Show 4 sure mure cure for piles itching fidei are by moisture like perspiration carain intense itching whan warm this form as aa well as blind Bl bleating eeling or yield at once to dr pile remade which acts directly directly on parta darts affected absorbs jumars alla allays vs itching ani off ctr a permanent care 60 50 ets druggists or mail circulars Circular a free dr bosanko philadelphia pa sold by evne maib en for ine in world vor lava fair by rio ern railway will run ran through cars from salt lake and other utah points direct to the worlds fair passing through scenery unrivaled on any railway in ane world elegant now day oara cars and most modern palace bleeders blee pers will be assigned to this special service no efforts will be spared to make trip to the worlds fair a never to be ba for gotten journey of luxurious ease and pleasure I 1 basure rates via ria the EL G W will ee be as low as the lowest call at the ticket office for copy of worlds fair souvenir illustrated t reduced hates the rio grande western has caa again agal n greatly reduced rates to all points east to missouri river points sioux C city ty to kansas city one way 2503 2500 rad round trip to st louis one way tao 30 s round trip 49 50 to of ilag one olf way round trip pryo to chicago and return food ool until nov kov or return returning mg to denver colorado springs sprinca and an poablo blo one ona way 1600 round trip 2800 una one way tickets limited to continuous contin passage p round trip tickets limited limit edous to continuous passage in both directions with rith a final 30 da das a from date of except those 0 to Chicago and return at the rate atop over will be allowed on thase at colomaio Colo raio points or west thereof shortest sad and fastest line to all points east school trustees trustee can obtain at anz Esqui aza office register cards excuses and other blanks which are ara carried in stock orders by mail promptly filled address co basw AW provo utah A saffron colored C index or of the condit condition lan of 0 a billions and sluggish liver ilter Is the buman not only the kin akin but the eyeballs eye bill are tinged with th yellow hu hut when the bile gets gel into the balaod besides this sich easue the loueie ie become comes furred are ae a e felt 31 in the liver ilter find and trough the right boulder blade bil Is 1 experienced upon rl ing froma hitting or recumbent posture by tle the bl blell illius im invalid forth for ta ie as and other indications of hostetter Hoi letteri a stomach bitters bitten lq 1 a soyer eien remedy it to la also alo Mea clous in chill ana na lerer fever dumb gae ague like inactivity of the kidney and th li and nervousness it I 1 1 stimulates t I insulates inu lates restores rea torea digestion and sleep and leads fads greally to miti esto tho th ot of age 1 hair Z death I 1 instantly and forever destroyed de stroye objectionable hair whether upon the hands face arms or neck nee without discoloration aota mUan or injury to the most delicate I 1 skin akin it was w fr for h uty bufty years theSe ext 1 Fort formula ioula of erasimus Era sinus tuu wilson 1 ledred by as tee highest author tv an I 1 the mott most eminent der and hair specialist that ever lived hla 1 privat pratt iea V 01 a fife life urae amone amona the tv and I 1 hu opa he I 1 two pile stevina iff aurely pac CL e ca e PR sole acal fo ad caz Z V the skookum foot ut ir dept R 57 south avenue new york I 1 N J va ra y GIVES klimesh I 1 tae NESS SS I 1 0 av o 1 iu at I 1 E I 1 clear S SKIN ka N 1 I a T 1 7 I 1 SK IN I 1 N am elx ha N 1 prill aw W aa agreeable laxative Lara 1 m five tive and TONIC tonia sold b druggists or sent by mall and aad S aioo g 00 1 per pack AM Sani samples ples free arg iret iff btty the Favo zite ELIZABETH LIZABET 11 penn aug 22 tsoi NORMAN lighty des acs moines low iowa a we lave have a good sale for Kr krausel Kra ussa auses capsules and those who aho have tried them use them again respectfully ac CHAS H for nale aale by smoot drug a aai 5 I 1 for FOE now new modern modem ten room house west of roberts hotel same block built ot of best beat materials stone and brick steam beat bath electric firlit sewer connection etc etc price way down terms to suit bait purchaser apply to goo sutherland at office over national bank or on premises pre irises must be sold before october t reduction in rates via union pacific ky icy to mit river points to kansas city one way 2500 round trip 1500 to st louis Miss missouri onri one way 30 round trip to chicago one way round trip to denver cheyenne Che venno colorado springs and pueblo one way 1600 round trip 2800 one way tickets limited to conting oua Os pas passage sage round bound trip tickets limited to continuous passage in both directions direct ions with ith a final avinal limit of 20 30 days daya from date of sale QUICKEST AND LINE to above loo cointa ints tf I 1 1 W T b al d ne TV it I 1 Is 0 I 1 what is the condition of youn 7 Is your a v hair bair dry harab brittle t does it put at the tha ends endi basic ageless aweless a azneef appearance f I 1 J tali fall out when combed or brushed d I 1 is it fu of nt d dandruff poes vm your scalp calp itch f Is I 1 it dry I 1 or in a heated t condition 0 of f your symptom a bo be la in ume uma orlou or you v v me skookum root hoot hair grower is J what hayou you its production Ls li wt not an a accident b but bt t the ma re result wt or of selmine reseA rei euch reb lilt knowledge ot of the diseases e s ot of th tha bair and I 1 1 led to the c ga I 1 ct bow to treat them I 1 I 1 sk Z tl t l neither jeano ib it la is not os i dye dy b bat a d lie cooling and cd r C tonic we by 1 rou follicles ldes att it ailing ahwai gh wai I 1 dandruff grow aur 0 en bald inputs I 1 I 1 tt keep tab alp scalp clean bealtho be