Show I 1 1 1 iam I 1 ans I 1 HE THI my DAY s still thousands are alle I 1 present university A resolution passed establishing one some wise instructions riven iven thursday mo ing ang services com m nead at 10 0 cl ck the tabernacle was well filled the choir san eang the hymn do da batis hat is right the day dawn is Is breaking hailing a future ot of freedom arid and light prayer was waa offered by elder J I 1 1 mcallister McAlli ater choir sang eang tha spirit of god like a fire ia burning I 1 the latter day glory began bagan to corn come forth etc president cannon read the report ot of tile the committee appointed yesterday to prepare plan which reported as follows SALT LAKS CITY april 4 1892 to the first presidency and members of the church of jesus christ of lat ter day saints in annual conference assembled nar dear Br brethren ethron and sisters your I 1 to whom was wan referred the the duty of preparing a plan for action of the ile Cog conference ferene relative to the establishment lish liph ment of a church university respectfully fully submit I 1 the accompanying accod pany ins resolution and we recommend its adoption respectfully your brethren WILLARD YOUNG KARL G Q alasso JAMES E JAMES SHARP BENJAMIN CLUFF jr committee resolution being sincerely dei dw irous roua of fostering fost criag education in our oar midst we the members of the unincorporated body of the reli bious worshippers wor shippers known and designated as the church of jesus jesua christ of latter day dav Sai saints its now in general conference assembled on this ath day of april do respectfully r quest the presiding effi officers cers of our church viz wilford woodruff president and george Q cannon and joseph F smith coun delors all ot the first presidency and lorenzo lorenz snow president and franklin frankl in D ric eichardt Eich bards ards brigham Brig harn youna mosa thatcher francis 31 lyman john henry smith george 11 teasdale Tea adala J grant john W taylor Bl mariner ariner W Merrill Anthen 11 lund and abraham IL 11 cannon I 1 members all of the quorum of ef the twelve apostles for us and in our behalf to 0 o found upon such trusts and to endow in such manner as they may deem wise and prop r an institution of learning of high grade tu to be ba officially named the university of the church of jesus christ of latter day 7 saints but to be commonly called a and nd ael dedig ai bated the tha church university 11 we respectfully request that the university be established at the earliest time practicable ti we wa tha latter day saints hereby express our willingness anu acu I 1 full determination to aid to the full extent of our cur power the authorities of our church in building up said university of thu the church of jesus christ of latter day saints the resolution reported was adopted unanimously the committee was on motion discharged f af arm then addressed th conference ile ho hoped the tha taints faints when the bret br ethien bien addressed them woul I 1 oner offer up a silent alent prayer in their behalf the latter day saints are a laople of revelation lation the church is built on the tha rucia of reVeiR revelation tiOn revelations given in the past lave have been a riat trial to the people those who i are living their religion and are endowed with the spirit of G d are however prepared for any revelation the lord way may rive give to the church all should so order their lives that they ther wilt will be prepared pie pared for any any change they should attend to their players prayers sustain atie work in tithe paying ard otherwise othar wise I 1 observing the iha practical ucal duties of the gospel the church is exten extending din it its in fluence and members are indrea increasing our lauds lands are accumulating our merchandise ms establish establishments mants aro are becoming more numerous now in view of these things cur tithes should increase wt we should bg more prayerful and our laith should increase increate there should be a proper regard for authority the priesthood should be respected and those holding that authority should honor seniority the words of the priesthood should be held as sacred and be honored I 1 have always felt that president woodruff was tle tl a same to me as ai president taylor was and president taylor was the same to as pres doot young I 1 regard the tha frit co coin selar us ai the leader and my president in the absence absen e e of f the first president deni and so iab th e second counselor I 1 was just juat as 6 sura ur that the iha word of the lord came debter y ester day aay from president pre ident cannon aa though thou 11 pr president e aident woodruff Wor druff had bad spoken the members of the priesthood should ra r each other and then the people will respect them S beof the brethren have ex DreSsed ed fears As for my self elf I 1 have no fears for I 1 have great confidence in the saints we should bs be one in the tha spirit of god when then is 13 a division on national party rues hues men inen should not permit to eill Att itter ernets nesa toward brethren when bod yo it feel bitterness toward brethren in of political dif differences ferenc you vou kiy be ba sure that you vou are the lord is working and his spirit is by bv the tha peocla very generally