foregoing lore going Is lull true and copy ot the original bruer lo 10 aldow chua order ot bale or real and pr property should not be made in the estate ol 01 B id mlaura aud BOW me and oi record in my office IUT the etui or aid probate cour at ely office la provo city this IW V b of tho probate court T LEGAL ju tha probate courtin court in and tor utah county utah territory iu the matter ot the estate of thomas deceased daei lo ot application on ud allius the L heir at law or said placing lor an aider ot ot abo esia e dec emed it la mat the i ar if A D idsal 1 l 1 a m ol 01 it aldy ailtie probate judge el icib court i u kiy utah caun y liaa lc iimori te t e boz beai u saw aud fitial the give tio ca inert oi oi up to ivi i vi aud capy of tale ae lor three in iss it utE pier in provo city judge dated 0 l kinli i louuis vt alili fa 1 V L cleak ot the cour it and lor utah county territory of ulan lore by certify is a la altrue aud cornecl copy at iho original ord or thomaa jarmac deceased and now on file and or record in my office baad and the seal ot taid chait at m office in y ich sa L day ofin A D VL chait atthe probate courte ah |