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Show CLERK OF TREASURY VISITS SALT LAKE James U. Willmeth, ehlof clerk of the Unite S'aten tieasury department in 'A'ashinion. with his wife, stopped in Salt Lake Wednes lay on th- way to fY f-OHSl. for a snort ''in: t with I )r. a nd Mrs. J. V. Jari'-M, 517 I mvnlnton avenue. ave-nue. Mr. and Mrs. WV.lnvt h have ben warm friends of I r. Jai i ctt ami family for mam' vears. Mr. Willmeth 1 on his way to San Francisco t look a ftep t he linal deWi r of the government exhibits prior to the opening of the exposition. IV: had chaise of the money sent to Kurope by the kov-ernment kov-ernment on the battleship Tennessee to accommodate stranded Americans after the beginning of the war. |