Show DAILY ENQUIRER MONDAY 12 1891 1 bouy 0 manager faa number ia 27 local mention in this column 30 centa per line each insertion advertisements and changes must be office not later ihan 10 a m to inser on same day provo mail bervice LEAVE 0 P salt lake closed poach 7 15 m U P going bouth 9 ia a ii R G W estat a m PO W gom norta 80 am P colne north liast 1020 P n lina and 20 pm EMAILS aekins J P from bait lako 9 m 0 v the west 9 25 a in R Q ff 9 05 m oliden from an balbua and ironi east 3 zi p m closed salt laki ia 30 p m U 1 mall irom south p m houts the beneral deli yary stamp and registry windows open at 8 a m and close it pm the money order window opens at 9 m and closes at 4 p m on sunday the delivery and stamp windows are open amo 12 ci to pm mcabe awarded highest honors world s fair the only pure cream of tartar ponder no ammonia no alum used in millions of homes 40 years the standard school trustees ar obtain at THE office arda and other olau lif are carried in stock orders by mail promptly filled addres co dew ProT backless Bac klens arnica salve the best salve in the world for cuts biases sores ulcers salt cheum feyer bores chapped hands chil blaids blains borns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or nj pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded pries 25 cents per box for sale by smoot dine co A great underlies the principle that has brought success in the production and al of the gail borden egle brand condensed milk and this party accounts for anc fact that competitors do not dafni ly imitate it thirty epars in the lead cw both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of pigs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAH FRANCISCO cn KY MEW YORK NY ONE PILL FOR A DOSE movement of tha bowels if ts these giua supply what the system lacks ta they cure headache ui ayee and elear the batar cc gaieties aie ties abey sc neli liet impo nor iclyn BC diw blui da to cn vinc you of their merit w klu binau tussles free or a fall box for 25 cent sold yd cc r sold bv evne PEOPLES BABBLE mm tombstones ORDERS SOLICITED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction guaranteed first door east of coop co op store alios A beesley H fl can be found at his old business in the CO BASEMENT shaving hair cutting and dressing done in the most expeditions and approved styles call and see him t t t t H E RAWLINGS AT amro D v ij PYNE A OF aid MM OF ALL liE SHUl give me a cai and i will make right prices SILVER IRON WORKS TAH are open for business with new machinery new tools and new patterns with the latest improvements for getting oat work iron and brass castile lurding anil general machiot work pipe fitting for steam water tc A i the old sun foundry location WM J SILVER sapt L 0 JL blea ali 1 VEAL and BOLO GrNA and PORK SAUSAGE fat calves and dressed hogs want ed fre dali ery to auy part of ehg city removed from the alii stand opposite court hoase to dodd aul deala restaurant tau rant maiben block north of bank corner J E prop r on a long ame at low rate of interest on farm anywhere in the county and improved city property in Provo provo utah can buy their school supplies from us at home cheaper than abroad try Us students get special inducements stationery legal blanks typewriters bicycles and all educational and athletic supplies you will find a place for it when you see our our stock needs nothing but buyers they will gome they will be satisfied they buy at jtb IT B ins it f I 1 f B B B 8 rm alas afra 5 ciak echa ins antos ayr tor visitors are not asked to belie are shown goods to convince them that we are leading the trade in eng and boya clothing gloo ss with a new and Gom piete stock if you want to enjoy the purchasing power of your spend it with DEMENT old stand suttons old stand mr t an import nm difference to make it apparent to th ns B who think themselves ill hit the ue not affected with any disease but that the system hebda cle anfin is to bring comfort honie to their hearts as a costive condition I 1 M easily cured by acine syrup 0 figs manufactured by the california fis avrun co |