Show JJ KNIGHT MM LAWYERS rooms 13 14 and 15 Union Block CITY UTAH ri bank building PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A kang U LIW rooms 6 and 7 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH J W M AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 coca and savings bank PROVO CITY UTAH JOHH ATTORNEYS AT LAW excelsior alock up eloira et oira PROVO CITY UTAH J F HOYES M D physician and excelsior block over pyne drick store PROVO CITY UTAH E E BUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH D D HOUTZ AT LAW rooms 4 and 5 reed smoot block UTAH S K KING attorney nt law rooms 1 2 3 aad 4 swasey martinu bank bids PROVO airy oiry UTAH J K AT LAW albiso OFFICE 23 N J street provo city W B CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power plans special city surveyor of pro deputy U S mineral office at court house CITY UTAH AT edw collection agency office bank PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT lur rooms 4 and 5 reed smoot block UTAH R G and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO A me cur lain M J office balaco blace 2 blacka east bank corner telephone fel ephone no 45 office no 28 PROVO UTAH SAM JEP landscape sign painter PROVO coraor F and ath street aviata nd fit giue trademark trade mark nd ala orbr patent culm la the P ant office and baor the courts promptly 03 j aarel nUy apon or of in mako cironi cirr ni examination and aa isa M to the ability tree ol 01 walh rny directly row K jbf baing in perg there it la r haye t for prompt preliminary ie archea lor atie ana ol 01 tor paten tand io all basi nesB entrusted ent to my taire la atie bortt possible time PEW filter to patent information adelo bif special references abent on rean cst J B LITTELL y ithol and attorney in patent canaba washington D 0 oppose U S pat oat office J D JONES attorney a la thai man fc Office bauk building urah S H ALLEN clanty physician surgeon B U W railway Eail way office at ice smoot brick house 1 block east of tabernacle PROVO CITY UTAH P H SIMMONS physician and surgeon no 34 center street in hed quist PROVO CITY UTA H R E E L knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX II 11 UTAH p p REED 1 I JL aili friy Deni isi lave all modern instruments for the of operative ana prosthetic CROWNS BRIDGE WORK A specialty work oom excelsior block provo dr W S holdaway jr DENTIST cooj is formerly former lv y dr J N christensen op posits hobt orece J st CITY urah A LADYS TOILET Is not complete an ideal i fg combines every element of beauty and purity it is dying soothing healing health j ful and harmless and when rightly used is invisible A most a delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate insist acca having the A 17 IS FOB SALE jg PROVO and savings PROVO lilal sarp us Ot RECTORS reed smoot prest D T kiark vice preat john jones gamt 8 A bean roger farrer E R eldredge EI dredge L S hills J R general transacted 5 per cent interest on savings depos ts conr timea a year ORGANS AND ALL KINDS OF KT AND tuning and alg done on the shortest noryce leave orders at taylor eltos store ANDREW st louis esons democrat EIGHT PAGES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK belond all comparison the beat and brightest news and family journal published in america Ams rica PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will ba sent FIFTEEN MONTUS FOR ONE DOLLAR to adv reader of abia paper noi now a subscriber to TUB BLANK MUST BE faed to escure benefit of this extraordinary offer 12 1 2 11 it ia worth three months free subscription fill in your name 11 alil poet office and state and mail with ONE DOLLAR suii aft poat office or express money order or registered astler DIRECT TO GLOBE PRINTING CO st louis mo sample copies ot ans GLOBE will be sant frea on application ls to GLOBE bunting iUN TING CO sc louis mo herewith Hare with find 1 00 for which to given below ane GLOBS DF twice every week for FIFTEEN MONTHS aa your special offer to readers of TUB EI published at peoro city utah name of subscriber post office state be sure to use this blank it ia worth three months free subscription M pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah rr IN ITS TWENTY SECOND dealt only daily paper bouth of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly semi weekly edition has a larger circulation throughout all the counties nir hc first judicial district than all other 1 1 pere combined the is the arnn of utah republicanism protection and the encouragement of home industries for terms of subscription bee top of first column on second page J my A new world opens to the man who finds quick relief from wearing pain that is the testimony of multitudes who have used porous for all sorts of aches and pains lameness stiffness of the muscles and joints of the back limbs or side jiahe sure and get the genuine never put up with im ai sold a adcocks AH cocks corn shields adcocks AH cocks bunion shields have no eidal as a relief and cure lor corn and bunions Brand reths pills relieve rheumatism and any disease arising from impurity of tho blood no MORE BACK ACHE ravelo constipation of BLADDER ALL KIDNEY DISEASES 5 THE aar RIO dai Baili oad scenic line of the world the only lice two through fast