Show what it will cost the argus of salt lake an independent political paper says of the attempted abeal of the constitutional convention that fraud has been indulged in is a fact so apparent that even hidebound democrats admit it and strange though it may appear do not attempt to coa dona it because of it dem cracy has received a blow that it will never recover from in utah and the outlook for a republican state ie indeed battering nattering natt ering whatever may be the final outcome of the frauds attempted republicans will have the consolation that the effect will fall with force on the party of southern election methods As the argus suggests democracy will never recover from it in utah it has ofton been eaid that the mormon people are peculiar we hope their peculiarity may continue for purity in politico before the contest in sanpete San pete two leading politicians wont through the county ostensibly hunting for contest cases on of them asked an al democrat and mormon bishop if he knew of any pointers he answered that he know of none and added that he believed the election had boon a fair one even though the democrats had lost the battle all is not lost continued the politician who was seeking contest cases yon bishop aro elected the bishop was one of the democratic candidates for the constitutional convention and he replied in a query you say I 1 ail elected yes yon are elected waa the response why the lowest republican candidate beat me thirty seven votes eaid tho bishop never mind continued the politician 1 I tell you that you are elected since the recount tha bishop understands why he geould have been assured of his election and he repeats the above conversation in aub stance with utter disgust for auch political methods if the comma eion should award him the certificate of election he would not serve the cormons mormons generally are of similar sentiment they want nothing by fraud and the party which has first attempted fraudulent methods will be the one to buffer if the present fraudulent program ia carried out and the convention made democratic the people may not rise in re bellion for they are long suffering but they will enow the party of frauds under with ballots so far that it will take a generation to thaw out |