Show TUESDAY john E booth president john henry smith vice 10 graham 0 P W D robinson A singleton oscar wilkins AD MH graham tonao Stena aeI bowed sowed at the at prova w beconi clasa TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL POSTAGE daily edition one yer in advance parts of a ye arper mon thin advance 80 bonu year in advance TO CITY daale delivered sunday excepted except pd 30 cents per month in advance or 25 cents a week address co provo city butali ahara ih irregular gleaso acsa se complaint at the office or throne h Toie no 27 mis PAPER me agency 64 and 65 merchants ki tb age han francesoo Franc isoo oal where raon aa can be made for it has a hat every week exceeds that of ell the other newspapers in central and utah combined in utah county it has a ciron lation that es needs that of all the other territorial kidera combined what a insurance au H M blossom senior member 0 H 31 Blue eoin co N ad st at louis I 1 had been left with a very distressing cough the result of ins which nothing deemed to rea until I 1 took Ua lards syrna one bottle cured me I 1 sent one bottle to my bieter who had a alvere congo aal she experienced relief 1 aldaya recommend tha syrup to my trio jda john llamia hire street quincy ilia entea I 1 hayo folind baliarda Bal larda horehound syrna superior to any other cough medicine I 1 have ever known it never diao points price sold b afoot da co 2 TRY BOILING a lobster at homo adding a cup of grated cocoanut to MI gar cooky dough food hot by covering and setting in a pan of hot atar A LITTLE turpentine with the starch to give a gloss to collars and to hard finished walls by using one half cupful of ammonia in a pail of water ONE tablespoonful of butter rubbed into of hour rolled into the upper crust for pies to STOP the smoke and smell of any substance burning on the stove by bait upon it TESTING a soft custard to see if it is cool ced by pouring out a little from alie spoon if it leaves the spoon clean it needs more cooking good housekeeping for over fifty leri MRS WILLOWS c for over fifty 1 eari by millions of tor children childr tn anth cos it soot lies the child the ora allots all pain colic the best remedy for diarrhoea it lull alie inor little sut lerer sold by in every part of the horld five ants a bottle be sure and a for mrs niilow 8 hyrup and eliud dr miles pain IDis at call ind see the fine block of opera watches jewelry optical etc of aap the iskat canety and beat kind call and examine our stock get our pi ices which fre the lowest the suitable for ahr hard timea JILIUS JI LIUS provo jaad round A saddle and red danble cinca on or about july 18 1794 said saddle wap found in in american fork canyon near the lakes on a little bay mare ind taken from the animal to sava its life owner can obtain ohp property by gnp charees of by ap diving to richard healy alpine city utah county or miles rain piha one cent a daae our erre E the long winter ev enines can ba verv profitably devoted to reading bat there are some that we must road the year round one paper the beat in the la babora you another is a good home paper of pen eral circulation ench as womankind for instance which comes once a month filled with tha best things lor ha buy we are able by special arrangements with the publishers to offer woman tree for a to every paid in advance r to our capar and we are glad to do BO for we are convinced that no home paper in america contacos con more of practical value to woman bright atones clever poems the latest fashions news of womans comans work everywhere articles on motherhood cultivation of flow ere a comans womans parliament for the discussion of matters of interest are a few of the bright features of womankind to of tha house we on the farm newa an able agricultural paper edited by a practical daimer miller esq late state lecturer of the ohio farmers alliance and fillad each month wilh from abla correspondents that make it an absolute necessity to every wide awake farmer this paper is yours for the asking provided you are a subscriber to our paper remember every paid in advance subscriber to THE is entitled to his choice of either of theae papers tall your neighbors about thia offer A sample copy of both pacers may be obtained by addressing tirs ENQUIRES co provo utah gome in and pay year in advance to THE and beet one of these at papers free tf children pitchers Castor 23 ib cassorla Ca storla is dr samuel Pitch cra prescription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers castoria destroys worms and allays castoria prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castoria relieves teething troubles cures constipation anil flatulency castoria assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castoria is the childrens panacea the mothers friend castoria castoria castoria is an excellent medicine for children castoria is so well adapted to children that mothers have repeatedly told me ot its I 1 recommend it as superior to any proscription good effect upon their children known to me da G C OSGOOD H A 31 D lowell mass ill so oxford st brooklyn N Y castoria is the best remedy for children of our physicians in tho childrens department which I 1 am acquainted I 1 hope the day is not have spoken highly of their experience far distant when mothers will consider the real in their outside practice with castona interest of their children and usa castoria instead and although we only have among our of the various quack no strums which are medical supplies what is known as regular destroying their loved ones by forcing opium products yet we are free to confess that tha morphine soothing syrup and other hurtful merits ot cashiona has won vs to look with agents down their throats thereby sending upon it HOSPITAL them to premature graves DK J F boston mass conway ark C SMITH fres ahe contant company ta marray street new york city USE auke parties ot taking the city water will do well to call on the supers in for the coat of connection to the water main batea or any other questions pertaining to cost and UBO ol 01 the city water ani anifred ered by era bupt supt hilll sel dr miles irve knew ilia at the session of the school for noncommissioned officers of one of the companies stationed at fort wayne alie following question was asked of sergeant what is strategy give me an instance of it after studying for a or two the g ac the reply when in battle and you are out of ammunition and dont want the enemy to kaow iriti to keep nv n OR aws C ONE FOR A DOSE or the bowels each day if nj cestary ft alta these ellla supply what tae laa tc ial c it they eire th ysa t nl alca jhb beatr attisa cod hs do to of curits T via mall maple arc or a fau for 20 cen sole cn Bocen lio co P bold by pyne maiben OF bar business A 0 SMOOT president W R J 0 GEO Q CANNON S S JOKES E F SHEETS D A SWAN gathier Ga ahier