Show first district tn theli district court this morning emma williams was granted ft di borca from james williams pursuant to report of referee hatch provo cita vs U P coal co reset for jan 2 1895 in lie ca of mat williams vs AF tha court made an order that one of ane what in me sion of itie provo milling co held in the nama of A F oo 00 be held and that plaintiff be authorized to commerce com suit against daoa carter to test the validity of the transfer of A F whipples Whip ples interest in erest in the property of A F whipple co to laid 0 arter and that be to dis p ee of said one fourth wheat for the period of thirty days MEW CASKS FILED holder Pe tereon by his guardian Hu ardian N P peterson has filed a auit against V H freemal Free mau juanico of the peace at pleasant grove for damages for unlawful imprisonment plaintiff alleges that defendants while pretending to act in kneir cial capacity did unlawfully lully and against the will 0 plaintiff assault and him aud aid imprison him for the period of ten daya wherefore damage a in abe bum named are asked james draper giai filed puit against james et al alleging thet defendant B ld him a piece of real ei tate and in the deed thereto gave a dea which pi intini desires corrected laura M onen ha commenced sait for divorce nat jamea 0 olen alleging alle girg ftc ero notis habitual drunken and failure to provide anka to be awarded certain real estate in S viar county the parties were married in prove march 10 1867 J all easton tor tooted hosea jo haa fi ed eu t against john C cutler it arn e and harry reynold to collect on a note by a mortgage |