Show DERO CRITIC tho the republican attempt to gain cain admission for utah has quite aroused the salt lake herald and it saye many things that are not true besides showing its hand on the statehood quest question on it commences by telling us that this effort to hurry through the omnibus bill is ia but bat a sort of deathbed contrition on the part of the re ee publican party because from its birth it was a bitter and biting foe to the people of utai n of course coarse the people know that the republican party has always had the courage of its convictions When Whon it declared polygamy V should be stopped the republican leaders set about to enact laws that would bring about a that at result democrats were then posing aa the special friends of utah but when the polygamy question came up in congress they tried to out HEROD i EDMUNDS bill was bad b ad but TUCKER a bill from the democratic side was simply diabolical it proposed not alone the disfranchisement of poly gamilis gam ga mists isis but the whole mormon people and wanted us ruled by a commission even our justices of the peace were to be appointed as they are in some sections of the south that nefarious measure failed thanks be to our enemy senator EDMUNDS and the republicans then in con gress gresa when it came to enforcing the anti polygamy y laws we call on the people of utah suffered tho the most moat in dignities during daring CLEV ELANDS term ace the persecution of the polygamists ista was something that still causes the tha heart to sink in many a breast the hounding of this class of citizens at that thai time was wag beyond all requirements of justice ce when president assumed control the law was wag enforced as becomes a great the united states mercy and justice were mingled and president HArmi sox granted more pardons luring during the tha first year of his hia administration than did CLEVELAND in the entire time that he was wag chief executive notwithstanding that near ly a thousand men were incarcerated in the penitentiary on polygamous convictions during those four foor years yeara oh there are many persons in utah who remember that the democratic party has not been such a friend to the mormons cormons as ag the heralds hired scribe from missouri would make it appear those same portions pe rions will also kindly remember tha leniency shown and the amnesty riven given by the party parly that from its birth has haa been baen a bitter and biang foe to the tha people of 01 utah as the herald would lay further on the her herald ald says it should la be the tha aim of the leading men of the democratic party in every part of this territory terr atory to make this clear to the public mind utah owes bothin nothing to the republicans we believe tha will be a hard bard task to accomplish for too many of 01 f the th 0 people already believe that utah owes more to the republicans than to the democrats then than to advise the lead ing men of the democratic party to make it clear that utah owes nothing to tto tle republican party seems like rashness 0 to o us however lot let tho the endeavor be made provo prove that yo ye democrats if you can and then we will show yon one of et tho the most un gratful grat grato ful fol communities under tinder the san the laudable endeavor of the re lie publicans public ans to grant statehood now in view of their past policy toward utah is ie referred to in this choice language it is ano ono of tha most transparent pieces of 0 f political humbug ever held up before the gaze of a discerning peo pie we are glad the herald said that because the people may now know its position tian on the statehood proposition suspected that stich were ware its ita OPinion sand openly chrrid as much some time ago tho the people will yet let learn that tho herald is ia one of tho the worst papers published in ID utah it itis is both unpatriotic and hypocritical |