Show SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17 1891 joha E booth president john honry smith vice J 0 graham geo rd john W tamer C D glazier I 1 R boagard Bo ahard AND J M jeneen joha 0 graci Gra ii a manader Mana eat at the Poat office at as second class matter TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL POSTAGE daily edition one year in advance aix 80 aemi ayee clyone advance TO CITY daily delivered banday excepted 0 cants per month in advance or 25 cents a week address THE co provo city utah where delivers ia irregular dake complaint rt the office or throng h telephone 30 27 P A 1 at apt on alle a ial i A L juck 0 unkei ad aboney al atad 65 merchants ex huie san francesoo Franc tsoo oal where contract con can be ll 11 LP FISHER NEWSPAPER using abat 1 merchants exchange san Franci 33 li our authorized agent this capor is kept on alle in hia ofil oo tea has a circulation haac every feefe exceeds that of all ahe other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in utah county it haa a circulation that ex of all the other territorial combined the Clergy mans story A PROMINENT MINISTER RELATES HIS remarkable experience WITH THE how he waa affected and how he was cured an article that every one should read and remember from the philadelphia item j rev thomaa L lowis who resides at 2549 neff st and la pastor of the richmond baptist church relates a very interesting account of his experience with la grippe and how he se cured relief by taking dr williams pink pilla for pale people mr lewis is thirty nine years old and ia recognized as one of the moat popular ur eachers of philadelphia he ia an aluminum alu of becknell cola alece at lewisburg Lewia burg pa where he at tamed abo degree of master of arts with his other work ho edits and liades the richmond baptist a monthly journal devoted to the interests of the church he looks upon the practical side of life both preaching and publishing the importance of good health and when asked to tall what dr williams pink pills had done for him ha went belore eugene ziegler a notary public at 2738 neff street and cheerfully made allida yit to the following narrative 1 I began taking dr williama Will fama ciak pills for pale people two weeks ago this sunday I 1 had the grippe for more than two weeks I 1 had great trouble during that time with my eyes and head the disease also affected my ap petite and stomach it required great determination and effort on my part to do my work as and I 1 did it when I 1 should have been m bed in a aweeka time the effects ol 01 the grippe were completely removed I 1 than continued the remedy on account of my stomach difficulty being confident that it would remove that I 1 want to recommend the use of pink pills to all those who aie affected as I 1 davd been I 1 believe they will build up grippe patients As foi mys elfI cannot say too much for them I 1 went on the scales two weeks ago to bee what I 1 weighed and again today wearing the same clothing I 1 found I 1 had gained iwo pounds a pound a week on account ot the sedentary habits natural to my occupation and to some internal injuries sustained years ago I 1 have bad a severe stomach affection and haye been troubled beside a great deal with indirection since taking the pink pills my appetite has improved my digestion is better and my stomach has been relieved of its pain 1 I waa struck in the stomach by an iron bar and osce I 1 was kicked by a mule in the same place it waa 20 years ago when I 1 waa hurt first since that time I 1 suffered much from stomach I 1 waa treated frequently quent ly but not cured I 1 feel better now than at any time bince I 1 was hurt and am so with mv improve ment that I 1 am glad to let tha public know ot my bettered condition I 1 have beard of other cures effected by the pink pills but I 1 prefer to speak only of my own case L LEWIS sworn and before me this daty of april A D 1893 eugene notary public the discoverer of dr williams pink pilla for pale people certainly deserves the highest tribute that pen can frame hia medicine has done more to alleviate the sufferings Buffe rings ot humanity than any medicine known to science and his name ewoud ba handed down to future generations as the greatest savant of the present age smith kline french the well known aadil that dr williams fink pills have au enormous sale in philadelphia and that irom all quarters in glowing j deports of the excellent following their use in nearly every case the good work has deen accomplished after eminent had failed and pronounced the patient beyond the hope of human aid an analysis proves that dr williams pink pills contain in a condensed form all thy elements areces reces aara to give new life and richness rich nesa to the blood and restore chattered nerves they ire an unfailing specific for euch f diseases ad ataxia partial paralysis st vitus dance sciatica neuralgia neural pia rheumatism nervous head ache and after effects of la grippe palpitation of the heart oale and sal low complexioned comple xione that tired feilice re prostration all depending upon vitiated hum ors of the blood such aa scrofula chronic erysipelas etc they are also a specific for trouble peculiar to females such 23 suppressions irregularities and till forma of weakness