Show I 1 11 on bein g held I 1 CAUSED BY A SLANDER an officer married his maid servant under Sani suspicious cious circumstances special to TUB feb 7 A good goed deal of mystery and secrecy surrounds the general court martial which assembled today in the large mess room of fort wayne in response to orders irsuell by gen miles of the department of the missouri army officers are mum concerning the business that has called for the assembling of the body lut but it is bertain certain that business s of more than usual imbor importance barce is to be transacted as the members of the court are of un unusually high rank STOUT OF THE CASK CASE feb 7 according to a story etory current among army men here the court martial that convened today at fort wayne mich will try capt alexander W H taylor of t the he nine infantry on charges of conduct unbecoming an officer just what those these charges are is ia a subject upon which army men are mum it ft is alleged however that capt ray lorg lors fellow officers are indignant over his marriage some little ittle time ago to a grass widow named minnie who for sometime bome time had been engaged as a domestic in the captains bachelor home the ahe wives of the other officers at fort wayne in bist that they cannot associate with the lady without compromising all well cle defined fined rules of propriety maj W S groesbeck jungo advocate of the united states of america says that there are other charges against capt taylor and that it would woul d be ridiculous to court martial a man for marrying his servant whatever charges may be preferred however the judge advocate says he will have a fa r trial capt taylor is an ed the army as a private in the new york when the first call for troops was mado made during the chiv civil il war and has worked his way up to his bis present condition ile he has numerous friends who will ill stand by him through thick and thin it is thou thought bt that the court martial will be in session for over a week |