Show TO BE SEEN IN fihs ihs stables of ben E and horace E eldredge Eld visited ben R and horace E eld haye some very valuable hona and cattle at mr eldridges dredges El plase in the fifth ward the place about an acre in extent is a fine illustration of the little barn well filled in which thirsty farmers delight it is covered with buildings and cut up into enclosures in such a manner that a stranger u arry act to lose onlest piloted by someone acquainted with the 9 mr horace E eldredge Eldred pe ia tha one who hakea the interest in tha horses and mr ben pets 35 head of devoos that would be a credit to any place in tha world some pure bred berkshires Berk shirts and a fine coop of langehans Lang ahans complete this choice collection of domestic animals which we had tho pleassie plea saie ef interviewing last tuesday evening the ef the horse department is fair chance a standard trotting stallion he ia a beautiful bay height 16 bands five years eld this sire brino wilkes dam lady alien bt ethan alien fair is a epiro ed intal animal without a bad point he ii gentle and broke he baa not been trained but it is the intention of mr eldredge to pat him in training after the season is over aud there is no doubt but he will make a good record aft ins supe b achion and shows a gait thia splendid chimal is worth thousands of bollara annually to the territory and a credit to tie t ie good judgment of mr horace R eldredge who brought him frem iowa where he was bred the 2 year old french coach mars imported from I 1 rince by M W dunham of illinois ia hands high I 1 he ia a fine spa eimen of tha race and descends from the best families of this jaitly breed of horaces the Perch erous are represented by bicha a beautiful black horse weighing 1700 pounds he will be three years eld in august has good action and is a perfect draft horse in addition to this coraa there are two pure bred imported mares both animals with the best strains oi blood the 1 dredge bros have been breeding horses for a number of years and have borno splendid tirades which ihly are always able to dispose or at a profit scrub cin not be given away this applies to ail domestic animals and eur farmers and block ai e to realize the fact and act ia their own interest by improving their livestock live stock we cama near forfeiting to buntion nun tion the finest team ef their age in tha tei A cipan of well pure bred French coach fillies rose and brunetta not yet two old thy ara perfectly broke and as lively as a pair at kittens aney tok ahe first prize at the last fair aud they will appear on aur street later in the eadson when chy have had a chance at the young gra to which their entire attention is now directed the bovina branch of the etab lih ment ia headed by Md hd ia 4 bars uld and tips the beam at the 1800 ib notch attarah of hi progeny will ba at the columbian woolda fair and mr ben R eldredge Eldr edgo saya is going there himself lo 10 had tha laddie a eran 1 son of Carry pool ia a 1100 year aldand isi responsibly for the Drettie si little of devon babies that can be found auy abere fifteen head of devon coffa are ted in a row ana the carl of con tenement tent ment and bran mash 1 hey all have the blut deyon blood in their descendants 0 Cur pool the greatest getter 01 pr 29 winning deyoub there are ahre arand daughtery daugh tera of moss t and members we were there while the milking was boing on aud one 1 cow had filed a large pail with rich milk and ha another nearh full viett no appearance of tiie acu ati givan out mr eldredge said ache and two pounds of butch a dav lor months and bho looked arcand etli a gratified confirmation ook iu which plainly said she gouid feel ashamed to do anything leas le as than that in reann for the kind treatment ache was rec iving this and ahe condition of all the m ich c ws ano wn more like beef tattle than our experienced hal aused us to believe a cow ha I 1 any lo 10 beb rouB ht out tome in igard to treatment and fed mr eldredge Eldred te eaid he could not afford to fead as much chiy as most people fed their cows one fes d of hay a day wag all he ft d he fed mo lly bran and sheaf ran through a feed cutter and mixed with bruu toe was no greater than nothing but hay as there was bui waite and tle return in milk was anch better than bouli be obtained from chiy alone he did not aay about iha at n of teeing hia cowa fat aad aleek but that id certainly worth rub abin an 1 a visitor to mr eida d es isable cau cot hep oi me difference in jhb appearance of the stock from the usual winter CL e article eliat aumea out in the sprine ike a slightly animated skeleton ap in an old t unk cover after hiang put in the winter sampling shade tit ea i and exir ciao for the i I 1 the above referred to 1 has an attendance of nines ii idenia and und when they are let out of their clean warm quarters for their j meals they make a bce bc e line for the stall j where their or stepmother liaf s they nver make a and after bleir ma ta they toddle back to bed two are generally given to nn cow there is an advance claar ot c avei who have frain tha dimir ait n and apok on the eagerness with which the little idl irti ruh to their meala very much like a emall with bis arst au looks upon hia little brot ler who has not readied aiace of mr eldredge is feeding a two year old steer and a spayed hiiter of the same age for the next territorial fair after the fair they will ha kept in condition for the shambles till next christmas when they will adorn some enterprising butcheri but chera of banness iiii ex packed abay will dress 1000 iba each in to a question as to how it paid to fatten aad cill such valuable cattels mr eldredia Eldr edea said it wa dona to chow the their as beef producers and that the salt lake butcher would pay an extra high price for superior animals for their holiday display the vianit to mr eld dredges and behave something can ba learned by any on who will spend the time it people who have horesa and cows and wh information into practice will of cobrae receive tho greatest tae br othera hava purchased a farm in pleasant view ward and when they et the ary building up the r will th stock there rathey can have mara room aad conveniences and they will spare no efforts to hava the model tock faria of the territory |