Show kroml M klain alj BV L CGovern governor or bakry through the tha failure of a friend has lost all ilia hia wealth it appears he went security for a firm which failed involving him to the extent of the governor has saved probably from his hia law practice and his hia wife inherited all this may go 90 to aquaro the tha indebtedness ednes that gov mckimley me Mc KI KiMLEr ILEY has been wrung into his H i wife magnanimously cornea comes to her husbands rescue and proposes to sacrifice all her wealth to save what she considers her husbands honor she will not listen to friends who tell her not to part with her home and property and yesterday she decided to deed it all over to the tha ree receiver ew er of her husbands property the case is one that cause much sympathy to be felt for the popular young politician A subs subscription crip tion has 01 been started iu in his hia behalf by the tha ei lincoln lea leano league no club of watertown 1 e N Y limiting the subscription to 1 per individual perhaps other league clubs will follow alis example and see that the man who has done so much for his party be not crowded crowde dout out of political pali usefulness by this unfortunate financial failure if it were a case in which bad management on the part of gov mckimley had brought about his hia own ruination public sympathy 7 would not be 0 so great in his behalf but it is ie a failure in which tho the governor had no parti part except in endorsing notes for a friend etwas it waa simply the majors big heartedness that brought him into trouble the 2 friend who failed had ones once done a I 1 k to sir which the I 1 gave governor anor sough nought t to repay |