Show THE ENQUIRER published eveylne Even lne sundays Ex cepiel BY THE ENQUIRER THURSDAY DIRECTORS H H carra president D jck vice president bous SMITH J E BOOTH J 0 GRAHAM GEO allson H AND J 11 JOHN C MANAt xER d in prow is oni it i t asi mattw RATES b nati 00 six months three ini iuli SO hiie geelt 25 IRMI oiso t ti it alvance al 31 six 11 I 1 ll 11 7 illey rut will be delivered t any part ni the city dt 90 cent pe month or 25 ceata per week alx re alivera ali verv 13 irregular please in iff loui plaint at through c 27 eibl UHS VIOLET the preparation in abe world for goi anil th handa and i 1 DT adil etauta tor but n v i i i sn er bior to and like i it koa ALS sealed crupo lor buil ilin a galio hauae ri i of no il h VIP bixio will le ti is ain irisi irr si nt i J 1 0 cluce 11 iem ie M ia 0 div at chich alii hoir aid bid bids s wi 1 be at abc of said tru teed bail and the contract amaded if satisfactory plans an I 1 can be been at the office 01 U 11 beig in Provo city tha trustees leferve the to reject any ana all bid not considered ad ta the district address mona secretary ot the board of lake view school district i CITY utah fareh 1802 daw perhaps you do cot believe these statements concerning greens august bower i ower well we cant make you we cant force conviction into your head ormed doubting acine into your throat we dont thomas want to the money is yours and the yours and until you are willing to believer and spend the one for the relief of the other they will stay so bohu H foster 1122 brown street philadelphia says my wife is a little scotch woman thirty years of age and of a naturally delicate disposition for five or six years past she has been suffering from dyspepsia she vomit became so bad at last that she could not sit every doai down to a meal but she had to vomit it as soon as she had bateu it two bottles of your august flower have cured her after many doctors failed she can now eat anything and enjoy it and as for dyspepsia she does not know that she eer had it Q T flo small boy steals apples they are green apples and then he has colic cramps and diarrhea and thinks ba golo to dia and wont ever ever iteal again the careful mother always buys a little of hallers pain and the boy li rea to do BO pome more for aale by smoot drug co d e arnica salve TUB BEST SALTS in the world for cuta bruises sores ulsery salt rheum fever korea tetter hands chilblains corns and all stin eruption and positively cures piles or no pay re it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for bale by moo ns co failed to do conr doty everybody has at times failed to do their duty towards themselves binn deeds ot lady readers suffer from sick headachy nervousness sleeplessness and troubles let them follow the of II 11 herbrechter Her bechter stevens point wis aho vho for five years buffered Bufler ed greatly from prostration and sleeplessness tried physicians and different medicines medic inos without success but one bottle of dr carusd gound sleep ever night aud she is feeling like anew person mrs elizabeth wheeler laramie cit wyoming who tried all other declares that after three weeks use of the for headache nervous prostration etc she was wonderfully relieved sold by pyne A maiben col tie free 1 A inel clay rood factory james wardner has found a bread mine in the Oka rogan country the stuff is a clay which when baked is edible it will be canned and sent east along with boned turkey from the cat ranch washington press times 0 fresoli gu 12 SOLO OS A 1 POSITIVE GUARANTEE of disease or any dis ord organs of elihw arising from abo AFTER tobacco or 01 through youthful over indal pence ac such M loss of brain power nines down pains to the baat Hyat erli cerrona pros weak loss of power and im which t neglected altya lead to pre batera oli apa 6 boxes for diw fenc by mall on receipt ot palca A is given tor ever order iw idled led to refund the money if a not effected we have thousands of from old and young ot both sexes who have been permanently cared by tha Clr culora tree mention paper addas THE MEDICINE CO CT washington st CHICAGO oi sold drug a ha the family ira are d to largely tin circulation of theft paper to 10 lo this we following fol lowine unparalleled offer we nd pre