Show TRUSTEES SALE Wh whereat eream samuel Li dalard and sarah lid lad his wile wife or of proto city utah county utah dued dated d january jan ary a ry till 1 4 93 and acay recorded la in the office office a ur ul the cauty ot 01 utan e county 0 o u eni lory 0 j the wh day aay ol of ja january n u ary 1893 in book no 15 of mortgagor Mort gagos on page hl hi ol of said bobic con conveyed veya to lo wit ino under undersigner undersigned signed as trustee the described iuna ana efm pin aej la in utah chuney ulan man territory apo bounded d and an described described as follows to wit com mene 1 21 rude roda east from the me northeast corn ir r orbi of block oc 16 plat C provo city survey ot of building bullying bul loing lots lota thence boutu it 1 ewh tu ece last 4 zoda lod thence fiorta cortti iu 10 foils rod S the ll 11 weal brods 4 rod to tue place of begir beginning ming are area 40 marod rods and section 6 gowN hil tsurui uth of 3 halt lake I 1 lan AISO I 1 s 0 cco coni m n a t n c ing 6 rods north ol 01 the so th e east a s Z cor c u aerol er 0 f 0 i t c j c a 3 1 1 L L A I 1 I 1 kr frova u Y a city 1 survey t f guildig buil dig loin iou lutece wesl li 12 rd rida I I 1 thence botu b U rud ral thence hence eabe eu li 14 rous me ace south 6 rd zuda tu lh iu place ot 01 beginning wid atud otherwise dl a as btag we norm null ol of 1 aud anti 2 la in sala bala 3 a aai A 11 a 1 A ti S urvey n I g 7 1 2 I b r t Z 8 situated situ Aed in fi t c 1 1 0 u 1 T 1 7 boutu ut of oliano ax 2 i aasc ase r bait 5 a i t L a i Mer Aler 61 Liau kiso also lot 7 in baluca wl flat elar A erojo city survey situate iu in been D n i 1 lox ship iship i 7 ol 01 ja MU 1 C 4 ut C 0 U 72 juaa iu aut t however ow Z to secure r iab h payment oi 01 a certain cert ailt rv ri aute thenny doe dee fi c r or Sst Ww tidied july wilt altu me n signed s e d and n d amend bied delivered i Q U sac 8 muel Lid liddiard diara baid airali rail liddiard Liddi artl uis wile and J boio joio collins and nd brovo commercial and iaB bauff in provo city and payable at tue tao provo com ni eroll and bank in provo city 01 t Y atari utari one year tilter luiu with wilb inheres in teresi teres reou ul we raw rate ol 01 oue one ier cemper irom dato dal aaili pai d und d enert as kaid deed provided that ahat in easy case default be made tn in chapay mhd pay ent or ol any of 1 secured elam r principal a J or lou leu taut tau aeck to remain in irce aai us dua patty of the second s 0 p 1 I part or iu me ane tarl ol 01 we death deatle dna disa billiy or abos nc itom brovo ueL city or the tha re tu to act or other disqualification ut ul we cue party ol of the second part ihen the sheriff of ct ulah county utah or auy any 0 nis his deputies tines bhea acilus may a ora of tua party r ot 0 lue 0 second ee 1 part pare proceed to 10 sell 9 said U rab d p properly r u p erty or nay part iner eor at 1 veloue to abe he I 1 I 1 le gg bidder lor cati cattelier elier el me parties to said de deed d be belog i 9 at liberty to become the purchaser at bach tale ut me bouse ol 01 baad abid cow merW att and buk B ufa la in provo city utah arst giving 1 l dayn day public not notice 0 f abe U lg utne t benua e r il i d aud and i tle lace or of said sale and property to 10 be od by y advertisement verti itt 1 in shuib newspaper printed iii the go and la M attivo vo cit city aud upon bucu swe sae the party parry of the second parl or ins ais buce aar sual doali execl e u and deaver cr deed i in loe lne kapie ol of itic prop properly eity how eold lo iu tue the purchaser huser hr br N haws bereut laere oi bua out QI the proceeds ol 01 1 5 sule ae bai it ro py iua expenses expense 0 said saia truit including a y u und ild C ausel I 1 wes ices aud V t suid SAM truit tee or of aid assur in aust fr jr his bu lellice sai vices s sc d ro 10 pay the pata paid by zhi me hl 11 ful ar ty 01 lav ino efurd ran its or sigu ees lot taxes in amace or of dequa el liu b ui der the h tu ta said bald trust d att d Cout araut aea niti nii une per M per mouth i iter teral ter i iber I 1 breur eur f w llie ue deeo 0 pa ameni clr ju pay y thu amount unpaid ou on bial baid U aute e buo io e described aud rad n le he jut rafi up to tl glnn af of ale lei fogu lu la tile detent even t tl of there LUere mIter a bUc piU of huou proceeds thea to tv ply pay sc s iid c sui P ua to the party parly or tie e hi hi p pan art personae per sonai reprise depre geniah ia i cs or bs us signs ilu 1111 u lu jn rase case 1 I a denci eucy or ol 6 bucu uc u proceeds ais tale an nyui credit tile the gm 0 ug pit pa d un on aole am carrity carli the soa aaa I 1 where lua hald note is in PUL paal dus und re ir billy unpaid te titi with inverts itic adreon reuB m in paid 1 aia note provided the lith day of april 1892 in all to we tae pum um ul 1 Su and whereas the holder bolder of nf said bald note h b as requested destea the trustee atu lee tu to leil keil ritia caid according tu tha ter s contained conia ined in 1 haild deau or 01 truoc now tae therefore public nobce 1 h hereby e reby given that ibe tia tr fratee atee lu hi accordance with abe teina aad r Wi sious of 0 aud deed dead or lor trust to lijich ii j t leaca ib i hereby badet madet cud tj abe ewt 0 tia taa t ia 0 waier and bolder bulder of bald baid nol wui aji jl the a above b v described describe tt land landard lan dand anu premises at public endab to the highest bidder jorca bu tu ju tit alie e ban kinghouse lung bonse ol of provo commercial jm mercial ond atud davjd 3 lj U iun in aro brovo 0 alty utah uta on sut ardAy md isis k tf salu day tor lonae the purpose of paying the ul said aru iruin it EL a re atonable to he irusle aad rd bs bis P atio t Y and lor paying pa lag said intermit inte and pr principal p ld and muy carrying cul tue ternas in feitl i aed d ot of trust dated at provo pro vo city utah this thia day ol of august AtI guSt 1193 am T trustee rf stee 1 W N attorney attorn ey lor for trustee TruB tee |