Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings 63 capla lead tripe at the baah market HOM jacob was in this city today attending to court business paper for sale at this office extra inducement to buy dresa goods this coming week at T G gebbers webbers Web bers at ac upwards all colors at T G webbert Web berB THE popular Globe Democrat will be mailed twice a week to our subscribe era lor one year who will pay in advance for TUB eight dollars for the daily or for tha aemi ff buys a good warm wrap at T G webbert Web bera T TAKE your prescriptions and receipts to the drug go t old reliable provo L M B co ia the beat place to get your cofel t go and get some of the celebrated Z 0 M I 1 ehrea while they last et T G gebbers webbers Web bers city lumber co will until dec 31 you dry cedar kindling ready for fire six sacks for one dollar delivered pitch pine wood cut to or der for bale five per cent paid quarterly on aaa inea deposits at peoro commercial bank A Os dollar will pay for enough kindling wood at the city lumber yard to jagt you all winger delivered free of charge B J ia down from the present Oa pital take liver regulator for heart troubles ofton due to indigestion by paying in advance you can get both the semiweekly semi weekly and the colorado weekly bun your tencha and try some of city lumber gos bundling lund ling wood also pitch pine wood cut to order for any aiza fireplace or batove t commercial savings baals paya 6 per cant interest on havinga de phalta interest compounded four times i tear achs school at m barrice Bor rice 11 a m preaching 7 p m subject rent styles of grave clothes tor 1803 ears all are in J C andrews pastor many women find great difficulty in arranging arra neing their hair becomingly because of its harsh and coarse texture by the use of acerb hair vigo the hair becomes boft pliant and glossy the vi cor is the most cleanly of all hair preparations reports already ruled and printed kept in stock at THE office t MONET to loan on long time a a low rate of interest on farma in the county and improved city property in provo apply to don K coray provo t WE have it now send in your orders to provo city lumber co until the alst and try sonis of our pitch pine dry wood cut to order t FAMILY washing 5 centa per pound at the troy steam laundry of provo t city bakery free delivery leave orders at the bakery or biye them to the driver fresh bread daily prompt delivery iw MK robert anderaon And ereon tha young attorney lias lia card in EN iciK KB the haa his office with mr D D houtz rooms 4 and 3 heed smoot block brain workers keep their heads clear and bowels open take summons livor regulator go to tho provo L bl B co for your coal t 1 up received on savings dc kleita J R BLACK battea coal constantly on hand nj at fe provo L M B co ordera and oysters a specialty at B F Fleiner 8 restaurant t bolts ot dread goods boing abi month from ac upwards excellent and wonderful T G webbert now is the time to get your hata and clothing cleaned or dyed mr J beckman an expert at the business has located at martins building corner of ath and 3 streets and baa a cores of assistants they are all practical hatters tailors and dyers genta and ladies clothing cleaned dyed or re paired take your old hata there and have them for a mere bong cleaned up and made as good as new |