Show DAILY KRUMER JOHN 0 csanak Gs AnAK manages gas fas E Qui ruu telephone number is 27 local mention in this column 30 cents centa perlin per line a each insertion advertisements and changes must be sent bent to THE office not later than 10 ft a m w to secure inser on same game dav FEBRUARY 23 1893 change of time via union pacific passenger PosE enger train for salt lake and all points north will leave provo at a m and will have hare chair car for salt lake cassenger Pase ras enger train for all points south will leave provo at 9 SO a m afternoon train traia will leave salt fult lake at 5 p in instead of as aa heretofore arri armine vini at provo p m this train will not run south of provo see ti dirae m e card elsewhere G va W agent feb 23 1893 at children cry for pitchers castoria when batby wu was mick we va gave are her castoria acea hen a ha 12 ew caf as a cald dt s the h a cri cried ad for cas castori to r when the she became miss she clung clone to Ca castoria storla when abild had mildren children she gave cava them Castor castoria ls VICTORY 1 the greatest the world has known to many a man stricken on the fiel bel I 1 of battle the cry of the victory has fallen gratefully but even more grateful to an individual is ia a realizing sense that by the te wo use of dr miles restorative eLbe has aebi ed a victory over any nervous affliction faich as prostration tion eick headache conr memory demory dizziness z sleepless sleeplessness neEs neur neuralgia aldiA avs byox teria tena fits dr dullness illness at sexual bual debili debility tv ir convulsions spinal rr st dance etc testimonials ef thousands of such auch cures are in pos poa Felp sion ot the dr miles medical co E 1 hart ind restorative s sold by bv ayno maiben the popular di on a guarantee ask for fora a book free fi A leader since its first introduction electric bitters has baa gained rapidly in popular favor until now it is ia clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and altern altera tives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach livermor liver or kidneys it will cure sick headache indigestion constipation and drive malaria from the system satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded price only per bottle sold bold by pyne maiben 2 for sale A good farm and stocal ranch 14 milea mile a from price i tation station acres fenced 25 acres lucern good house carrol and aed stable best stock ranch in eastern utah titan at a great bargain call or write writa H WILSON price utah special the union pacific will sell beell roun d trip tickets to spanish fork on feb auary and march let on account Cambrian Welsh meeting at 35 cents tickets good for return march 3rd ard trains leave at a mand 6 40 p in G W craib agent an important Difre difference irence 1 to make it apparent to thousands thon sands w who ho think themselves ill that they ar are e not affected with any disease di seaFe but that the system simaly clen Bins sinz is to bring comfort h home me to their hearts he artst ris aa a costive condition is easily cured by usine busine syrup of figs manufactured by the california fig syrup co tobacco users smiles when told that tobacco hurts them their wives never do because shattered 1 nerve erves neak eyes eves chronic catarrh and lost man hoad tells the story if your youra husband ua nsf 8 tobacco you want him to quit post janst yourself about xo no he wonderful harmless fia rm less guaranteed 0 to o hacco bacco habit cure by bv sending for our lit little tle book titled dont tobacco spit and smoke your life away 11 mailed free drug stores generally sell noto no to bae bac THE STERLING REMEDY CO indiana mineral springs indiana cambrian convention the following are the special rates or the annual meeting odthe cambrian association to be held in spanish fork I 1 utah for the annual meeting of the cambrian association to be held in spanish fork march let the rio grande western has made a rate of one fare for the round trip tickets to be sold eold february and nd march I 1 ast 1st st good until march ard for returning C R ALZY agent provo garden needs I 1 have for sale a full assortment of home grown and imported choice garden and flower seeds in bulhand bul kand a also abo fays prolific currants giant rhubarb roots flowering plants Thor burns extra early potato detato asparagus root et cOrders by mail strictly attended to C gardener florist fourth ward provo t ap 10 0 n U IR EST GONS U BU bin larica N ni aal nn western agent I 1 W FLETCHER room boom bag salt lale lal e sold ard guaranteed in brovo city by P F P EGGERTSEN alipy y aye are reliable boots and shoes ner ne stock aust arrived CALL AND SEE THEM IV center st provo andrew A L drew ettsel eget tseu maneger PROVO MILLI 9 co 00 wm ashworth lessee opposite R R dept provo now new and first class roller mills now in in epe ration and out the finest flour in the west MachI machinery nerv all new and the very latest imar improved 0 d quality and yield of flour guaranteed custom work a specialty L H ATTE 0 CL IER HATT ERzt OUTFITTER 4 3 k we T T want the public bublie 1 to know B L that we e are re im in a position to buy cheaper ch caper a and d under ex X C v asting cire circumstances 1 1 n stances give you the benefit Bene fite we T V e substantiate our claim cli come ome om e and get our v N k prices P r will sell S el I 1 goods ibrom now n ow until nt I 1 0 I 1 6 05 4 ts 4 mare march h ast 1st I 1 S A at 65 cents on the doll dollar ar 2 1 0 A 7 r A 75 ER H ATTER kin 0 r 7 V V THIER H CLO h 0 |