Show att I 1 office alce hours 9 to 12 a in m 2 to 4 p a A he curia lyt JV aa 3 SU GON palice e eloi blu K husli fener I 1 block ant I 1 first ward bubp catreet KB Ka treet Reid rii c no 45 2 office nt 1 L i dellovo UTA UTAH H drs H J hicha richards ads AND F VV tay aloy physicians alid az surgeons office at their re residence e the former residence of dr pike fr F F USED REED P F F REED BRO dentists dentist va have all modern instruments for the practice of operative ana prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A EW ewall ayau all work guar guaranteed anteen room coomo I 1 n 0 bank burldine Bai BuIl ldina dine provo dr J it I amm swam dentist electric gas gag administered when de aired teeth extracted by it without pain all kinds of D antal work in n the beat and latest all work from his bis date will be guaranteed according to agreed agreement or the money will 1 br bc refunded rooms no 2 and 4 bank Build Buil diu lue provo prevo city utah UNIV ai WOODS bawek adv V av IRS 0 effite frice in na national t ional bank of comerce PROVO UTAH J ja I 1 W III N I 1 I 1 I 1 TTO R NE N E YA Y A AT 1 I LAW LA L V ooma 11 and 12 first Nat Na Bank tRank build prevo PROVO ins ing oita CITY UTAH DON C JOHNSON AT LAW office at city hall aprin 4 VI LLE UTAH WILLIAM 11 fl D HOUTZ X I 1 i 1 at law ROOMS 5 and 7 pira firs national bank banfe building PROVO CITY UTAH 1 E booth E A wilson A labooth BOOTH WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LA W and land afu ofu office ace Agn agats ts 0 2 23 3 N J street brovo CITY UTAH 11 9 N t IN AT LAW ul ia 14 I 1 PROVO PRO VO CITY 1 r k fa 4 E E EA Y attorney at a law it room oora 9 bank building Bail ding PROVO CITY UTAH A AG G sutherland I 1 attorney at law office in gates gatea snow block opposite court PROVO CITY UTAH A E VEA 7 1 tj 1 1 ri I 1 ATTORNEY A AT LAW CriMi criminal ual LIM iw a specialty room 3 union block provo city utah R G I 1 ai architect cited a and id superintendent IF office othas no 1 union block provo SA sall IA J japPER nal 11 L I 1 D arson SOM wm UA 21 2 rj m w zia 1 I mia ill 0 1 avo UTAH ier V f tid ml iti str eli return then ai TEN TEM CENTS vi N ill be given for very ovary e 11 ir slin i allon keg g BRANDED cali fola I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ix company lJ LAjA adf 9 delivered livered at the palace saloon 9 provo Pi MS 1 S SINES M NES aid AI COT 11 hi A we are ure prepared pared to receive orders of ir r make contracts for buildings all descriptions estimates timatea Ea for furnished nish edon en ap application we ave have the facilities for nann fao turing tho the des oest t and most durable qua qualities litis of BRICK irl in auy any required pan quantities ih S simbol tamel liddiard co myo 4 THE fridly 20 1893 hiloa mil nerve and liver act on a now new principle regulating the liver stomach arid and bowels through the nerves A new dincov discovery ery dr miles mil es pilla epee dilly cure billiou billio nane aneas sai bad teate torpid liver piles constipation unequaled for men women children smallest mildest sure enrest astl I 1 50 doses 25 cents centa sam plea free at evne maiben THE MORNING taken batore cheats a fale appetite A wint win caga ful ol 01 dr henleys Hen leys elaish dandelion tonic taken belore before mania strengthens strengths ns the tha digestive organs and enables enabled you yon to relish a hearty meat meal wither amory to at cawi lUn undisputed disputed authority abe united states says that onions are ara a stimulant nt diuretic and expectorant they increase the appetite a and promote digestion the juice jaice made into syrup syrna kaa has a specific action on tho throat thoat lungs lunga and air pas passages sages it not only cures coughs colds croup and consumption but it its stimulating effect strength strengthens ons and buildt abnilda up the system afterward I 1 As B dimac locc and rector restorative active it has no aquil 7 ve e solicit a trial in the most chronic and at unborn cases price 60 50 cents sold old by pyne mallien maiben an appal appa t to theater