They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks in men ibey effect a radical cure in ah cases from mental worry or excesses of whatever nature although prepared in quantity and handle bythe by the drug trade as a pr tory article dr williams pink pilla are not a patent medicine in the ainsa that name implies they were first compounded as a prescription and used as such in general practice by an eminent physician yo great waa their efficacy that it was deemed hiie to place them within the reach of all at a price which anyone could afford to pay they are now manufactured by tha dr williams medicine company Sch enec tady N Y and brackville brockville Broc kville ont and are sold in boxes never in booso form by the dozen or hundred and the public are cautioned numerous nume roua imitations sold in at 50 cents a box or six boxes for and be had of all or direct by mail may from dr williams medicine company from either address the price at which these pilla sold are makes a course of treatment inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment take take I 1 take himmons liver regulator foi dyspepsia constipation conati pation pad heartburn is what you need for dyspepsia torpid liver yellow skin or kidney trouble it is caiar to biye you satisfaction price sold by smoot druz co 6 FELIX AGNUS of the baltimore american has eleven bullet wounds and a partially disabled right arm as mementos of the bravery that raised him from tho rank of private in the duryea to the rank of brevet brigadier general ex old pastor whom he stopped off at pittsburgh to visit and to hear preach ia a tall large boned man of great force of character he cane from cape cod and his full name ia jeremiah prophet elisha kumler asor E E the discoverer of Ju fifth satellite has received the degree of doctor of sciences from vanderbilt university he was a student in that institution before going to the licar observatory but did not com aleto his course DR FOR COLDS CROUP grandmothers ADVICE nine children my only ria buytor and croup wa onion it I 1 today to day it wa forty ago fotr my Kranda hildren taka dr annn onion syrup wiloh u already prepared and coif to or taalo bold botala CO banta ao abati tuta for it tbt aothia od by ayno maiben easily quickly permanently restored WEAKNESS nervousness DEBILITY and au the train 0 edtl arom early errors or later excesses the results of overwork worry etc full strength development and tone given to every orran end portion ot the body simple natural methode me thoda immediate improvement seen failure impossible references book explanation and proof mailed sealed tree ERIE MEDICAL CO BUFFALO NY SILVER IRON WORKS UTAH are open for business with new machinery new tools and new patterns with the latest improvements for getting out work iron and brass casting Casti sg ani general machoni pipe fitting for steam water file A t the old bun foundry location WM J SILVER sapt L a Pi cionco fave 0 are you willing to work for tha bauo of protection in placing rell ablo anfor in the bands oi your if you re you should bo identified with THE AMERICAN protective TARIFF LEAGUE W ST NEW cut ahli out ud nad U to your po ldoa ni haag band old ss the hills and tt er excelled tried and proven is the verdict of millions S immons liver regulator is the Py 0 liber OC and kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a than cure A mild laxative and purely eatable acting pills on the directly liver and kidneys try it sold by all druggists in liquid or in powder to be taken dry or made into a tea the king of liver medicines I 1 have used liver been lator and can conscientiously say it is the king of all liver medicines I 1 a medicine chest in itself GEO W JACS ads tacoma washington 0 PACKAGE asis th Z stamp in red on trappen WHIM yun can get the finest and moat durable claths cloths made at home as you can also get the best tailoring bone gall and bee if what I 1 say ie not true S PETERSON tailor one door south of Desere fc telegraph office J street LAND secured for settlers in the shortest possible time CONTESTED CASES contested cases intelligently and handled OLD CLAIMS AND DISPUTES old claims and disputes speedily settled tOK TESTS between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land laws and those between claimants under the MINERAL laws and agricultural claimants and also between claimants under any of the cudlic land laws and thy railroad companies arid their granlees grantees gran tees under the LAND and SCHOOL LAND GRANTS specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who fully complied with the laws under which their entries were made and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents caused by TRIFLING which can be easily and re advice also giyen all matters relating to the public lands especially on points arising under the new laws which have been recently passed providing provi dine for the disposal of the public domain jf you want your land patent in a hurry if yoc want your land business of any character attended to by skill ful and competent attorneys and promptly disposed of write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn WEDDER BUHN general mpr P 0 box washington D C SALT LAKE CITY conducted on the american and european plau w mi TO a m m this popular hotel is equipped with all modern conveniences