tie BOOR a fenili me nili sud clellon tr ua y thi cabok awk h gent to EACH ti mouths an awil be four dan almost cu mary in alie hands of the moat hoie necessity to the aiex ahe one great 1 over li other cobic ot by recipes to bou eulves means under other beadi re lor numerous table insures are agven cipf in act thia cool booi la a con turn ff use fal used and by the abos cir atil roo its annii 73 ane 1 Y coast dudu nned bosy how to prepare the cinat tr ins alii treed rapa t booti abt abene ne y tre to earr s x this 1 no ceab bof k it retails as high as la 15 ni 20 and la worth anany cleint paper hand sam ly illustrated in coined llou with charini ie one and clinice llera anaf acca ip cial as hicls rhe Iash loBS lu doctor and numerous domestic dom eslic Int artst each ably edited by wei 1 on the various topics mei boned alx trial is onla 25 and entitles sender to cop ol 01 fierk bend twenty anva cent la coital note or stamps to tut 78 plymouth place Clile aeo BUT CLASSIC whatever may ce in abc former connection detract irom abe real literary merit the rea im abd ol 01 chirm lu neier ne irr mth py el ido I 1 10 cac tie are eiliv concealed ta be ilc gems ct ll 11 birnn ri leuce it 1 true that ang to fie p to the M hie postal t eave tle itin f thit teuk the n ll and the fusay ahta pro by ahe by s it ib is llusia add bi l alo in ani p tar gus doie caa reap a hit cst by selling this dack A age will teil e library sant to any a roii rc ii of alco sample copies foi agento agent 1 aae daiil CB receipt ceo address me nm CO Era aston PROVO TIM SUCCESSOR oora BAST OF gash paid for fat calves GEO W MICKEL corner N and ath streets t CITY UTA H M M IBA W waffer amm ATTORNEYS E B warnar typewriter OFFICE BLOCK PROVO why send east for your fruit add ornamental faw when yon can ret them here at nearly half ot agents prices and better stock guaranteed laiso GARDENING DOHE after rny plan also plans and estr baoe and stock furnished at reasonable figures 1200 ever reena on of different sizes roses 47 kinds orders however swill let me price them for ion funeral designs of eveia description made on short bisou e everi in the florist line call and see west 31 street or addres P 0 box 39 provo city MJE arah AD repairing co 71 V centre street south side half a block west of meeting house all work done at the factory iu the beat manner and of the buat materials our prices are within alie reach of all so dont wear shabby boots I 1 e t us repair them at once we can often make them better and stronger than when new we guarantee entire satisfaction to every customer favoring ns with orders for new boots and shoes 0 the foremost of our periodicals CENTRE OP ASB IK THE WORLD A sample illustrated sent for nu aws 2 5 cent TUB ISY DR A age g abi the most the largest and the cf tha WARD II 11 hm STORE d carries a full stock of fancy and staple cash paid for fat calves WALTER COX PROP HOLDAWAY BLOCK PROVO AND FURNISH I 1 N ia W lii LH house owners contemplating patting in water service should consult with him 2 boora west of coop co op g store THE PRESS NEW YOEK boo has a larger daily circulation than any other republican newspaper in america WEEKLY she aggressive republican journal of the metropolis A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES founded december DAILY the press is the organ of no faction pulls no wires haa no ties to avenge the most remarkable newspaper success in new york IBS IS A cheap news vulgar sensations and trash find ao place in the columns of the press the press has the brightest editorial page in new york it sparkles with cointa the press sunday edition is a splendid 20 page paper covering every current topic of the pross weekly edition contains all the good things of the daily and sunday editions tor those who afford the daily or are prevented by distance from early receiving it the weekly is a splendid substitute AS AH advertising the press has no superior in N Y THE within the reach of all the best and cheapest newspaper in america daily and sunday one year 6 months one 45 daily on lyone year four months sunday one year weekly press one year send for the circular Cir calar samples free agents wanted everywhere liberal commissions address THE 33 park eow N Y M DEs