going the of the tremont theater of doston boston has inserted the following notice in the play bills will you yon iid aid the mana management gement in its wor it of hat reform wear a small bonnet 0 or r remove your large hat during the 1 performance the theater is well heated and protected from drafts respectfully fully and nd gratefully abbey grau gran F forty orty years ago obe oberlin alin admitted antoinette toi netto drown brown and lettice smith to study in its theological department ai innovation so radical that even liberal oberlin whose ch charter arter secured to women tho right to study in nil its departments was fearful of of f results HER HEB FACE HER HEK FORTUNE 3 commonly said of Is nr idaa 13 beauties she alia who uses with artistic taste wig W ia iloma famous robertine has forture fortar 6 in tho the possession of a complexion to which ahl n noth nothing rg but the blush of the rose roee 0 the sa of the lily can be com 1 is ia just what it reparation tha I 1 P brej acl v P claimed in b bathe the most moat delight delightful fal tc t ilet article and only perfect beautifier known read tho tha testimonials from anous A arti artisti stig celebrated chemists and prominent physicians ifor for the past two or cor three years bearg I 1 have been subject to cramping pains in the etoi nache bays mr W A bladwin i hardware merchant of blonville boonville 11 e in lil ica ci lowa iowa 1 1 1 1 I have tri tried ed anum a num bestone best one ir er of r HC erent re remedies in edles the and e nc chamberlains of remedy one or two doses it always cures me sold by pyne 51 maiben ailien Unc klona arnica dalve TIP rile vat kiive in world ter icy cuts bruises sores S rait alt khena fever sores tetter chop PM hands corns and nil fill rin bitin eruptions and punitively vely cures caroa piles or no required it ij ia ga gai granteed to give pay ay rebun refunded ed or money rieca B perfect e p trice nce 25 cents canta per box for diug by pyne maiben dw I 1 sure core care it i itching piles are kno kanovi 11 by like perspiration causing intense itch ins 17 when warm VELIM this ittem orm as aa well BS as blind bi e adina and protruding ding yield at once to dr Bosan koa kols pile lamod remedy Y which acts directly on tl abo 0 arts cie d absorbs tumors altac allays itch itching and effects a permanent ailt cur I 1 an C druggists dragg ieta or mail free dr bosanko Boa anko arch st SL riu ia sold gold by i enec maiben 0 K R T li honest dionest onest ite suits 0 K T I 1 many ot of ane pioneers ot oregon and washington neton have cheerfully testified to tile tho wonderful curative properties lea of the el laj rated oregon kidney tea purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and aar ar f fe e taken by br the youngest child or most delicate woman 0 K T is a nover never filling failing remedy for pains in the back and loins non retention of urine anrine alling salling s or burning sensation while urinating orina ting docous discharges anc all 11 kidney tro of either sex ii 1 sit at all ii deng sta I 1 FAIR WOMEN vil bright beautiful and fascinating women are made more charming by the tha the artistic use of wisdoms famous robertine it enliven a the most regular beauty by adding freshness poritz nd brilliancy to the coraD complexion lexion JAP ANE S M I 1 M 19 I 1 4 2 le egl U I 1 AM I 1 CM I 1 C WY arm ff A new and complete treatment cong latina of at suppositories ointment in capsules Capsule so also in box and pills a positive care for E external ater 1 internal blind or bleeding Itch lne c chronic bronte I 1 recent or hereditary piles iles an and many other and female weaknesses it is alwaes a great benefit to the general health the first discovery ofa medic medical knai acure cure render lur an operation with the knife fi un 1111 ni cestary he this remedy lias has never been known tomail to lall 1 per box 6 or sa sent by mall why suffer from this terrible disease whAn a writt written n guarantee Is positively given elven with 6 boxe to refund the money it 1 not cured feud sta stamp tor for free