including electric bells steam heal hot and coldwater cold water baths steam elevator fire escapes etc JOHN MORGAN prop eteh county savings yank the attention of those desiring to open aings accounts is called to the utan bounty savings bank which allows in on deposits at the rate at 5 per sent per annum compounded quarterly to loan on approved beai estate i security CAPITAL DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT pres w s PIKE V pree J C W H KINO B BACHMAN JOHN B w n cashier Q H BERG undertaker carries a fall line of WHOLESALE solid walnut rosewood and burl abid coffins of all cizes white and black cloth covered SOLIO OAK AIR TIGHT CASKETS superseding the metal caskets orders by mail or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the trade J street one block north of railway depot 0 ac caveats conducted for MODERATE fees OUR opposites EU S PATENT omar od we ca n secure patent in less time than uio remote from agton i seid raedel drewior or photo i alon IV c it or not arca of charge our fee not due till patent Is secured i A rr a obtain catenis Pa tenis ala cost of same in aba U S and foreign sect free address opp PATENT C rock springs lump ant castle gate lump castle gate nat pleasant valley aa 1050 hauling per ton extra YARD TELEPHONE 17 amm alie daily encimer Eno imer AH D THE FOR EIGHT DOLLARS the price alone of the DAILY ENQUIRER we take pleasure in informing conr subscribers that we have made arrangements with THE COLORADO SUN publishing co to club our daily paper with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN at the very low price of eight dollars or the semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN for in each ease tho subscription payable in advance the colorado weekly sun has secured a phenomenal circulation and cloveres the entire field west of the missouri river it is a large eight pape paper and contains all the news of the world literary features mining news departments tor the home the farmer and the children CASH muss accompany all orders address THE ENQUIRER CO provo utah TO AND for tickets and information apply to C it ALEY agent B G W provo OR W F mcmillan benl agent boom dooly block salt lake city SON U ally JL ly A aji ila bors raia of 0 0 O T bip als hai H ai corner ard 3rd and H streets telephone 0 o 32 pio utah has no equal stands alone as the GREAT bely BE ly i sifter and care for rheumatism NO KILLA no sold is so fully endorsed by Phy and complete formula p oa ch bottle aarfor BROWNS sarsaparilla inn noot ier BROWNS ANO GINGER aged to be the best remedy for diarrhoea dy n ill bowel complaints it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica ginger and blackberry roots combined with aro stica inkin it an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists ellla cure constipation Prea ilaa rectifying Rectify ing alls cure constipation prentiss pills cure constipation 33 c 00 33 a 3 a a 88 as 5 a s VT li SV 33 almost all pills and prodica constipation acera Is pul ahat cares torpid aa 22 liver rheumatism indigestion pick headache and kidney and uter 55 troubles or leaving any ot constipation which tap 3 13 the prime cause ol 01 all sickness beware ot it getting habitual and with you ij as see to it in tuna cheso pills will cairo you SE u rectifying RECTIFY ING hlll because it Is the only sato and harmless remedy that will sorely BEAUTIFY th S clear tho fiata aad remove all blotcher bl irom tho lace try bos and bee tor conr B SR SOLD ONLY IN SCALED sa 25 JQ sr lebos lE OOS ca gg fiovo CITY urah sentha mail on receipt of price as aa Prent laa rectifying Rectify ing ellla cure pills GC Prent laa rectifying Rectify ing pills anro cure SS ESSi THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine 1 A W TB hp lit M THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce thi popular agricultural magazine to tho people of utah and will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re biding re in the united states who will forward to us 3 we have recently introduced to conr premium department one of V dl entertaining i and instructive monthly th athas already a hoade sity among gitlia ladies of utah we are prepared to receive r make contracts for enild yf ill estimate famished en we have the facilities for tuang the epst most durable of in any ramrod quantities lydiard PROVO 1 I 1 AH the popular st leai alobe D semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY will be given one year with the daily enquirer for the u bial price payable in and with the semi weekly enquirer for only address your orders as follows THE ENQUIRER CO prove ct 1 sh lile amm BIS m Bai hoad me ime 81 na of the world the only liue running two through baat trains daily to LEADVILLE I 1 ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO AND DENVER EFFECTIVE 19 1893 j train no 2 ilves oden 7 00 am halt laap 8 05 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado 7 20 a m denver a m train NJ 4 leaves osden a m salt lake 9 5 u m arrive at pueblo 7 oa 00 p m colorado p m denver 1130 pm connections made at Pueblo Colorado sponga and beer with all lines cast elegant day coaches chair cars and blee pera on all trains take the D R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent Ab HUGHES SK HOOPER traffic manager G P L T A denver colo denver |