Show FOREIGN FLASHES duglish wardens in bad luck BERING BEHRING ARMP arbitration RATION it will be proceeded witha queer candian cath olic custom special to feb 3 the home secretary today refused to interfere in behalf of two wardens of Pent pentonville onville ille prison who have been discharged from their positions ions in consequence ot the discoli ery that during the imprison imprisonment m ent of charles mitchell Ms the pugilist t they secret secretly lv conveyed cony eyed liquors letters anzi and ether articles to a him two or three times a week eek the discovery has led to a complete reorganization of the prison force A largely signed petition has bats been presented to the home secretary asking him to order the reinstatement instatement re rea of the men on the ground of former good conduct but in refusing he be says that it is ia important that discipline be maintained in her Maje Alsie prison one of the men had been in service in differ ent prisons for twenty years yeara and would have retired on a pension next winter M mitchell itchell seems to have the f faculty acutt y of blighting and bringing ill luck to everybody with whom he comes chinea in contact berini bea special to ENQUIRER feb 3 the extension of time granted ferche filing of counts counter r cases in the be being ing sea arbitration formally expired today and everything ii now in readiness for the meeting of ahe tribunal of arbitration and which takes place in paris two weeks hence hence toe case ot of the united states arid and th the british government was submitted last september according to treaty terms al babl 10 1 pun tara a ban N fied by the end of novem november be r by an inadvertence however the th eb british rit I 1 eh government failed in this latter reitar dand had bad not the president extended the time tor ming filing counter cases basea until today the entire bering sea negotiation would have been thrown overboard the danger however is now past and the arbitration can proceed A 1 quer tradition oa I 1 special S to THE I 1 que feb debs S A unique service will take pi aco in many of the old catholic churches of this and other canadian cities tomorrow it is ia the celebration of st baiges day a service that has haa been ma maintained maita stained ita ined among many of the aromaa catholics tor for centuries the tradition is that a young youn eirl irl ano was choking to death on a fish figh bone was miraculously saved by bv st baise since that time persons affected with throat troubles have looked upon the saint as aa their special patron and many cures have been reported owing to the the inclement weather wo ither ot of the winter threat troubles tr les are very prevalent anu and large numbers will seek relief on this anniversary ann I 1 ver sary at the morning corning mass ma so candles will be blessed and formed in a cross and then applied to the throats of the sufferers a special prayer being at the same flame time made madd for their recovery lin itjin Cele celebration brition I 1 special to THE YORK feb 3 all over the united states the twelfth anniversary ot of the organization of the society of christian endeavor was celebrated last night by meetings of prayer and praise and in this city the celebration will be co continued tonight and tomorrow night winding up with special services on sunday the last report received at the headquarters of the organization placed the total number of members in this country at anand on and a third wilid ions 1 |