sample guar gnat antee Iss A C smith co wholesale and r retail eta 1 druggists sole agta agi jor late lake cita dap w livar complaint bil ii the tha chiet chief symptoms ol of this dis e we are depression of spirits foul co coated ted tongue bad tasting muth disagreeable ee breath dry stein skin w with ith clothes and erupi eruptions ons sallow comp lection and yellow eyes tired aching shoulders dull pain in right side faintness dizziness and irregular bowels this complaint in all of its forms can be ba readily cured by taking dr gunns Im improve liver pills as directed and a lingering spell of sickness will often be warded off by their use sold at 25 cents a box by i evne malben maiben in buying cough medicine for children says bays hiwalker HA walker a prominent druggist of ogden utah never be afraid to buy chambe chamberlains plains cough remedy remeda there is no danger from it and relief is always jaure sure to follow I 1 particularly recommend chamberlains b because cause I 1 have found it to be safe and reliable it is intended especially tor colds croup and whooping cough of 50 cent bottles for sale bv pyne SF IF YOU WANT NANT TO KNOW K 14 0 W alar at ABOUT akan WORLDS FAIR R A I 1 R and to be KEPT POSTED la ia regard to the same sama from now until next december jou should subscribe for the weekly W IT hater lilt dur oceail 0 C 9 wan ir THE WORLDS FAIR FAIE lor for tha N NEXT TWELVE i MONTHS will laa be of absorbing interest to everybody and THE INTER OCEAN intends making A SPEC SPECIAL FEATURE OP 05 IT A corps of STAFF REPORTERS will devote their attention to the ExPosi exposition ti on and wm in each issue have a the readers of the weekly inter ocean synopsis of all happenings and features of interest on an the tha grounds crowds and with Must illustrations rations tuf BE J WOMAS SHOP TUTOR HOME FABI IND and aai all A bimm MMES tEAm EsmiL WILL BE MD ja owing to the factor the chanie change in the political leal character of the national administration MEWS FROM THE will bo be of unusual An interest terest THIS vall W BE COMPLETE nt in fact it is the intention to keep the inter ocean to the front I 1 as a paper for the home ana And maire it such a visitor as wm be 19 enjoy edby ZV anz OF und ana old oia to adako alo THE ITEM PAPER BETTEB an A n EVES q our endeavor the price of tie the inter ocean is W per year 1 the 11 price nee of tiie the semi fal y mer ocean is per year lear T 13 weekly la ia abusaad bushed the babis 1 weekly M and bead copy and seo tor goursau your saU address all arderi or serf THE INTER OCEAN chicago TO CHICAGO I 1 have bare been studying the time lima tables lea ies I 1 and andi 1 find the only proper way to get to chicago is is via the rio klo grind 0 basters wasters and colorado midland we can leave provo monday pt fit am arrive at denver tue day at am I 1 ii b m 1 a aud tid chicago wednesday la 15 i 5 p in juet think of it only two twi night on the road drosd I 1 I 1 with all th the 0 scenery ahr thrown own in in ta sa s1 cool mountain canyons nodest no dut 1 no heat I 1 besiant eat an huan sleepers empty empting n g IIII 1111 eals arid pai e employees now be cartful itil y 4 that ti read rio grande weiters 11 I 1 at wid nul colorado midland call oa braley malisy y S agent for the R 0 W 1 1 I 1 a s aa I 1 FF D I 1 A aa 4 11 1161 r 10 fl 1 I 1 I 1 1 U U W I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 t I 1 i 0 11 I 1 i k T 11 11 I 1 I 1 1 api co pae I 1 I 1 11 1 ar 1 I 5 I 1 oll eli satisfied fl biot e I 1 jav 11 4 aam M h 17 I 1 li k Z azo E I 1 i 0 O u A T x n rs 2 8 BEST est LAU N D RY 5 J AP 4 I 1 aie 1 I 1 i e to orld I 1 I 1 0 d o i L use 5 e i il L in dl jl my ari y and deag clein al 2 aga r CIC a ol 01 ly AL ai i p 0 0 lr IT 0 cents KEEP lors j 12 ST loies aa a a 0 0 ca aloas IS A TID ath I 1 manufacturers OF steam and horse power and well driving machine steam boilers engines 1 emall 11 kinds of brass an and ca iron 1114 WM a largest stock of pipes and fittings in fiovo gas water and steam plumbing L prompt ply attended to estimates oiven given on