althy y ami ft frea Z I 1 from MA un cur emp pt I 1 along dy the 6 ua of I 1 if i 5 soap it il dys di roys r a si ig f in 1 tints which cepl ec a v m n sad a 11 ail I 1 g the a tan I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 it your yaw omegia emnot you send lend di 11 I 1 to us and we will 1 11 jj load erard P n re I 1 r r ti 1 ig ot of crac P grower sl i w per bottle i 6 tor for TR MARK I 1 P pe rs im registered 6 for THE SKOOKUM ROOT BOOT will HAIR GROWER coi CO i 67 57 south fifth ave now new yuk york NY N Y I 1 I 1 11 THAT hot water applied to the backof ack of the neck will relieve nervous fatigue THAT tin vare badly aarni tarnished shed should be boiled in soda and water before scouring I 1 AUA MOPS c 11 ONION I 1 FOR I 1 I 1 COLDS I 1 AND CROUP grandmothers ADVICE nt nine children 07 Y a only rem tt v 5 c tor for coumba ccady and croat wu onion amp it i 1 jot efta a tody today to dy day u it w u forty yer yer ago X saw my hila en tk take dr gu garni onla onion 8 lymp ab u lr idy prepared and d corp morp pl plean to tha a awta bold p barb dogue eo bento sk no for it dobrai afla u rood sold by pyna maiben WELLS A A tace RAGE contractors and builders at provo city lumber co estimates given gitell on fin AU all kinds of cf ell ARCH WORK a SPECIALTY satisfaction guaranteed I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 t 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 e 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 KNOWLEDGE K ah inn in jenss n s contort comfort and improvement and eds I 1 0 3 personal monal enjoyment aheu riol v ad 1 the mani many who live bet tei tei than others and enjoy life more with acsa ic expends expendi expenditure ure by more promptly adapting the worlds best beat products to alie he leeds of physical h ical being will attest the va VAS 0 o te tc beys adalth ith of the pure liquid abata ax ata embraced in tho the remedy syrup of figs I 1 its ita excellence is due to its ita presenting in u vile form most accept acceptable abl e and plead an aa to the taste the refreshing and truly bene beneficial facial properties of a perfect tax las etive effectually cleansing the system di alling colds headaches mid and fevers lad ind permanently curing constipation 1 IS 1 has given satisfaction to millions and biet with the approve ap prova of P the medico medic profession because it acts on the kid z liver and bowels without w ws 1 fling I I 1 t them and it is perfectly free fr fran every objectionable substance syrup of figs is for sale by all arr A ista in zae and 81 bottles but it is man by the california fig syrup coonly co only whose name is printed on every package also the name syrup of figi aid being well informed you will not t any substitute if offered P ra ho S 01 J JC 0 gradam GRA aAM manager I 1 I 1 ONE NIGHT ONLY MUMMY WEDNESDAY SEPT 20 the queen of comedies TZ sats MIT sa ay 1 fagg jennie yeamans as jane allam presented with all of the 06 original 1 anul players win wh have bave made thu the I 1 comedy famous for over RIGHTS NIGHTS IN NEW HEW YORK CRY under I 1 under direction of CHAS I 1 I 1 this thia famous comedy will play salt lake labe city monday and Tuis tuesday day sept 18 19 and it 19 watch salt lake city papers for criticism I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 PRICES 25 50 75 and reserved bile bala on tuesday at provo book store I 1 provo prove opera house J 0 GRAHAM manager ONE ON 11 WEEK commencing THURSDAY SEPT engagement of the american artists J G 9 E alma J S supported up ported by the celebrated NEW FIEW YORK THEATRE THEft TRE u I 1 la in a standard Kepi toire of playa initial perform performance Pez form ance i t ax GELD UR SOLER OF POPULAR F PRICES 25 35 50 reserved seats on sale Wed wednesday nesda 1 ar it 1 ak 10 2 0 if nouh ave it to give you are in luck we will exchange goods at 25 to 35 per k cent of their an jw zo MUST I 1 a CASH value for cash di dig g up the gold silver ann ana 9 greenbacks green reen backs you have in that old stock stocking ing shoe nr stovepipe other we safe and it I 1 or place bring to us were just now giving the I 1 GR ill tl swiff I 1 V A L 1 U M 11 rr a 0 8 FW N n oaf ma wk sak I 1 1 I 1 we wove ve bargains I 1 lor or you that will shame all aal assignees marshals and sheriffs sales come where you can get new goods goodis for one their value to keep I 1 our hiir sales w air 0 the mark we are now offering greater bargains than we ever have before in all grades of i 11 11 V R ai I 1 11 4 k 1 I 1 Clot liing 0 Z goods CIS IX V 0 SW 14 drw 4 s I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 and the countless antless small articles usually kept in a dry goods store and andee me can show you a larger assortment to select from than any other store in the city al visit to our st I 1 11 ll ure I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 r Z 11 isaacsr iSa acSA 9 as asa a 1 will convince you of this e w 0 4 ci A A 1 I 1 I 1 bollo deen I W 11 at a rr rr W W 11 t IMI I 1 1 ja s j Z I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 L I 1 four big successes having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale dr kings new discovery for coughs and colds each bottle guaranteed electric bitters the great remedy for liver stomach and kidneys Buc Buck klena leni krulc arniat salve the best beat in the world and ana dr kings new life pills v man are a perfect pill all these remedies bra ra guaranteed t ti do enst sh ht t is claimed for them ind the deal dealer ler whose name is attached herewith will be s g ad to tell you more of them sold at smoot drug 0 oj I 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 f k I 1 TV highest highes t of all in leavening power tamest U S goat report 1 F lc av 1 B am 6 9 ng k k aft L c r aw abw I 1 A |