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Show SHIPPING BILL FIGHT MAY El : IN COpHE New Plan Proposes Temporary Tempo-rary Emergency Measure With Clause to Terminate Termi-nate Federal Control. CLOTURE RULE IS BITTERLY FOUGHT Opponents of President's i Measure Try to Block Effort to Limit the Speeches. WASHINGTON", Feb. 11. A compromise com-promise proposal, designed to extricate the administration ship purchase bill from the deadlock which has blocked its passage in the senate, and to avert an extra session, was put forward tonight to-night by house Democrats through Representative Rep-resentative Kitchin of North Carolina, chosen majority leader in the next house. The new plan, which proposes the passage of the shippiug bill as a temporary emergency measure, was developed de-veloped while the senate marked time with both opponents and supporters of the measure sparring for advantage. An adjournment of the senate tonight advanced ad-vanced the plans of the Democratic leaders to force a cloture rule that would end the determined filibuster, and an effort to adopt some such rule will be made tomorrow. Time Limit Fixed. As announced by Representative ; Kitchin, the compromise contemplates the passage through the house next : week of the compromise bill suggested by Senator Gore, with an amendment 1 that would terminate the government's, activities in the -shipping business two years after the close of the European war. Despite President Wilson's, announced an-nounced determination to stand by the bill now before the senate in its present form, Representative Kitchin said the house leaders, anxious to avoid an extra session, proposed to put this measure , before the senate and give the presi- j dent an opportunity to accept in the event of the total failure of the pending pend-ing bill. The desire of both Republicans and Demeocrats in the house and senate to avoid an extra sessiou, Representative Kitchin said, probably would give the proposed plan sufficient support to get it through before March 4. He asserted as-serted that the elimination of the permanent government ownership feature fea-ture of the shipping bill would win enough Democratic votes in the senate to pa?s it, and would placate the Republicans Re-publicans sufficiently to put an end to the determined filibuster. Conference Held. Representative Kitchin, Majority Leader Underwood, Representative Adamson and othr bouse leaders conferred con-ferred with President Wilson at the White house today, and returned to the capitol with the assurance that despite the gloomy outlook in the senate the presidpnt was still firm in hi determination determi-nation to press the ship purchase bill even to the point of ceiling an extra session of congress if the measure was blocked unt'l Marb 4. Seuators l-'ktchpr and Simmons also talked with Mr. Wjlsnn. RprpsPntativp Kitchin and other hovj?, members told the president pres-ident of opposition in congress to an extra session, and advised that their information led them to believe that an extra f-pssion would prove futile, because the ship bill would fail to secure se-cure a majority in thp next housp. "The plan in the hons. as tpotative-1-- agreed upon, ' ' said representative Kitchin tonight, "is to pass the Gnre bill with an amendment removing the permanent feature of the pending bill. This will be passed bv the hon?p and f ent to the senate, wfeere t believe it will not- mepf the vigorous opposition that now confronts the shipping bill." Congress Hopeful. M-a mimo an effort. t.HI br- mad to cir-a r up tli"- npropria 'ion m4 sures In orrr that, nothing but the hip hill will r.c xct'x-.z, v.:f-n th. for:frrp?!J expires on March 4. With that se-compliFhert, ;on-srfcsinnal ;on-srfcsinnal 1 ' erf- hopo that an rxtrn j-'-f:--ion may h avoided evf-n if th ship-pin ship-pin hitl fallrf. In the senate thp rjav wa? devnir-r aain to spf-e-h-R on 'he hill ;inrj to informal in-formal c-inffTf-nfeK of learWs of various fay'Mon.H, aft'-r numerous notl'f.i had b"-n xr.'-n of a r)Kuvc niU- to limit (U-),nto. mi t- to'iav S'-nator I, fa. of Te nnKmr tHVc pofh-e of an ainf-ii'lrn'-nt to the ruin whirh v,oiil pro vlo1- for fixini; h t i r r i for a vote on any pfiwlInK Mil, whenever the sna te should nuprain a declaration that obstructive taction wpre being employed. Senator Norrls, who gave notiro several days ago of a rule to limit debate on a bill to three hours for each senator, succeeded in getting" his amendment rfrrd to the committee on rules, w hi'-h will mM tomorrow. TIip pnr-sirg of a cloture rule is a debatable de-batable question and may operate to prevent pre-vent consideration of appropriation hills whi'-h insurgent Democrats and Repub-; Repub-; licans had hoped to undertake todav. ! Regular Democrat!'- leaders expected that ! a motion would be made to take up the, postoffice appropriation bill, hut in view of the cloture rule ef fortn and the fcf J that senate and housjo leaders were alreadv i 1 conferring on a plan to device a tieu ship purchase ni'l. Senators Norris and ' Knyon, who yesterday deserted the ad-mi ad-mi ni:-tra t inn forces, refused to vote for anv motion c-ert one, to adjourn. Tliip left opponents of the phippnig bill helpless help-less and they were forced to mark time. Senator Lodge Fpoke most of Hie afternoon, aft-ernoon, followed bv Senator Newlandu and later by P'-nii'or Dillingham, who dis-' dis-' ' UFserj the president' veto on the Immigration Immi-gration bill. At K olnrk Sena tor D1I- ; 1 iinKh-am Yielded to Senator O'Gorman. who moved that the penal take a ro . until tomorrow. Senator whh on hi ! feet t the time and gained recognition to give, riotl'-e of his cloture rule. 1 i senator O'Gonnan renewed his moMmi : thereafter, whereut jon Ma 'ii-ty 1 ,ender i 'Kern moved 'h;it ihe senate adjourn. 1 This wan carried by a vote- ..f o to . Five progress ve U'-nuhll'';i n pen a tors, i OMnmln?. i'ra(o"d. I ,;i KotlMin, Norrls j and Kfii-on, nu-r to adourn. All the in.Mjryenl I ftro-rn ih '-x-'-nt Senator Vflr-flainan Vflr-flainan v.t'-d au'Jtlt ft tin, motion. The I ivuo rl wa on tin- rtti ure move- j men', for If the p'-juMf. I.d freyyed tlO I cloture rule coiliJ he In order toni'irrow. 1 |