Show A MOUNTAIN OF SARK BARK an immense pile of waste that cannot he be utilized I 1 A few miles from mannheim new york there is a village supported entirely by its vast manufactory for changing the cinchona bark into the quinine of commerce several other medicinal extracts besides quinine are got from the bark but after it is put to every possible use there remains a substance in bulk almost equal to the original b bark a rl for which no possible use has bee been n d discovered s usually manufactories manu factories are able e to io t turn u r n their waste products to abla some e sor sort t 0 of f u use se to fertilizers to the making of embankments embankment sto to the filling of uneven ground gro und and if they cannot use them in in some posit positive i ive way they may at least burn bum them and so get rid of the burden not so with this refuse from cinchona bark years ago according to the sew new york sun the manufactory dumped this stuff into the river but the government was called in to investigate and found worthless stuff not only killed but so embittered the waters abey were not fit to drink so it was I 1 forbidden to the manufactory to U us use the I 1 river for carrying off its waste p products rufue ts then ground was bought 1 anti anaa I 1 they started to dumping and now the village rilla gd is under the shadow of a great hill that is rapidly growing and will soon be little short of a mountain this huge artificial mound is an un barren thing zo covering vering many aars acres acrs of soil that might be put to some use user some day an order may come to remove the mountain into the midst of tha ea the manufacturers hope edw eye 61 that science which has ton touched ched I 1 so many unsightly and useless things a magic wand may enchant even abo th embitter batter and worthless refuse of cinchona chi bar bark and make their mountain a goldbin 6 gold mine hin |