trains daily to ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE 29 1891 train no 2 leaves 9 26 a rn arrive at pueblo a m colorado springs m denver 1030 a m crispie creek 95 a m train 4 leaves provo p m arrive rt rn colchado Col crado springs 6 53 p m denver p m connections made springs and benver with all lines east day coaches chair cars and sleepers on all trains take the 0 RG end have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on th continent shortest line ta Cr ripple creek colo radna great gold camp train no 2 provo at a m ai rives at chippla next morning S K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver colo denver F KEVINS general agent salt lake rita att HM GUSHING trav pass ast IF YOU AEE GOING CITY ST bours or any point east and to a daylight ri ie through the grandest scenery of be mona bains be sure to ask for a ticket that reads via ane I 1 P no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively tle quickest route tu easia to the great rivers and atlantic seaboard elegant and thoroughly modern equipment and reclining chair cars in which the are free to holders of regular train tickets call on or address S V DERRAH commercial freight pass abt room 21 morlan block salt lake OK H TOWNSEND C general st louis mo NEW SERVICE TAKE R G W by leaving Provo p m connecting at danver with the burlington ROUTE train for amaba kansas at joseph SL louis aad through pullman free reclining Chair Cars dining cars A la carte at R G VV ry office E F W F mcmillan Mg MILLAN arit at aan boom 11 over no 10 W second south bt salt lake city etab i sieve the chief function of the kidneys is to separate from the blood in its passage through them of certain and watery particles which make their final exit through the bladder the retention of these in consequence of inactivity of the kidneys is productive of brithae Brith te disease dropic diabetes and other maladies with a fatal tendency Hoa stomach bitters a highly diuretic and blood impels the kidneys dpn in fictive to renow their sif tini function and strain the vital current im purit iea dinst it and threaten their own existence a of the body catarrh of the bladder gravel and retention of the urine are also maladies arrested or averted by this benien promoter and restorative of joganic acison malaria rheumatism constipation and dyspepsia also riold to the bitters which is also speedily ape edily beneficial to the weak and nervous how to cure while it the tobacco habit growa on man until his nervous system is seriously affected health comfort and happiness to quit sun denly is too severe a shock to the system as tc bacco to an inveterate user becomes a lant that his system continually craves baco curo ia a scientific curator the tobacco habit in all its forma carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent who has used it in his private practice fianco without a failure purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly you can use all the tobacco you want while taking baco curo it will notify you when to crop we rivo a written guar autee to permanently cure any case with three boxes or refund the money with 10 percent interest Baco Curo is not a substitute but a scientific cure that cure without the aid of will pow er and with inconvenience it leaves the system as pure and tree from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke sold by all with our ironclad guarante eat per box three l thirty days treatment 2 50 or bent direct upon receipt of price SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOX SAMPLE BOX BOOK letard PROOFS FREE eureka chemical manufacturing company manufacturing chemists la creese wisconsin celii lle union nt spanish fork march ast 1st 1895 for the above occasion the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets from all points in titan to spanish fork at HALT belling dates feb 28 and march ast 1st good for return march ath train leaves ahi t 8 44 a mj american fork a ni pleasant Plea cant grove a in lake view a m provo a m ville a m arriving at spanish fork at a m train fechi at 2 00 p ro m santaquin San p m payson 3 01 p in arriving at spanish fork at 3 18 p m G W basw t let 28 agent dr mues nerve plasters for haam aMsia caveats marks obtained nd all pt 1 i conducted for aim omec is OPPOSITE U s PATENT can secure patent in less time than i female from Washing loi i i licud enodel dranias or photo ditl descry i we adaise ad rise li or not free of chaaw our fee not due till abent is secured 1 A PAMPHLET how 3 obtain patents ditl cast ot sanie in the 17 countries At fress i i f 8 P i a 0 ay J W y 1 OM CICE i C ax V 1 DIAMONDS A AT fo d j W oil y aue mibra s drug store j oi acl irio eiS LOOK OUT FOR biff 0 stock of holiday i goods to all sights botni dwse WE HAVIC THE AND MOST APPROVED ja aa 32 IN 1 I HE justices of the te re attorneys and all others ilc quirina bianas will find it to lu oder rout ud fud of supplies wholesale sa aa pet boyera will receive hid adit attention COMPLETE fay IN OF ft 8 b 3 1 I HAT LINE our bricis aig kiy down prompt attention given to mail orders PROVO BOOK AND stationery CO lT CITY ai S manger 11 ll 11 s manufacturers ol 01 and dealers in fp ft A CO 1 A vs quarante arld S J W HOOVER |