Show power impressions are conveyed in writing by appeals to the imagination of the reader the successful writer brings a picture before the mind and the related knowledge may be like the frame to set off the picture or like new rays of light thrown upon the canvas to give it vividness the value of this related knowledge is well illustrated description of the trial of warren hastings he throws upon the description the light of his vast erudition he stimulates the imagination by all these side lights en chaining the attention so that we see as in a picture that brilliant as eem blage and we are filled with admiration of the acene he conjures up the historian of rome and the eventful history of the eternal city he reveals his acquaintance with art in his happy allusion to reynolds and his acquaintance with the recent achievements of literature in his familiarity with the researches of parr at that time famous he displays his knowledge of the inner workings of society and the intrigues by which thrones are shaken and dynasties are overthrown in bis reference to the salon of mrs montague and the fair haired daughters of the house of brandwick Bran swick and he shows his appreciation of the drama by recalling siddons who in the prime of her majestic beauty looked with emotion on a scene surpassing all the imitations of tha stage aduca tiosav review |