Show PREMIUMS WELL PAID F FOR of CustOr customers aers Gene generally raily pay fay gix git the nose for what they get these are trade inciters inci or sweeteners said the proprietor ofa of a wholesale drug houseas he opened a box containing half a gross of what appeared to ie be gold watches these gold filled watches are given as a bonus to dealers to handle certain goods one of these watches is given with every thousand of cigars that he buys and five vent cent c cigars at that A dealer ca can n cover himself with jewelry f fill ill his house with pictures have a piano and an organ a delivery wagon and a carriage without paying a cent the sale of baking powder is promoted by giving p clocks to dealers who buy a certain amount and wonderful to relate a fine lamp retailing ret retailing ailin at is given to the dealer who will buy worth of a land kind of chewing gum delivery wan wagons ns go with avith purchases of soap and baki baking ng powder and road carts are give given away with a number of articles sets of bed room furniture are given with a good sized deal in cigars pictures with bottled whisky and other things heres hares an alami i watch with a steel chain and the iv vat v hi 11 keep time too that is given t ti any lucky dealer who will buy worth of cough drops office desks are also I 1 given with cigars so also is a ticket I 1 to the worlds fair and return similar schemes go with coffee and fancy groceries who pays for it oh the customer I 1 suppose but he never knows it |