Show 11 I 1 j I 1 e some of our western democrats delite desir lo 10 construe the policy of demo tracy into other than freo the saying it will bo be the privilege leea of the democrats in congre Cong reea to show that their party has not demanded or desired free trade but a substantial reduction ot of the exorbitant taxes the country i ia now compelled to pay to build up monopolies mon oplies in one section of of the land and which pre enormously profitable at the cost of nil all 0 ther other sections oar friends ought to study i what the new york sun a leading beadi III organ I 1 has to say it t re regrets grets to a be ap P ia in vart various quarters indications moro more or less distinct to emasculate ani and nullify il f I 1 the chicago platform ot of 1892 respecting ing tho tariff the plat pi at form forra is 13 then expounded as follows it expresses most plainly a and nd forcibly the ground on an which the advocates advocat eb vi t ahe ile free fieo trade doctrinal doctrina doc trina 11 6 must rest their case we declare it to I 1 I 1 4 1 de ba tie fie fand fund mantal principle of tho the democratic party says the platform that the federal government has no constitutional power to impose and collect tariff except for the ana durpos 0 of 01 revenue only this is the doctrine proclaimed by the party and established voting of november wren c d by the ea mr r cleveland and the new democratic congress Cong reea were elected by large larga and unexpected majorities and it is the doctrine irom from which there should now be no retreat and no variation Y yet t in somo spheres of political activity ehigh high and lo 10 low w a ne e see signs of purpose to vary and nd depart from this advanced doc doctrine irine and we make haste baste to say tuat any such anch course on the part of the democratic party or of its chosen depre amt wilt wil not only ba unworthy 0 of f them and insulting to the people who h have ave given theae great areat majorities bat will certainly be productive of political disaster if not of the bartys overthrow we lve say this all the more earnestly because the tha doctrine in question is ia rot ret ours anere roust must then te de no evasion and no false pretenses respecting the tariff on the part of those who are charled with the duty of carrying out the wishes of the democracy and realizing tha measures on 11 which the people have hava pronounced that their duty duly is to remove from tho the statute books and from the administration of the government every measure every trace every root and fiber of the protectionist alei policy the protectionist system enst be ex end and a free trade system must bo be established in its place any taing short of this will be false to the pledges of those who have been elected to office by the ballots of the voters |