Show it toils alie ad HAWAIIAN RESOL no hearings granted on the tariff bill union veterans insulted correspondence it required all the boft ir of the administration to force the cuckoo hawaiian leeo lution coo deming ex Minister i tate approving the cleveland policy down the throats of the democrats of the house objectors were plainly told that unless they voted for the resolution it would be a waste of time for them to ask the smallest favor of the administration and even then it took two daya to get a quorum of demo brats willing to vote for it on the floor of the honse it was finally passed but there is not a single man who voted for it who can honestly say that he is proud of his vote the senate committee has completed its investigation and it ia expected that the resolution which will bo adopted by the senate alter the report of the committee is made will be free of cuckoo ism A bill was this week passed bv the senate that repealing the federal election laws which the democrats be lieve will through the solid and the crookedness of such organizations as hall in tho large cities perpetuate the power of the democratic darts probability of a renewal of the silver fight over the bland bill for the coinage of the in the treasury now before the house and the proposal to attach a free coinage amendment to the tariff bill in the senate secretary carlisle attempted to get the bland bill changed BO as to make the coinage of the optional instead ot compulsory but mr bland and the sil ver democrats would not agree to the change and now the administration and anti silver man are trying to prevent action on the bill by breaking a quorum there were a lot of very mad men in washington when the announcement was made that the democrats on ibe senate finance committee had finally decided not to grant hearing on ahti tar iff bill the republican senators were angry because they had been assured by the democrats on the committee that hearings would be granted to all representatives senta tives of important industries who might desire to be heard and they biad so informed their constituents the men who expected to be granted hearing were angry because the had been deceived into going to the expanse of coming to washington senator feea and several other democratic members of the committee have tried very hard to give a rational explanation for their sudden change of front on the question of hearings but they have not the reason how everts not difficult to locate the autocrat of the white house haa ordered that the tariff be railroaded railroad ad through the senate and the democrats of the finance committee are bent on obeying orders even if it does place them in a ridiculous attitude republicans are not expecting the bill to be rushed through the senate no matter how soon it may be reported the committee there are enough democratic senators who oppose the cleveland pro gramme to prevent it being earned out although they may in the end be whipped into the support of the bill or persuaded to do BO by slight amendments in the interest of their constituents the senate judiciary committee has postponed the decision on the nomination of peckham to the fc supreme court until monday it is believed that the committee will make an unfavorable report and that the nomination will be rejected by a vote aa larga aa wa cast against hornblower indeed unless conae of the charges particularly that of heing violently intolerant of the opi non of others are false and they chiv hiv nr en is proven he is eo unfitted s at on the bench anat he should he i ejected oven if mr cheye landd open use jf patronage to bu democratic nr opre not a for rejection tf t annn arial in u t 0 o alie birj ir it th s feeck noor aln clerks a number oi tham unica V leran n them alib foje iv baua ing the statement to be published tha the clerks cirp diali arged for drunkenness and beneral it woul woula 9 in hat the bahti ife i ant men of alir d wi thit trying to prevent ali r bacs in un aap employ tivio irn raon for ther esa i iri is n i i t u ut aron ally dpn A mikii tie i i e of vi i ington 0 r a a niile 11 1 1 h r folk BU ii ne hd 1 tf n r cr s i toi 11 lar hir act im y atif m st n tr div in tin rity arlio v e a t rm in the work homs fr selli uy n sky without a would have nada him unpopular tle man who was pardoned is lie labad ol 01 a family which has haj ha J anft hu i ri and fita antii trials in asi n equit s for crimes anding from and burglary dow i to betty vioLi tiona of law th pardon was granted in the face of th c of deverr to the papers etere refa red the good people of the city fear eliat it will have a demoralizing upon the and that it ivil result in a large increase of unlicensed lequir dives washington feb ath 1894 |