lia rh raunda Rau noa PORK VEAL as SAUSAGE ETC 3 AH MW pmj TO far abma wa ewt prompt delivery to all parta of the city GOOK SO TT CO the undersigner undersigned under signed have in connection with their business opened a firel dilse asi basss ass mss AT UNION PACIFIC DEPOT LEBI and can furnish all kinds of con vey ances night and day horses and mares lor sale at reasonable prices carriages Carri agea carrying connect with v on tho union pacific and pl lp western peoples co operatis iod GENERAL eli utah EXCELSIOR BAKERY r BREAD CAKES PIES ETC A FINS LOT OF C CAKE AT LIVING ANU seir fr collection liia conr lat larcery cery we have a ulce cozy KOOM oysters and parle house always on band A FINE PLACE ian LADIE theatre aroyo city H E oale loh prop 81 ARM EAT MARKET JE has opened a new shop one door esaf of his old stand where he will felep i corff HAND beat isaf poa N aai bolpa SAUSAGE at C lives and dressed bogs wan free delivery to any part of the city J E the popular tailor Is making to order cheaper than ever UNION BLOCK PROVO V I 1 J T GATES i sr 65 the oldest agents in central and southern utah and the largest agency in utah territory representing the ASSETS FUND AETNA CO of AMERICA OF LONDON HOVE OP NEW YORK il AND LONDON AND GLOBE total assets INSURE TO MORROW IT MAY BE TOO LATE office in gates snow bock opposite he court house constantly on hand at deal staffords affords St coa yard leave orders at or telephone to the grovu and sm iv lag J T city agent W K prevo gity 0 aw m iiii dois bracket vork saving sash and doors Turning 1 and ALL binl florou floe ou abon atia K J ward sons props e abod sar and is cr pleasant valley yf 0 y y JAMES THOMSON president E L JONES secretary L HOLBROOK vice president ali alf ia H H SMITH treasurer JUST OPENED H H bowman proprietor kep on hand a lull stock of choice ssofi ni amp Eol gosa foa etc etc GIVE US A TRIAL free delivery to all parts of the city remember the place corner E and ath streets UTAH utah county savings bank the attention of those desiring to open savings accounts is called to the utan bounty savings bank which allows interest on deposits at the rate at 5 per sent per annum compounded quarterly to loan on approved rea estate security CAPITAL DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT pros B V prea I 1 C GRAHAM W J B E TAYLOE SOUS B MILNEE w H BERKY cashier c A alezier assistant cashier SPANISH FORK cooperative institution DEALERS IN geral merchandise mens floys clothing furniture and produce manufacturers OF imas BOOTS OUT mills turna out flour that ia funbur lapsed in the territory orders for merchandise flour or grain filled on abort notice our motto is to cleage conr customers as L si IJ ajl st aca ea aw iams VS so 0 JOH JOKES SUPT ha vino severed my connection with the provo city lumber co as its superintendent I 1 have accepted a similar position with tha colorado lumber co located on the corner of J and I 1 streets peoro city and will be pleased to greet all my old friends and patrons at my new quarters the colorado lumber co have a large and complete stock of imported and native lumber doors windows sash Moul diniTs and every description of building material wholesale and car ad lots a specialty oar defy prices competition call and sea at the corner of J and fourth streets provo city B II 11 BEAN superintendent 00 A M R we are prepared to receive orders ir make contracts for buildings of all descriptions en appl icat ion we have tho facilities for manufacturing the beat and most durable qualities of in any required quantities samuel co PROVO ap tim fj ia 6 iaLA KB or EZRA H agent or tk iti r atit nt it t heiy af by lr t aftin aart a 1 badua J ia elsh CIC i ittia of lt A no ir inse 01 ft f epcie ti teu or alesa nad MU aft ni it cf e ala tt t t nade rati c olo bollo awit MM alren ii atea ihrl Is civery corns it i awed kria n cl ia to uhro gf f WT i tr i ta ace mabia TT RAILROAD THE USE THROUGH lahie CITY TO THE fache COAST THE POPULAR LINE TO THE MOST ROUTE TO oanfa fe anil new mailco Reach laff 1 the principal towns fand in colorado utah tind new mexico THE UNE TO ALL MOUNTAIN all trains equipped wiell puce and tourist cart illustrated gT SaiTH emit artst kaufer agta pm IB lai DENVER COLORADO |