ano tn presidency have no fear ear of atia th 8 apostles or that they are ae going to kojis the cuemy the tha cople p koplo are perio peno it cally caled cale d upon to endure tri trill al ace ti e lord fora lias has tried an 1 proven us ui iu in t V e past and will again test our faithful ierg ie god bleza blass the old men holding the priesthood and aad the young ruen men and all the people aud and all other who ara laborin la bonn forthe for the of the church and ki niolon of god MAJ ilay the lord bleis tweel amen APOSTLE JOHN lembi ait i said h ho had I 1 elt much sati sUction is is listening to tho the utterances ot tio no br bretherd ethern du iou i conference there is n arub wh have been so fully taught in the prine prim I 1 I 1 I 1 ii I 1 5 11 11 A plea 0 the gospel as tho latter day saints ia is after so BO many years of training and n d with the experience we have hate had I 1 it is ia that thai many aresa are switched ditched itched from the track it is necessary always for the saints to keep within them the love lova of the tb truth troth speaker referred to the efforts in regard ito to Erect erecting iLg a monument to the tha memory of that great pioneer brigham Youn zand and urged all to 10 assist in the accomplishment of the work ardans said that dur ing tha conf conference trence his mind had bad reflected on the past ila he was not here whan bhea the cue corner stone of the temple was waa laid he came here shortly afterwards 1 A vast amount of means had been expended in the construction of the etrue tuie true it had been characteristic of the people eople of god in other dispensations to much do such works latter day saints were a temple building burldine people th they OY h hive ivo dote much work in this respect res ct but the they are not through h vet other work of the kind kindall will hereafter be done the lord has revealed many things in relation to the dead and no many more mora things concerning the th dead will be ba revealed president ident woodruff will be there tomorrow when the work of dedi cation is ia done president brigham young and president heber CK cimball willbo will ba there I 1 know brother kimball was waa present at the logan temple for I 1 saw him if we have faith we can see and hear if we have no faith we can neither see nor hear the of the lords day we will know the thin things thina a ot god unless he has got that spirit we shall have shave s to meet meat rewards reward of our acts the te stimon mou ies giyen given us ui will have to be met by us let us oar livet lives to revelation of god the tha work of the lord is ia onward acomparo comparo Coja our arc sent condition candidi on past and it is remarkable how great hay hato been the mut material erial pro gress of the people APOSTLE A U H lu followed ue he spoke on the cha character racier of the faith of oe the latter day saints we had been tolerant to those who entertains entertained d different opi opinions niona to those we had bad forrand and believed in it if we could be ba so tol trant in religious matters batterr mat terr why cannot we be so 0 o in in minor matters the I 1 plia of the go gospel apol should be taught to the beuth the creation of educational institution in zion was a commendable work wo we have the tha gospel with us god has given us ua knowledge for ourselves oura elvea ss as to the di finity of the work wo we ar areen een in oar children should be educated in the fich schools of oe the church where they may be taught in the principles of truth the erection of the under the auspices 0 of f the church is a work that wilt will doubtless be appreciated by the people FRies iDENT azo Q casaert sooke on the subject of the monument to be erected to the tha memory of brigham A committee had been appointed to con consummate summits the work several persons would th tham em sylvea if tead bear the expense of the tha nt ork but it is a moy it in vt which till the saints should if they wished take part subscription may be paid to judge elias A smith of salt like lake city the tha movement is inaugurated with the app approval of ef the presidency of the church in explanation of his of yes berday president cannon said baid that bro bra john henry smith had come to tab th e first presidency and after stating that he was a republican said he wished to go out and speak in advocacy of the principle of ef that party if lia his doin doing so ao would be compatible with his calling and to the presidency the first P presidency said that he wai wa quite at liberta 7 and free diee to do so president Pres cannon otred this expiation because it had bad ben said by some rome cartiea that his remarks of yesterday were susceptible of a wrong impression choir sang an anthem Dane benediction diction by elder john nicholson conference adjourned until 2 the afternoon services commenced at 2 the building was densely packed the aisles being crowded choir sang 11 our oar god r we a raise to thee thanks for thy blessings blasa inga free etc prayer by elder 0 W penrose choir san sang lord T thou ou wilt here hefe me when I 1 oray dray i 1 am forever thins thine etc ate president cannon stated that a great many persons were unable to gain ad mission to the tabernacle and in consequence wa an