exchange drawn on new york chicago san francisco and all the principal of europa safety deposit bozes for rent from per annum and upwards fiovo opera loose prop r SJ JOSES Treas J U GRAHAM manager ONE ONLY 16 COMPACT in the thrilling modern drama in 4 acts entitled TL pi 1 I ia i ap antrim box office onen for the eale of tickets fridae and saturday REDUCED SALE OF PRICES circle 50 cents and firt circle 35 cente aaa circle 25 cents BANK st sail lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four times a year C fail TITLE TRUST CO capital f full paid president W 8 mc vice president A secretary and jaskier Jas bier AS largest assortment and lowest prices ss ovo THE R 1 ii III am I 1 it general blacksmithing and wagon Repair ius dodo on the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices 1 14 blocks north let national bank city DAVID sare cre for lir loss of manhood seminal emissions 1 I self distrust doaa of memory ac wll make you a strohe vigor oua fisel pries 1 CO 6 ai boxes 5 00 3 Special Directions malskeit with each box address sai cf 2910 LUCAS aal at LOUIS la 10 e tit sugar ibs sugar 20 ibs raisins 30 fihs ihs keep this list annii send in conr MAIL ORDERS DELIVERY to any pirt 0 tiia cita telephone 29 P P W jen re st provo successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND IN lumber doors windows blinds and rustic siding T and S flooring asig baias t ancl X ses lenber sawed and dressed to order scroll sawing and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and ard opposite P depot I 1 ap pp BOVO p pr P 0 box 79 telephone no 20 f ko laz sager delivered to adv cart of the city bock springs lump ct atle pleasant valley lump winter lump rock spring nat castle rate nut anthracite 1100 YARU 17 STO agents zions savings bank and trust company sail lake ny cai pays five per cent interest canum on any d posits you mase write lor particulars WOODRUFF gao M CANNON prest cashier re opened in boshard opposite post office choicest meals ia their season send in your orders delivery prompt oar old patrons are invited to renew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed chervek mgr outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND headquarters FOB all kinds of miners supplies a giant powder caps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box uga aalt LAKE CITY CAN I 1 OBTAIN A PATENT for a prompt answer and an honest opinion write to CO who have had nearly fifty yeara experience la the patent business tiona strictly A handbook of information and bow to obtain them sent free alao a catalogue ot mechanical and scientific books bent free patents taken munn co notice in the cl kllc and teas are brought widely before ine out cost to the inventor this paper leaned weekly elegantly ele cantly illustrated has larrest circulation ot any work in abo world sa a year sample cool ea bent free edition monthly visa a year conlea 25 canta every number contains beautiful plates in colors and photographs of new bouges with piano enabling builders to show hie latest deadens and secure contract address MUN A CO yua can get the finest and most durable claths cloths laade at home as yoo cun aloo get the beof ti arin efm call and see if what I 1 say ie not true S PETERSON tailor one door donth sonth of deforet telegraph J street WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAYS the only lice which anns palace sleeping cars between ogden salt lake city and chicago without change and pullman palace reclining abair care between ogden salt luke city denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if eo be anre and secure tickets over the SANTA FE boure Grand estand greatest railroad on earth ogden salt alake city or provo on the evening train in order to BOB the most bean in america train leaves kio grande western depot provo at p m KC 0 dooly building general agent passenger department SALT LAKE CITY UTAH h v REMEMBER PLYMOUTH briges PANTS TO ORDER TO 1075 SUITS TO 1450 TO OVERCOATS TO ORDER TO over three hundred and fifty patterns to emelect from latest spring styles now in domestic english scotch and french goods c fall dress suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 41 west so street salt lake city A A OK POSTAL TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney P 0 box washington D 0 honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days or over in the late war are entitled if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor whether usability ms ability was caused by service or not aud regardless of their pecuniary circumstances WIDOW such soldiers and sailors if not remarried was due to army service or not if now dependent upon their own labor for support widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldiers death wan anc to service are entitled if under sixteen years in almo stall cases where there waa no widow or she baa since died or remarried PA RENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child provided soldier died la ervice or from of service and they are now dependent upon their own labor for support it makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy soldiers bol diers of the late war pensioned under one saw baay apply for higher rates under otha laws rights thousands of soldiers drawing from 2 to fio per month under the old law are entitled to higher rates under new law not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned but also for others whether due to service or not soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also entitled whether discharged for disability or not survivors and their widows of the creek Cherof cee and seminola or flor ida indian wars of 1833 to 1848 arc entitled under a recent act mexican war soldiers and their widows albo entitled il sixty two years of age or disabled or dependent old claims completed and settlement obtained whether pension baa been granted anif later laws or not rejected claims reopened and settlement secured if rejection improper or illegal certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers sol diera and tailors of the late war who have lost their original papers send for laws and information no charge for advice no fee unless addrece THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney washington 00 J j ressi THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has 0 anven to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce thi popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to bend postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re siding any who re in the united states who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of u for only we will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE sema and an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already become a home necessity among the ladies of butali |