Show hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to f P pm im i im it i 1 A xi ci t I 1 ai XA fa PHYSICIAN feori office palace falace bloch residence I 1 block blk mouth adouth first ward ak aset beet R ne nc 45 office no 28 PROVO UTAH drs H J richards Rich AND I 1 IT F W WJ baylo aylor r r pit physician and surgeons offles at their residence the former residence of dr pike ris MRS S fl A arl GR I 1 i 0 i AM 1 I G 3 street between tween am and ath I 1 I 1 va T r UTAH url 1 P F P HEED raed F F REED BROI BRO dentists have all modern instruments for the practice of operative ana PR prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIA SPECIALTY UrY gfall Y all work guar room no 10 bank building Bail Build dine inz provo dr J I 1 chrISI s dentist Elec electric trie gas administered when do de aired teeth extracted by it without pitin pain all kinds kinda of dental work in ii the but and latest styles stylea AR all work from his date will be guaranteed according to agreement or tho the money will be refunded booms no 2 and 4 bank Buil building dlug provo city utah KING WOOK WOODS XA WYER IRS I 1 office in ia national bank of comerce brovo UTAH J S EY AT LA W looms 11 an and d 12 first Nat Bank build ins inc CITY UTAH DON G C JOHNSON attorney AT AT LAW koom no 3 bank building buil dins Spring springville ville UTAH WILLIAM TILLIAM fl D EOUTZ T dicing attorney s adlaw at law ROOMS 5 and 7 firs national bank buildings Buil dins PROVO CITY 1 I E booth E EA A wilson A abo labooth out BOOTH WILSON I 1 AT LAW W and land aganes 0 2 23 3 N J street brovo CITY UTAH THURMAN L 0 S sutherland U A N 0 ATTORNEYS AT LAW bank building PROVO CITY UTAH 11 E UDLEY DUDLEY attorney at law room koom 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH A 0 attorney at law office in gates sn snow block opposite court house V T PROVO CITY UTAH A E ATTORNEY AT LAW LAAN r criminal law a Specia specialty speciale lt y room koom 3 union bunion block provo city ats tah h R G W LL AT ass mss architect and superintendents office no 1 union block provo SAM i eppison JEP EPP Land landscape mape painter UTAH anor F aaa ath streets Birn DEBs 1 AND X IN xv T tal T al TOR U anve ye aae are t prepared tb r reave i e M ave 0 draws il ra d ers ir r make contracts for fo r buildings s ol of all de estimates famished on application ye tle have bave tho the facilities for turing the best beat an and d most durable qualities of BRICK in any raqu required ired quantities fAd liddiard Lidd lard diard co soyo UTA UTAH H 1 THE E 9 X Q U I 1 MONDAY FEBRUARY 27 1893 Buc buckless klens arnica halve the best beat balve in the world for cuts cuta Brn Bru iBell iBen bores ulcers TIl cera salt rheum ph feyer tetter tatter chapped H hands ds chilblains corns an and d all skin eruptions aa and positively cursa cures piles Piff es or 0 na pay required it is guaranteed to div perfect satisfaction or money refunded pries price 25 cents per box for sale by ryn pyne mitsn irl in WK big lack lady in butcher b acher shop chop you c can an put asIaS tda fi SaIf a u dozen of your plumpest plum pest partridges daes butcher r yog caara shall ShallI I 1 bend send them rit ri lit away aiva t jady J ady iipp my husband is out shoot ing parti idros oj today to day and he will call jor for thorn them this evening texas sittings siftings tobacco users when told that toba tobacco cep hurts them their wives never nivardo ni verdo do because shattered ner gervea es weak beak even eyes chronic catarrh and iy ay costman n hood r tells the story it if conr husband uses tobacco you want him to quit post yourself about no to bac he wonderful harmless harmle 88 guar armed to bacco habit cure by bv sending bending for our little book titled dont tobacco spit and smoke your life away 1 mailed freo free druz drug stores ge generally herall sell noto no to tc bac THE STERLING REMEDY CO indiana mineral sprine nam indiana A hundred years year of housekeeping one of the blacksmith shops sloops in William williamsport sport pennsylvania las bat celt berated