overflow meeting would be held in ia ties the assembly hall ball over which president lorenzo snow will preside A H janor CAYMON addressed the congregation it was sixty two years since the church ch arch was organized what a marvelous marve leua work had been accomplish edl stills still a great amount of work must be dons dona to effect affect gods goda purposes aaa every quarter of the globie had bad baen visited uy ay our elders A work had yet to be ba accomplished on lands where the gospel gaissl would be ba and reci received ived by thousands it was important that the tha eldera should be ready to assume the labor it was that so eo many young eldera i bound exec executes uses for not responding to cilia calis made upon thesa them to go the into y ine yard var a and preach the gospel this ia i s a I 1 land which god has given to ila his i p people el ople in everything it seems as bough god had prepared this laud land for them one of a city and two of a family re brough there the great native re jourdes of this land should be developed and the lord has baa brought people acquainted with almost every handi efant to this land there should be no idleness every young man should hould be emp employed oved in utilizing tha reso resources arces and forces at our command what will it help us if we go into the temples and yet neglect jaegle ct our temporal tem pral duties tae tew temporal affairs of the work must of necessity ba attended to A great bur jen den rests upon the presidency dency in in connection with the temporal welfare of the church and people which they would ronld gladly relinquish but under present conditions the burden and re must necessarily nece as airily be bor borne no by bv them i PRES presidents IDENTA A 0 SMOOT was waa the tha next speaker ile ho said eaid the instruct instructions iou S given iven at this conference were ware well worthy of th tha acceptance of the tha people ff f the faints would put ebora into ice t ce there would be no doubt about the progress of the work speaker had been inthe in taft church fifty seyen years yeara president woodruff and he be had preached the gospel together have teen neen mostly all the time since enga ad in rui missionary service e when the saints first came here we were flere a humble people god in his providence provi deace demce guided LQ ca the ship zion the laud has been to ilia purposes the people have prospered und and been blessed speak vr rr had done what he ha could to pour oil on the troubled water during the poli icil exciter of late have laid in the dif half what these there papers ana and d stamp sp speakers epe asera eazers said vaa as true bout half 0 of f each political ic al party ought oba 0 be imprisoned for or life had ben berely grieved th combs of semi of th tha Sr brethren grethren awu is bodei e 0 01 ward aad upward aud ak iii 1 le institutions should b foft cintr introduced and fostered for the material leneris of gods work the work we have hava in hand should not be neglected may god help us to t serve him and may wo we spend our strength and means for the building up the kingdom of god the general authorities of the church chare h were presented by president george georga Q cannoa for the act ou on ol 01 tho conference the vote was unanimous in regard to tc all ail the quorum sElder Jonat jonatham hax golden kimball was chosen to fill the bacan vacancy py in tha first seven presidents of wo tho seventies caused by the demise of elder H herriman president cannon then proceeded to describe the ceremonies and other observances ser vances connected with the work 0 ot t weda eda ada in inlaying the capstone 0 cf f the PRES JOUN JOHN MORGAN next addressed the congregation it was a source of much gratification that the saints could worship to together other in peace there had ai always ways been opposition to t the h e work of god and in this there is no exception to the general rule the experience of el the sixty two years of the history et t this thi latter day work nork n ork has hag been of such service ax as to strengthen the faith of the tha believer and jt it would bs sad indeed if after all this experience exper inco men are at last overcome men however will ha be tried as they have never been tried before abere should be no doubt in our minds asto as to the alie grand purposes god has in view great objects are in view and much has been entrust ed to us may we ever be ready to harken barken to the voice and instruction ef cf those god has appointed to direct his wark we rk amen raza PES B Q H ROBERTS said eaid this is a day of warning unto the inhabitants of the earth upon the tha elders who are sent to preach the gospel devolves the tha duty of cf warning the nations of the earth odthe of the iud judgments ments that shall visit fisit the earth re the lord has not only called upon us to warn the people by word of mouth but by our awn example the has said come out of her oh I 1 my my people that ye ve receive not of her eiris bins etc let this warning be heralded to tho the inhabitants of aba eat eaith th that all who would tile the jud ments may seek safety in zion choir sang eang an anthem and conference adjourned until this thia at 10 benediction by elder W 0 daubar danbar dana b a r |