all kinds of iron work Corre correspond spon d with us and get figures za CHA ran ITH supt NEW DISCOVERY in compounding s aitio solution a p part t was acci denny stilled spilled on the hand band and on en shiria as rd it was discovered that t the e hair was completely plemely 13 removed we at once put una this wonderful preparation pre parton on tho the x market arket and so ae great l hm bos been ix en the demand that we are now ilow introducing aith the world under coder the name of queens anti ana valrine az IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND 4 SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT ray lay the halt hair over and apply the mixture alture tor for a few minutes and the hair br dippe di disappears ppe as sit it by inave i lilious lili out the siti slightest biest pain or injury when w hen applied tied or ever atter afterward it unlike any other ever used tp who have been annoyed I 1 lor a like purpose ot of with hair on their PA FA yn y N ECK and ARDIS attest its ita merits GENTLEMEN who donot app melta b d ba and a priceless bo boon 1 in Q W ariti anti which aich does away S with blia ving by rendering its ita future autore grova growth th an utter impossibility price of queens antl anti hairsine 1 per bottle sent in safety mailing box boxes postage paid by us securely correspondence sealed from observation send money or stamps by letter with lull fall address written plainly in word it pon dence 1 strictly I derit ial this advertisement li Is honest and orward forward cut ever every this th sword out and ana agn contains t we w invite in its you yon to dial deal di al with ni and you yon will find brid ever a as a rf represented presented 0 you tou cau u send bend today LO dry address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO race street cincinnati case cac re renter giter your letter at any P foot t office to insure its sille sale deliver e will pay sado for any or of ful failure fellure lure or slightest injury to any purchaser every bottle cu guaranteed rated Q D ll 11 C D F P T to ladle who introduce Intro d dace nd lid it 11 among OZ cef their fri friends endi 25 bottles bottled law of Q kneen een bottle A anu and ti iii owr hachie sami 1 1 4 ft I 1 we will present with a BILK DREM DEES ia yards best ili bilk ik extra wet of UX to 0 select elec from sent bent with order good saly salary or dommi Commisa monto ioa to agento M Bs jEt s as su W lie BM eg sarsaparilla gg a amno asa no equal stands alone as the CREPT creat BLOOD PURIFIER PU and tara for rheumatism ilo sarsaparilla now sold is so ao fully folly en by physicians Physic ans and nd druggists complete formula printed on each bottle ask for BROWNS BROWN S sarsaparilla and use boother no other BROWNs BLACK BERRYAND AND GINGER 1 is aged agedio to be the best amed lor for diarrhoea dissenters Dissen tery and ah bowel Collipi complaint aint it cont contains ains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica Gino erand crand Black blackberry bury roots combined with aromatics Aro motica matics making it an ag agreeable 0 safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists 1 I 1 I 1 ipg 55 F I 1 1 f M IM MM I 1 a ha s r ar al I 1 VM M 1 a I 1 11 1 0 E E 9 eli 11 E I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 a 1 I 1 U q fig 9 14 I 1 to J y 91 faz 1 C 1 11 11 IRAI I RA I ih WA 19 T 54 11 1 9 9 V R P 1 k U lu vr I 1 I 1 I 1 D arm V 11 LY i V am ej M ae my r ta I 1 L 5 na 1 I 1 M I 1 I 1 giap amt P U I 1 afi ahm T IT 11 I 1 from now on until further farther notice we will sell all kinds of Bail baulding ding material at ai cost oat buol for fry bui koput trat Tr 11 1 JL 1 vt cash we will not be under undersold sold by anybody people desiring goods in our ine ina will save money by calling on us before buying elsewhere call around nd be convinced for yourselves we are also the leading goal coil dealers in provo having constantly of hand pleasant valley and rock springs coal delivered to any part of the city rock spring nut wal coal A I 1 only MY 4 ton toa I 1 the |