its centennial it is estimated that eight shoes on an average 0 have been nailed upon horses feet eve every ry nork ork day during the contu century Fy mak ina ectal of 0 about A NEW CAUSE thousands flock to its standard when a tie new vr r arse use is presented to the public it always excias i attention A prominent phy physician sican has said that la Is 1 grippe during daring the last three thred years has done more to weaken the hearts heart of the world than a any 0 v other cause that has baa existed exi sled those who have had bad this malady and subsequently found them themselves subject to palpitation short breath irre irregular gulat pulse wind in ia stomachs ato mache pain in side or shoulders smothering apella fainting intine fain fa tinz dropsy etc may feel assured they have heart disease which unless checked at once may result fata fatally 2 r dr miles s new heart cure is th tatt only ni remedy that can be relied railed udon to et fact a cure sold by pyne maiben on a guarantee rantee ask for the doctor guarantee mua e w 00 k fre frae THE rak n before breakfast cheats a false inbur nr 0 ia 13 appetite A wineglass isa ial ful f dr helit Hei ieya y I 1 8 eno Ei alish ish ht h fore meals sta the digestive orans and enable e a yen JOD to relish a hearty meal without iury EL ai t i I 1 0 OK K T honest klutts Ke aulta 0 OK K ma van nv r of ane pio pioneers 0 ot I 1 oregon and washington have cheerfully cheer folly testified to the wonderful curative properties of the celebrated eleb rated oregon kidney tea purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and tan te taken by the youngest child or most delicate woman 0 K T is a n never ever failing remedy for pains in the back and loins non retention of un arine ne scalding or burning sensation while urinating onna orina ting docous discharges and all kitcey trouble of either box bei 1 at ail ate 0 A hale bale old man mr jas wilson of allens aliens springs who is over CO 60 y years of age says 1 I have in my time agra tried e d a great many medicines med medi cinea borne bome of excellent quality but never before did I 1 find any that would so ap completely do ill all that is claimed forat forit as aa chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy it is truly a wonderful med ci ne for sale by bv pyne maiben STUDENTS GUIDE TO r KEEP ING 1 r 1 PENMANSHIP P SPECIMENS 4 I 1 LEGAL BLANKS SKELTON ca city utah I 1 M I 1 I 1 aar CV 0 F davis davisi i editor ol oi the B loom field ja joys yva farmer bivs davs r can recommend mend chamberlains cough couch ree bern ed edy to all au with colds and crone I 1 have ve used it in my family fortee past two years yeara J and haTe fouad the best beet 1 I purpose for it in is int pUd 50 cent bottles for sale by pyne ilyne maineri baiba Ma iberi SHOULD MOULD BE ARRESTED the Popular Demand wh i what should be ba arrested A excessive nervousness dyspepsia head bead ache nervous debility dullness caH Cull nesa ness confuse ion of mindi mind I 1 nervous prostration etc they a should hould be ba arrested or stopped before they develops into a condition that can but result fatally for this purpose no remedy equals dr miles restorative Besto Restora ratiTe tiye the discovery of tho the re reno mooned specialist whose remedies ares area the wonder of the civilized world I 1 B s sold by avine maiben on IL a gurran guaran ee As aak for foi his book free 2 TM S M ta 11 LW M JC 4 au 1 b M A IM A new and ana com complete treatment consisting if suppositories ointment in ca capsules pepe a also la in box and pins pills a positive tiva cure for external ater internal blind or bleeding It chine chronic recent or hereda hereditary 1 riles betes and ana many other diseases and fe female m weaknesses 1 AM it Is 13 always a great benefit to the gen general era healan the rho first discovery of a medical cure an operation with the kalfe unnecessary bere Be niter this remedy h has never peen deen known to jail fall 1 per box 6 for for 5 sent by mall matl why suffer buffer from traia this terrible