Show summons of utah I 1 I 1 Bs county bounty ot of utah in 1 n tija the i justice court ot ol benjamin precinct cras E hawkins plaintiff i vs deru demand and lob holni a loa doe l oa dere defendant nd 1 ro robn doe Gree Greet Uns tim you are hereby to be and nd appear before methe undersigned undersigner under signed at rn rny v office la in benjamin precinct man C county 1 anty utah terri tar taron jan 27 1893 nt 10 a m of said day to answer a complaint filed you herein bervin by sidd bald plaintiff taid action Is 13 brought to recover from you yon t the he sum bum ot of one dallai and fitta ca caused 1 I oy ny your ani animals malts aming on the me P property ol of charles E B hawkins by eating callus haa fl ha sa pad d animals ara as follow W i t 0 3 wit on ona bay mare about 9 yeara old 5 tars state in forehead three hhite f tet fet et right hip knocked down ion on len lefi thigh ihlen ono ona bay mar mare a out 6 years old oid star etar in ro forehead ri rist bt t bind foot white branded heon p on left shoulder should cr horse about 6 ye years old star tar in one bay forehead len hind toot foot w waits ats branded 1 I 1 Q C on left shoulder branded T r left thigh one bay horse colt about 2 years old star in forehead blehi hind foot white branded as M on lell shoulder and you yon aya are hereby uoti fled that it you fall fail answer ax as above required and to so appear will take judgment fot for one Dollar the 0 plaintiff and fitly cents and cost ot of keeping keean I 1 said and costs of suit a of said county constable to the sheriff or any greeting make hia a lew leej service bervice and due return hereon ulven given under my iny baad thu tha day ol of J Ja a nAD a A D 1893 richardson ARDSON 11 justice agthe of the peace |