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Show FORTY THOUSAND GERMANS CAMPED NEAR WATERLOO LONDON. Sept. 2F. 2:10 P- m. The OstenJ corresondent of the Renter Tele-grain Tele-grain company sends the following dispatch: dis-patch: "Fortv thousand Germans have been cn-rainped cn-rainped In the environs of "Waterloo since Saturdav. headejuarrerj being established at Ruysbrock. All passports to Mns are being refused by the German uuthorl- j ties at Brussels, the object apparently be- ing to prevent travelers seeing the great J amount of army transport which has al- I readv ret imed there from France. j "The Germans have installed heavy I siege guns at Grimherghen and Mey?e. j To prevent the Inhabitants nf ih-ne placet from reporting this f.ct the men have all been shut up hi a church and the women have ben snt to Brusplf. i "As a conseq,uen-e of exhaustion of1 supplies In peine classes of provisions the German governor "f llru.rsls lias con-J con-J esnteil to Burgomaster Max's going to Antwerp with tiie object of eecuring the consent of I lie l-Ielglon qoverumpiit for the distribution C'f provisions and cattle to revlctual the r!t'. The understanding Is that th-'-ae provisions will not be requisitioned requisi-tioned by the Germans. " |