gerrib le dig ease when a written guan guarantee littee la Is po positively alve ah 6 boxes to refund the money if not net curett nv send stamp for free sample guar autee A C smith 8 co wholesale an and d re retail tal I 1 d t sole ag agi talor St ahalt lake city d 5 A M 0 B N 21 q 1 R I 1 C N I 1 oi T T lp e I 1 I 1 T M 0 F wr k R ca ulu IR ff va apfl where 11 Q OPI OPIUM U af TOBACCO and COCAINE HABITS HABIT 8 are perlarien per permanently marien aly cured by th tb I 1 new kew improved and 1 1 raul i I 1 I 1 n I 1 LE L E in ra N a I 1 I 1 i C f i I 1 I 1 I 1 to health assi asa ired tired the TheE fremed emedy y being it possesses decided advantages over an an iother treatment ak V I 1 y t Thein the institute st itule abich of the american Iten ledy co Coc cz safi I 1 0 u recently I 1 company with a capitain block f W jh vice president I 1 john 0 graham Sem secretary tary john JR tw elves Treasurer Dr F H simp J wis I 1 I 1 L U kink hing and L hol brook T bojas 10 OM S 11 2 1 A 14 k aijo alvi 4 R BLOCK PROVO s 1 JR y IX f B VAL bector 7 P A person consults his bis best interests ts by having I 1 ja a boy box of CAPSULES at 41 hind hand taken as as directed will pr prevent vent or at pa any kind of bead headache a abe no ao matter malter W what a t the cause in fact if your skull was cracked it would atwould prevent pain the frequency of the attacks will dimini sli and hy by taking the capsules at the ap of a headache headachy coif yon will never have another per box for sale by smoot drug drop co SALARY commission to agents to bandle the datert chemical chemic I 1 ink erasing pencil the most useful use nl an and d novel invasion in ined vanion kioa ol of the age erases in ink IL the theor or doubly in two seconds works like mazle to per cent profit agents making sio we alo wane a general agent to a alte ke charge of territory terri tiry anil and applan apo ilant so azen amenta A rare chance chancell ch ancelo I 1 0 ma lip monel wt write lor for terms and sample ofer asner amne eraser mfg mag cox au lacrosse wis M I 1 I 1 I 1 z va f ta I 1 vf 7 1 Z taj f 1 AD I 1 H I 1 F I 1 I 1 S I 1 ibi caa caveats aad trademarks trade marks obtained and all patent en busness conducted for MODERATE FEES OUR OFFICE C is in op OPPOSITE pestle U S PATENT sad and we mn can se secure patent in ia ten less tune time tola than these remote from M V ashington setd seid mo model del drawing or photo with deschi I 1 tion W e c advise if or note not tree free of f charge our fee not due till patent is secured A PAMPHLET how to obtain patents with cost of same in the U S and for foreign C countries 1 tries 21 1 sent free address A fa aj 1 5 0 va 1 1 A 1 9 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 J scientific america 11 I 1 11 agency for 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 A 1 1 0 V ailt I 1 I 1 1 CAVEATS TRADE marka MARKS 2 DESIGN DESICH PATEN PATENTS TSi COPY copyrights ate art for information and free handbook write to MUNN MON CO SU DRO ADWAr NEW doai oldest bureau for f securing ae patents in arne amen B every e ry bateni t taken z en out arii tb by ns is brought baar b abc the p by a notice given eiven free of ch charge ge in ov dal fifer fumu C i lar I wor arekat t circulation of an adf scientific paper pit per in the tha world splendidly idly illustrated no intelligent man abild be without it weekly a year u uth th aadne M 1 N CO 1 Pari rHEBa a 31 JL broadly Uro broa adway dwy tew new york city BLOM NUB SERI why sen sena d hast east tor for your Frait aad I 1 ornaments Om Orn amenta AND bay when you can get them here at nearly half of agents frie prices as and better stock guaranteed LAND DON DC after any plan also plans and esti mates matea made and stock furnished a reasonable figures 1200 ever eve r greens on hand of different sizes 1000 koses Roses 47 kinds Or orders dersHow how ever small let me price them for saiu s YU funeral designs of every description made on sher notice everything in the florist line call and see west ad street address P 0 box 39 provo city