Show cirei of ilia special to the LONDON fab 27 P B ivard united stales ambassador t the court ot jt baires ia tired of bib po and is anxious to n turn to his j mother cutry s cm bo stated I 1 noon author ty it ii i i f lo 10 lo 10 l o or tle few luti ma e vh hae aured alie confidence ot taif amen alarid nan darbig diio baoit in thid country and there are rood reasons for the belief ali it ba fe eliaga and lu ane malter were commac in a p avate bettor to president cleveland bouie six weeks ego hie desire to return to atio states is based upon several aroun 8 for one thing the climate doea not abrea with him and since the beginning of the winter he has been compelled to exercise unusual care to avoid tha of the raw damo atmosphere the in junous influence of which hundreds and of americana haa had reason to remau aber the number of functions anich he ia called upon to attend in a social or baini afi cial capacity also furnishes a reason for he of the position po the ex genitor has never taken kindly to the functions of acci ety and ayea during hia residence reaid ence in washing ton as a member of the senate and of mr first cabinet he always preferred the quiet and retirement of his home in wilmington delavare ania trait of his character waa aveo strongly marked alter the untimely death of hia eon in laar cheh oc burred vary soon after hie daughter had become a bride there are othar reasons why he would prefer to return to the united states but thess are the principal ones the carrying out of such an intention however would bo deeply regretted in diplomatic and eo cial circles for no minister in a great many years has succeeded in making himself more popular and respected cot to say honored anan the american Oh avalier as he ia referred to in the drawing rooms his presence his courtly manner his aft ability and his powers of oratory have combined to make him one ot the most popular lir if not the moat popular member of the diplomatic circle in london and hia departure would occasion jenuino the exact character of hia communication to mr cleveland as well aa the tenor ot whatever reply has been received are unknown but it is not tbt that he mauld go to the extreme of tendering hia re agnation even at the sacrifice of hia personal fe elinea if it were the desire of the president that lie should continue to le present the united states at the english court for the remainder of the presidents tB term |