INS FRENCH FEMALE PILLS ICA IC A Ma InIng cotton root boot and penny 0 eldir TIMID A Us tet bea ui olt nii 5 tamale remedy la in aka t vol octh it Ne stains french female 0 11 pula pills have bave boea been agold for over y years sa and ased bya i ia sands of fadlem Lad iea ilbo 10 have given give n that they are R monthey ine medic dicine me for immediate relief ot painful elul irregular I 1 e menses e es fe I 1 bialo W k etc price 1200 12 00 a box full fall directions SO no sum on OB srun rous ca mica for fo r sale rate by bv smoot druz drue co it Is worth the price to every jerboa who even reads a newspaper 21 1 1 I Jour journal itaL THE JOURNAL L ESTERS TO I 1 BLUE PENCIL HOLES BY AGO rs icet primer for the use of reporters cc and copy choppers batt simple and aad practical rules tor for ia n 3 em and a editing gl 1 ting newspaper copy and d c f ednal valna to an all who aleh to write correct english Ene sent on receipt of prim price ace price 10 cents pr c copy 0 py ALLAN borm TORMAN N publisher arr 7 nassau san street new york I 1 9 wig U advertisement a n this column I 1 rent per word each day betle manth lh per line axce except t marriage notices lou birtle bi notices no cices tices 50 cents leath in madts ants lee iree abitua obituary comments 10 cents per er line no advertisement taken foi less ess than 25 cents miscellaneous T abe be patriotic order sons 01 ol america meet evely Thurs thursday dav guht those desiring jes desi rint t i c i matle make application to any aay of the ordo orda C E lodic fsr pirt past president now norvis is Yom Tina the ainslie lumber company must sell bell their entire provo stock sock of lumber and other building build inz material within the r nest ext sixta da days Ts without rel recard ard in n odicee now i amir opportunity to let L et the best br bir 1 in luther ever dver ob bained in arn provo 1111 W B kinn KIN receiver H H DEAN BEA local abent pitovao oct 22 1882 11 anted WASTED WANTED to ex hange a modern resi dence and corner lot in salt lake city for provo property app apply at ENQUIRER office V WANTED pashing canvasser Canvas Ber of good if address Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly pr position BRO BROWN wn bros co nu nurseryman nurserymen Nursery r erdmen men por land oregon t mra TY WANTED to esch ex chanze anee A new brick louse and lot situate at payson city lor for provo city pro property perty enquire of N 0 basir the west end butcher provo t clarl biarl will loan y you 1 U at 10 per cent af pf pr p r annum or 01 will I 1 lurn fisli you oa an abstract of title to your farm fm or home bowe on shortest notice office in fi first rat national bank building provo utah 4 t 13 ayr you a title 10 your home 9 IL I L care an abstract from 1 T i C X a I 1 r p dark clark without witti out delay for e s are dace daria Toas erous and learn the dondit condition 0 it of your title office first national bank Bide Provo utah da vor S sale he cheap tor for cash live five acres acre of very land I 1 in lanak or in lota lot located in the east fields i under union ditch A izord goad chance for working men to get a home at bedrock bed rock prices for farther particulars enquire of E M magdala B R J dugdale provo prove city for sale 4 83 acress ita property situated between first and second streets county road with one four roomed and one 2 roomed houses will sell for cash or exen exchange ange for good farming land mouth apply to J B loye love provo ty d da a w n filp r no I 1 F 1 ST LO I 1 U 9 I 1 Q F Z I 1 aya II 11 to nitice M cit 1 h 11 f 5 as white F L a ab the 0 sun I 1 j i md and A knish your yat r arf at as aa 00 ea as begun CLAIRETTE zw 5 M at will do 0 it it I 1 iad haeng once km fyfit I 1 u ht it voit rever will wilf rue it t I 1 I 1 i I 1 r 1 I 1 4 I 1 I 1 19 na 0 I 1 0 1 10 X 4 1 am 0 i I X I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 t t F r ar b ire insurance life it I 1 dusenberry KNOWLDEN accident 1 plate glass AGENTS live stock rubber kubber stamps and comey tc fco Y xi seals collections made |